Chapter 12 (Where...?)

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Me: Guess who's back? Back again!

Danny: Way to go. You only left it for 4 months.

Me: Yeah, yeah. I know. But school has started up again, so I'm a bit more busy again.

Danny: Alright, whatever.

Me: Could you just do the disclaimer please?

Danny: Sure. Waves-Of-Fury doesn't own Danny Phantom or any of its characters, she does, however, own Sky.

Me: Thank you. Now, ONTO THE STORY!



"It's time for me to collect what's mine." The voice said and the next thing the class knew, they were back in the class room.

They all looked around confused before Mr. Lancer spoke up, "Well...that was...quite interesting. But, that doesn't mean you all get out of finals."

The class groaned.

Sam looked around before piping up, "Wait, Where'd Danny and Phantom go?"

Everyone turned to the desks where the two should be, but instead found empty desks.

Danny and Phantom were gone.


Danny groaned and rubbed his head sitting up.

He pushed to his feet and heard chains jingle. He looked down to see a cuff around one of his ankles attached to a long chain that connected into the floor.

He tried firing an ecto-ray to break it, but it ended up just making a scorch mark on the metal. He then tried going intangible, but he ended up getting electrocuted, and apparently activating something, because it began to glow a faint green, and he found himself unable to use any of his powers.

He looked around and noticed that he was in a decently sized cage in what seemed to be a basement.

He heard another chain rattle on the other side of the cage, his head whipped in the direction of the noise to see Phantom coming back around.

"Phantom!" Danny whisper yelled.

Phantom shook his head, as if to clear it, before looking to Danny and standing up. "Danny? Where are we?" he questioned looking around.

"I don't know, but we're chained to the floor with cuffs that activate after-" Danny's sentence was cut off by Phantom letting out a small yelp, after being electrocuted by his own cuff after trying to break the chain by freezing it.

"-You try to escape by touching the chain with you direct powers." Danny finished sending a small glare across the room to his boyfriend.

"Well it seems like we're in a basement," Phantom began, earning a 'no shit Sherlock' from Danny, ", the question is, who's?"

Danny shrugged, "Whoever it is, they sure know what they're doing."

Phantom nodded.

"So what now?" Phantom asked.

"I don't know, but we'll figure it out, together." Danny said, sending a soft smile to Phantom.

Phantom smiled back.

~With Sam, Tucker, and Sky~

The bell rang and students began flooding in a stampede to the exit.

"I can't believe Lancer still made us take finals, even after what had happened and with two of his students missing." Tucker said as the three left school.

"I think we have more pressing matters like, oh I don't know, OUR FRIENDS ARE MISSING?!" Sam all but screamed.

"Yell that a bit louder why dont'cha? I don't think the people across town heard." Sky quipped.

Sam rolled he eyes, "Whatever, my point is, we need to find them."

"Yeah, but where could they have even gone? We don't have any info at all. All we know is one second they were with us, and the next they were gone. Do you guys know anyone with that kind of power? Because I'm new to this whole 'ghost hunting' thing." Sky said.

"We've kept a list of all Danny and I guess also Phantom's enemies." Tucker said, pulling out his beloved PDA.

"Alright, then that's a start." Sky said.

Sam nodded, "Let's go to my house."

"The search begins." Sky said, and the three headed towards Sam's house to start trying to find where Danny and Phantom were.


Me: Ta-da! Sorry it's a bit short.

Danny: So do you even know where you dropped us?

Me: I have an idea.

Danny: And you're not going to leave this for a long time again?

Me: I'm going to try my hardest not to. I'm trying to update more often, I swear.

Danny: Alright, I guess.

Me: Well, anyway, as I said before, school has started up again for me, so I'll try and update as much as I can. I swear. Anyway, that's all for now. What'd you think? Till next time, bye!

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