Sting and Lisanna's Plan

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This chapter is dedicated to my friend. Happy Birthday, ily😘💗🎂🎉

Lazagna's Pov (Yes Lisanna's name will still be Lazagna😂)

Ugh, where on earth is Natsu. I can't find him anywhere. He better not be with Lucy.

Anyways what's so great about her, I've been around Natsu my whole entire life. Maybe I should ask Mira to see if she knows where Natsu went.

"Mira, do you know where Natsu is at, by any chance"?

"He's probably with Lucy, but I dont know why dont you go look for him".

"Ugh, fine thanks anyways".

Well that helped a lot😒. I need to tell him how I feel about him sooner, before that Lucy gets to him first. Then I see Natsu, but he aint alone. Great just my luck, Lucy's with him.

"Hey Natsu, wanna go on a job with me", I ask. "I can't Lisanna, I'm busy".

"I'll buy you food". "..." "Okay, Lisanna lets go, COME ON HAPPY FREE FOOD. "Wait Natsu didnt you say we were going somewhere", Lucy glares at him tugging his shirt.

"Oh yeah but I'm hungry an I haven't had time with Lisanna in a while, so mind if I just go on one job with her", he pleads with puppy eyes.

"*sigh*Okay you can go". "Yay, Happy Lisanna let's go". "Aye Sir".

Lucy's Pov

That bitch. I know what she's tryna do. I can see that look in her eye that she's tryna separate me and Natsu. Ima go follow them to make sure she doesnt put any moves on my man.

*during the job*

"So Lisanna what's this job about anyways". "Yeah and when am I gonna get my yummy raw fishy". "Yeah but Happy, fish tastes better when its cooked". "No, raw fishys are better".

"No cooked fish have a juicier flavor than old boring raw". "You just gotta add a lemon and it'll be better than a non edible fishy".

"COOKED FISH"! "RAW FISH"! "Thats enough you two, here take $400 to get some food just order me a salad". "Yay fishy here I Come".

Lazagna's Pov

While they eat, I need to find out how I'm gonna tell Natsu my feelings. OK Lisanna you can do this, lemme just practice on this bird.

"Natsu, I know We're just friends but I've loved you for a very long time, do you feel the same for me".

The bird just looks at her like if she lost her mind.

"What are you looking at you stupid bird".

"Hey watch your language I may be a bird but I have feelings to bitch". He fly's away.

"Go duck yourself".

"Correction its GO FUCK YOURSELF, you called me stupid yet I'm the only one here who actually has intelligence and common sense, so I'd rethink your words sweety".

"Argh, stupid bird who does he think he Is, whatever I still need to think about what ima say To Natsu". "So you like Natsu, eh?" "What, who are you".

"I'm right behind you, dumb ass". She turns around. "Man that bird was right you really are stupid". "Watch your words blondie I dont have time to deal with your bull crap".

"But a little bird told me you liked Natsu". "A little bird? "Yes and I'm actually not fond of Natsu Dragneel, but I am very fond of the girl he's with Lucy Heartfilia".

"T-the girl he's with"? "Yup, so they've been lying right behind your back this whole time". "Little bitch took my Natsu".
"Correction that son of a bitch took my Lucy, and since we both like each one let's work together".

"Who are you, why do you choose me of all people"? "I'll answer that later, but if I get Lucy you get Natsu all to yourself no one else but you". "Deal,whatever your name is".

"My name is Sting, or should I say Lucy's only one". "I'm Lisanna Strauss aka Lisanna Strauss Dragneel, wait Sting as in Sting Eucliffe the guy that burned down the Heartfilia Estate".

"Yeah thats me but dont worry about that, its all in the past now shall we start our plan". "Yes we shall, and I have an idea for the first part of it".

*time skip to Natsu and Happy done eating their food*

"What the-where did Lisanna go"? "I dont know, maybe she went on the job without us". "Hmm maybe, ah who cares what happens to her, I just wanna go back to Lucy". "Wait, Natsu look there's a note".

*note to Natsu Dragneel*

Hello Dragneel, Im pretty sure you know who I am, enough of me I have one of your friends hostage I think her name was Lazagna Straws? I dont know but I have her and I'm coming after Fairy Tail now so you better come or they're all dead especially little Lady Lucy Heartfilia,

Sincerely Sting.

Sting. You.... Fucking son of a bitch. No one messes with my friends, especially Lucy.


Then Happy carries me full speed. Sting you have messed with the wrong guild and the wrong dragon slayer.

*with Lasagna and Sting*

"HA I told you he'd fell for it, Now we just gotta get Lucy and the rest of the guild. "Good work Straws".

Lucy Heartfilia, my long lost love, we'll soon be together. No one will stop us, even Jude and Layla can't do anything about cuz they're 6 feet under, poor them I sorta feel bad...NOT!

Haiii here's some KiritoxAsuna for your day

Haiii here's some KiritoxAsuna for your day

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