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"Open gate of the celestial, fire WIZARDS, UNISION RAID", they said as their powers combined hitting the lacrima bomb. Making it.

Wait for it..................

Wait for it.....................


(So those of you who commented The answer B you were correct but thx for guessing tho)

"Luce, w-we we did it", Natsu cheerfully sighs.
"Lucy", he called but no response.

He turns to his side and his heart just starting gunning. The love of his life is there coughing out blood, there too weak to move, her eyes turning a different color.

"LUCYYYYYYY", he yelled as tears started coming down on his face.

"Natsu, its *cough* alright, I'm *cough cough* fine", she says with a weak voice.

"Levy, what happened why is this happening to her and not to me".

"I dont know it doesn't say anything about coughing blood or weakness here in this book". Her eyes widened.

"Unless there was some sort of spell that later within the bomb, HEY ERZA ARE THERE ANY LEFTOVERS OF THE BOMB".

"There's this thing" she gives Levy some clock thing with an egg on top.

"What is this". "I have no idea but thats the only thing left of the L.B".

" I need to do research on it", she says holding the weird clock egg thingy.

"Plz do Levy, I can't bear seeing Lucy in so much pain", Natsu says holding Lucy in his arms while having some blood on him.

"Natsu, really I'm *cough* not *cough* in pain *cough cough cough*".

"Shh shh shh, dont say a word you'll be fine in no time we'll find a way to cure you but for now dont move and stay strong".

"But Natsu". "Yeah Luce".

"I love you", she slowly uses all her might to get up from where she was at and kisses him then falls back unconscious.

"Luce, LUCE!?, LUCY WAKE UP DONT LEAVE ME", he starts sobbing on her.


"NO, Lu dont die plz", says Levy stroking her hair with one hand while the other is carrying the egg clock thingy, tears streaming down her face.

"Lucy, wake up plz you're like my mom plz", Happy says crying while holding her hand.

"Levy did you find a cure, plz say you did"

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"Levy did you find a cure, plz say you did".

"No, I didn't, I feel so damn useless, I'm sorry Lu", she says disappointed while trying ber hardest not to cry.

"Aww Shrimp don't cry", Gajeel says holding a crying Levy.

"I know what was the spell", says a familiar voice.

"Who said that". Natsu's eyes widened and filled with anger.


"Long time no see Dragneel", says a handcuffed Sting slightly smiling.


"Calm down and let me talk, will ya".

"*ahem* That spell I put in the L.B was meant for you not for Lucy, it is a Cough Blood Curse aka CBC, what it does is whoever hits the L.B it makes them lose their energy and magic power, the victim will be coughing out blood obviously their eyes will also be changing to a different color then they'll pass out but they wont die yet they 20 minutes till they die".

"You monster".

"Natsu let him speak we need to know how to stop it before its too late", says Erza stopping the angry dragon slayer.

"As I was saying the only way to reverse the spell is a human sacrifice willing to say the chantment and will take their last minutes of living and die".

Natsu's eyes widened.

"If a human sacrifice is all it takes then so be it, Sting what is the chantment I have to say".

"You're doing it", he questions looking puzzled.

"Duh, I want her to live life, I know she'll be sad but if she were to die I wouldn't be able to live life without her".

"Natsu wait, I came here for a reason".

"Oh?, and what was that reason".

"I came here to say Sorry for everything I caused you and Lucy and the rest of Fairy Tail, I know you all won't forgive me and I'll respect that but I'll be doing the human sacrifice for her".


"You know the reason I was so overprotective of Lucy was because she reminded me of someone I used to love, her name was Yukino but she died along with our son Lector(I know he's an exceed but I wanted to make it their son:3), and Yukino was a celestial Wizard as well and beautiful, so Lucy reminded me of her".

"Wow Sting, actually I'm surprised to say this but i feel bad for you snd thank you for doing this".

"No problem Dragneel".

"By the way, did Yukino really look like Lucy"?

"No, but she was beautiful and was a celestial wizard like Lucy, Yukino had short white hair and pale skin".

"Hey she sorta looks like Lisanna then".

"What the fuck, eww you mean Straws?, no Natsu just no dont Compare Yukino to Lasagna, she's just ugly".

"HEY, thats my sister you're talking about", says Mira a little triggered.

"Sorry but truth be told she really is an ugly sight but enough with the chit chat, I need to do the chantment".

"Everyone stand back".

Sting begins chanting.

"Oh Cough Blood Curse dont take this innocent poor soul, please exchange this human to live life as in return I shall spare mine for this one to live, EXCHANGE", he says the final word and immediately red aura surrounds him and Lucy.

"Arghhhhh, this hurta but this is what I deserve".

Lucy and Sting immediately switch health conditions, so she's back to normal healthy but just asleep, Sting in the other hand is suffering the CBC pain. He starts coughing blood more and more.

"Sting, are you okay with this", Natsu says holding Lucy by Sting's side.

"Yes, I can finally be with Yukino and Lector, plus I'm not wanted here anyways she is, just tell Lucy what I did for her and that I'm sorry for the pain I've caused her and also that I love her, not in that way tho", he slowly closes his eyes and dies by Natsu.

"Sting, dont worry man I forgive you just thank you for what you did", says Natsu getting a little teary eyed.

Haiiiiii, sorry for making this chapter sad, I wasn't intending on thw chapter to be sad. Yes I made another spell up and Sting is no longer evil he's good and is dead. At least Lucy's back, right?? Anyways the next chapter is the last chapter, I know you love this book but sadly this day would come. Until later, gotta blast

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