M.D.J. [56]

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I really feel sorry for Jihye.



Oh my god! Judilyn was so beautiful in the photoshoot! Go Judi!


I am really excited for the next episode of Asia’s next top model.


Stop being a shitty nagger and just fuckin’ answer the damn question! Simple as that!


I hope I feel better soon. I hate being like this—suddenly having a fever.


I’m afraid I can’t update soon. I’m sick and can’t think of any ideas about my stories. I rather want having a writer’s block than being like this. T.T


You’re impossible! *roll eyes heavenwards*


I want those clothes!


I can‘t sleep. God! It makes me worse!


Okay, what the hell is going on here? Could anyone tell me, guys?

M.D.J.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon