Awkward Confession

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Hello young readers, welcome to my probably next crappy book , no hate plz. And Enjoy ((: Also if your not comfortable with cuss words and lemon stuff, I suggest you not read this book as it might contain THINGS

Third Person Pov

Natsu, Lucy, and Happy came back from a job which was taking out a gang trying to take over a town. So now they're walking back to the guild.

"Hey Happy, you think that town owner think they should've gave us food as an award instead of cash?
"Aye, I could really go for a fish right now, a juicy raw fish.
"Hey, we need that money more than food, I gotta pay my rent for this month.

"Yeah, but we're hungry, they both whine.
"Then let's stop by my house, I'll cook you guys something and while you guys are eating I'll pay the landlady and take a shower. "Aye sir! They go to her house. She gives the landlady the money, makes food for Natsu and Happy, then showers. "Happy, come over here. "Is something on you're mind Natsu? "It's just*sigh*what am I gonna do? "What do you mean," he questions the fire mage who seems to have something on his mind. "Hey didn't I tell you this before?, he asks angrily. "Uhhhh...


"Hey Happy, I need to tell you something. "Sure go ahead Natsu Ill be listening ALWAYS LISTENING, he says watching Carla sip her tea. "Ok, you know how its been a long time since we've known Lucy and its about to be our anniversary when we first met her. "Oh yeah I remember, that was when we met that Salamander poser who tried to kidnap her but what about it.

"Wait a minute, he smirks. "You looooooove her, don't you Natsu 😏. "Not this again Happy. "Natsu....... WHY DAFUQ YOU LYING, WHY YOU ALWAYS LYING, the blue cat teases. "Happy can I just say somethi-. "STOP FUCKING LYING NATSU, YOU LOOOOOOOVE HER. "HAPPY! "WHAT!? "LISTEN TO ME, please. "Ok fine, what is it. He takes a deep breath. "I do love Lucy.

*Happy gasps with excitement*. Then grins evily. "What did you say Natsu, I couldn't hear you the first time😈.

"I love Lucy. "Didn't catch that can you say it again. "I Love Lucy, Natsu says more annoyed. "Natsu you're going to have to say it more louder if you want me to know.

"I LOVE LUCY!, says Natsu loud... Too loud for the whole guild to hear. "Did Natsu just say he loves Lucy?, questions Mira serving drinks. "N-no I said um I love Yeah thats it.

"No you didn't you said-. "Hey Happy, remember that fish I was going to get you about right now, he says glaring at the blue exceed who craves the word "fish". "Aye sir, let's go get me a yummy fishy.

~End of FlashBack~

"Oh yeah, you told me is this the day you're going to tell her how you feel.

"Yeah but I don't know how to tell her, he looks down embarrassed. "Will you please give me advice, Happy. "AYE SIR!

"I, Happy the CatMander Love Expert, shall help you.

"Yes Sensei, tell me what I ought to do.

"First you buy her a fish, thats what I use to impress Carla. "I see but does that even work, I mean I see you get her a fish but she doesn't seem excited about it.

"It's called Rejection, my friend it hurts but I wont let that stop me from Loving her, I, Happy the CatMander Love Expert shall teach those who seek for love help and never stop loving Carla, he says proudly.

"Any thing else, Sensei. "Yes, try scaring her that'll work. "Ooooo I like that idea, should I do it now since she's in the shower. "Yes, go my friend let your happiness begin. "Ok wish me good luck. "Oh I will. He goes to the bathroom. "Poor Natsu, he doesn't know whats coming his way.

Meanwhile, Lucy in the shower

Wonder what those boys are up to she thought to herself. As she turned off the water, and reached for a towel, it was missing! Now where did I leave, I couldn't have left it in my room I brought it with me. As she swished the curtains away, there was an unexpected visitor waiting for her.


"Is that all you wanted, you could've just said that sooner. He covers Lucy's well uh
....breasts. "There is that better, Luce? "NATSU DRAGNEEL GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME AND GET OUT OF MY BATHROOM, NOW!, she screams with frustration.

"OK geez, I was just trying to help. Lucy finds a chancla and throws it at him.

"Ow, hey what was that for, he groans rubbing the back of his head. "Oh what was that for hmmm lets see.... Oh I know for SCARING ME, DISTURBING MY SHOWER, STEALING MY TOWEL AND GRABBING MY BREASTS WITHOUT PERMISSION, SO GET OUT! "Sorry but I just had to tell you something very important. "WELL CAN'T IT WAIT!

"No, It can't because what I'm about to tell you might affect our friendship. "How can anything you have to say affect us? He closes eyes and says, "I love you", not loud enough for her to hear. "What'd you say, Natsu?

"I said.... I love you, he says sheepishly. "Bye Lucy", and with that he runs past Happy and jumps out of the window. "I love you", those 3 words can't get out of her head. He loves me?, she thought. She has always loved the fire dragon slayer but she never had imagined this day to come for him loving her as well. I need more time to think, she says.

Meanwhile with Happy

Aye, poor Natsu too scared to face her, well I might as well go after him since it'd be awkward for me too.

End of the first chapter, hope you enjoyed and if its crappy I'm sorry that I ain't a good author. I wasn't born to be the best at it, but..... Hey we all have flaws so yeah and Also Happy Easter! 🐰🐣

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