Avoiding Lisanna

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Natsu and Lucy walked to the guild holding hands. But one thing they forgot was that........THEY WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO CUZ THEY WERE KEEPING THEIR RELATIONSHIP A SECRET! But of coarse they forgot and when the guild doors were opened, everyone kept staring at the odd image.

"Are they dating? "Thats not a good ship" "Aww they so cute". All the whispers they could hear.

"Um *ahem* Natsu do you and Lucy happened to be dating, you two are holding hands", Lisanna said with a worried look on her face hoping for the answer to be no.

"Whatttt?!, Pbbbffftttt no we're not dating we're holding hand because.........theres a gang on the loose",Lucy nervously laughs and fake smiles.

"What no there ai-. But before Natsu could expose them Lucy gave Natsu a quick Lucy kick right in the D area.

"Arrgggggggghhhhhh, my dragon balls fuck I can't feel them. Natsu limping towards the table holding his "dragon balls". "Natsu!!!!, do you need an ice pack or my love, Lisanna says worried? "No I just need love from Luc-. "Shhh shhh shhhh. Lisanna holds Natsu, but near her chest area which makes Lucy a little no VERY jealous.

"ATTENTION BRATS, I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE. Master clears his throat. "There's been rumors going around from guild to guild that there is a gang who likes to kill for fun, and another rumor says that they're are now after the Fairy Tail guild. Everyone gasps in shock. "Master, what are we going to do about this. "I know what I'm doing, I'll be going after them and turn them into Ashe.

"Natsu I cannot let you do that. "But why not, if they're after us shouldn't we do something about it. "Yes I know they're after us but, I can't risk any of your safety that's the last thing I'd want to happen. "So what are we going to the gramps, we can't just sit here and do nothing. "That's the only thing you all shall do, but never keep your guard down.

"Natsu since there's people after us do you and Happy wanna form a team with me, Lisanna asks smiling. "Uhhhh sounds like a good idea but I already am in a team with Erza, Gray, Wendy, and Lucy. "Oh ok but can we at least hang out today.

"Sorry but I have plans with someone else. "What would be better than hanging out . the me, she starts annoyed. "FYI,I . told you I'm busy, are you deaf?! "Fine,but I just want to hang out with you. "Soon, don't worry, but I gotta go see you later. "Later, she sighs.

"Natsu I need to talk to you about Lasagna. "Wait Lasagna?, who's lasagna? "OMG my bad I meant Lisanna sorry I'm just hungry. "I see but what do I need to know about "Lasagna",he makes air quotes and starts laughing".

"HEY!, it was an accident and this is serious. He stops laughing. "Okay than what do I need to know? "The other day when we were asking the guild and when I asked Mira she told me that Lisanna likes you.

His smile then fades and turns into a frown. "I was afraid of this, so that's why I was thinking of avoiding her. "But Natsu-.

"I don't want her near us or else she'll find out easily I know her she figures stuff out easily and when there's something suspicious she wont stop until she drops, yes it'll be mean but we HAVE to keep this secret, you understand. "Yes and I guess your right. "I don't wanna do it either, but we'll just pretend we're going on several missions. "Okay.

*next day*

"Hey Natsu, wanna go on a mission with me, just the two of us well with Happy of course? "Sorry Lisanna can't I'm going on a job already, later gator, he runs off hoping she doesn't go after him. "After a while crocadile?

*the next next day*

"Hey Natsu wanna go on a j-. "Sorry Lis, but I'm busy. "Oh ok.

*the next next next day*

"Natsu can we talk about something, but don't run away this time. "Sorry its past my bedtime, GOTTA BLAST!" NATSU DRAGNEEL FIRST OFF, ITS 3:30 SECONS YOU'RE AN ADULT YOU DONT HAVE A BEDTIME! What is up with him lately, Lasagna thinks to herself.

Helll readers hope you r enjoying this book, and was originally gonna post Friday but that was my cat's birthday. And Saturday was busy with personal issues. Well, GOTTA BLAST!

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