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Lucy's Pov

I slowly open my eyes, my vision is a bit hazy at first. Then I got my eyesight back. I was resting in my room? Thats weird, the last I remember was me in Natsu's arms dying.

Wait,  Natsu! Where is he, I need to know where he is after everything that happened.

"Good morning Luce".

"Natsu, are you alright, what happened, is the guild destroyed, is everyone else OK?".

"Geez Lucy, Calm down with the questions".

"Sorry but I just wanna see if everything's OK".

"Yes I'm alright, the guild isn't destroyed thanks to us, everyone is OK as well".

"Thats good to hear but what happened to me?"

"Well its a long story".

*he tells her all of the details including about Sting*

"I see, he did that for me?"

"Yeah, never expected that to happen".

"Natsu, can we visit Yukino's grave, I'd like to pay her a visit".

"Sure but why do you wanna go".

"Cuz I have these".

I show him the pictures I had of Sting, Yukino, Lector. If you're wondering how I got them or why I have them.

I found them when he kidnapped me and I'm planning on putting it near Yukino and Lectors grave for memory.

"Alright then let's go".

Normal Pov

*they walk to the cemetery with the pictures and flowers in their hands until they found their grave*

Here lies:                 Here lies:
Yukino Eucliffe       Lector Eucliffe
Fun loving wife     Fun loving kid
of Sting Eucliffe   Son of Sting and
Mom of  Lector     Yukino Eucliffe Eucliffe

They set the flowers and pictures down while they paid their respects.

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