Our Little Sceret

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"I love you", "I love you", "I love you". Those words couldn't get out of Lucy's head. So what now, she thought as she walks to the guild.


at the guild*
"YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME, ICE PRINCESS. "BRING IT, FLAME HEAD. "Can you two knuckleheads stop fighting, I'm trying to eat my cake in piece", says Erza taking a bite out of her cake.


"FIRE DRAGON ROOOOAR". "ICE MAKE SPIKES". "Can you to stop for the last ti-. "ERZA LOOK OUT! Before Lucy could warn her, it was too late, her saddest day ever. "M-m-m-my cake, Erza cries looking at the burnt cake that still has fire left from the attack.

"Erza, your hair is full of ice, says Lucy pointing to the red heads well iced hair. She slowly turns her head and glares at Natsu and Gray holding each other in fear. "NATSU, GRAY, YOU TWO WILL NOW SUFFER THE PUNISHMENT OF MURDERING MY CAKE, Erza yells requipping into her armor.

"W-we're sorry, ma'am we will do anything to please you but please don't hurt us", they reply still holding each other. "NOTHING WILL BRING BACK MY CAKE, NOW YOU TWO SHALL DIE, she says aiming her sword at them.

"Um Erza, can I borrow Natsu I need to speak to him, Lucy says trying not to make the red haired mage even more angrier. "Go ahead but I better have him back for his punishment. "LUCY TAKE ME NOT HIM HE'S GUILTY, Gray whines avoiding punishment. "Don't worry Erza, you take care of Gray's punishment and I'll take care of Natsu's but I just really need to talk to him.

*conversation with Natsu and Lucy*

"Lucy, how can I EVER repay you, you just saved me from death/brain damage. "You don't have to do anything, I just came to ask you about what you told me yesterday. "Oh.........Yeah I know what you're going to say, you don't feel the same way its okay I understand. "W-what No Natsu that's not why I want to tell you, I wanted to tell you tha-. "Its no worries, Luce I know. He walks away. She hugs him from behind.

*Natsu turns around*. "L-Luce,? "Natsu I love you. She kisses him.

 Then a certain blue exceed comes in

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Then a certain blue exceed comes in. "Hey Natsu lets go on a -. He sees them kissing. "Oooooooh they in looooooove, maybe I should leave them be".

*the next day*

Natsu and Lucy have been holding hands walking to the guild. Huge grins on their faces, blushing like crazy. But then there was the awkward silence. Natsu must've gotten tired so he tried to break the silence between them but Lucy beat him to it. "So........should the guild know about......us? "I don't know would people agree to our relationship, I mean I remember when Lisanna used to like me and I remember last time she asked me out and I said no then Mira and Elfman came to me with their Satan Soul forms, boy was that scary. "Well we'll see, wait I know, we should ask the guild if you and me would be a cute couple and see if they would love us to be together. "Sounds good but you ask Mira and Elfman I don't want to get killed. "Alright, scaredy cat. "HEY YOU DONT KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE TO BE KILLED. "OK OK I'm sorry.

*During the poll(an interview basically)*

"So Mira, do you think me and Natsu would be a cute couple?
"Wellllll...........at first I did, but now I ship him with Lisanna they make such a cute couple, she fangirls. "I see.......well what if Natsu and I were dating what would be your reaction?"

She turns her head slowly showing a sinister glare. "If he broke my sister's heart, I WILL KILL THAT LITTLE-. "Calm down Mira it won't happen, I say trying to calm her down. "Ok good, if he did then Lisanna will be heartbrok- errr I mean then my ship wouldn't sail", she says flashing a fake smile and laugh.

"Mira is there something I should know"? "*sigh* Since you're my friend I'll tell you but you can't tell no one, especially Natsu and Lisanna. "Is there something wrong with it?

"Lisanna still likes Natsu", she sighs. "Wait-, what do you mean by still"? "Back when everyone was young, Natsu and Lisanna were fake dating when they were hatching Happy she liked him alot but didn't have the courage to say anything but now she's planning on telling him of how she feels". "WHAT SHE CAN'T DO THAT NATSU IS MY BOY- I mean you think he'll like her back, I manage to say gritting my teeth forcing a fake smile.

"I'm pretty sure he will, but if he doesn't, then happiness will not come his way when I'm around. "Ok well thanks for everything Mira, see ya. "Bye".

*back at Lucy's house*

Now Lucy and Natsu are deciding whether who likes the idea of Nalu or not and if they should tell the guild.

"So the people who said yes to NaLu are Juvia, Levy, Gajeel, Erza, Romeo, Wendy, Carla, and PantherLily.

"Then people who said no to NaLu were MiraJane, Elfman, the Thunder Legion, Gray, Cana, Macao, Jet and Droy, and the rest of the guild.

"So then I don't think the guild should know about us since not much people agree to our relationship. "This sucks, I can't believe that many people wouldn't like us to be together. Lucy begins to tear up.

"Shh shh shhh, it's ok we'll just have to keep it a secret. "I know but I hate hiding it from everyone. "Don't worry soon they'll know so it wouldn't be a secret.

*should I tell him about Lisanna?, Lucy can't stop thinking about what Mira said. No, I should wait a little on this. They spend the rest of their night hugging each other..........on the floor.

Hello readers, I'm sorry for the long wait. There was no Wifi at my house for who knows how long, and When we got Wifi back I got grounded😤and my phone got taken away as well as my laptop, tablet, the TV which meant no anime until May 1st which happened to be my dad's birthday so I was occupied for that long I'll try to post more often.

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