Grouped by anime (alphabetically) so newest ones might not be the last chapter updated.
Welcome to my book of anime lemons/one shots: Im taking requests for the following anime/manga:
Fairy Tail
Fairy Tail Zero
Black Butler
The Devil Is A...
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Ja'far strolled through the palace halls. Like every night at this hour the place was deserted.
Last nights festivities had long since came to an end. The whole kingdom of Sindria had long since retired to their beds. Well everyone except Ja'far.
Ja'far had never been one for big crowds and the party last night had brought in a massive one. The King of Sindria, Sinbad had once agin successfully captured a dungeon bringing his total count up to Seven. He was know the conquer of the seven seas and the seven dungeons. It was a perfect reason to celebrate but more so than usual Ja'far wanted to avoid the party.
So instead he decided to slink away and complete the paperwork he had left behind.
Fully engrossed in his work he had failed to notice as the hour got increasingly later. What started of as early evening, soon became early hours of the next morning.
He had just wiped the sleep from his eyes as he continued to walk down the hall when he heard a series of strange sounds. It sounded like a sloshing, then a grunt and finally a thud.
Dropping the blades from his wrists, he moved quickly round the corner. He was curious as to who or what made that sound. No one else should be up at this hour.
However when he turned round the corner his gaze instantly softened. For there collapsed in a heap on the floor he found a very drunk Sinbad.
"Ja....*hiccup*....far! There you....*hiccup*....are!" His voice called out breaking the nights silence.
Ja'Far instantly rushed to his kings side. Once again the purple haired male had ended up drunk and was now paying the price. Before he would have felt pity for his friend, now it just agitated him.
"What are you doing Sin?" The white haired general asked supporting the purple haired drunkard under his arm.
"I was looking for yoooouuuuuu" Sinbad sung swaying on his feet.
"I was finishing off the paperwork you left behind when we went dungeon capturing again. Someone has to do it, and we both know it won't be you" Ja'far scolds as he struggles to direct Sinbad too his chambers.
"Your so good to me. Always by side" Sinbad hums suddenly breaking free from Ja'far and tripping up instead.
Once more he landed face first in the ground and his eyes began to well up with tears. "Ja'far?" Sinbad questioned reaching out for his general.
"Sin?" He questioned kneeling down next the crying king.
"It hurts" He cried. It was then Ja'far could see the red seeping through the bandage on Sinbad's chest.