How We Met

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*back at Lucy's house again*

"So What did Sting mean by tasks and memories?". "Its a long complicated story, do you really wanna know". "Yes I wanna help you". "Okay well.......

*flashback to when Sting and Lucy were together*

"Aww Sting thats so sweet", says the celestial mage enjoying the light dragon slayer's company. "Wanna see it again?". She nodded.

(I know its Yukino but I couldn't find one of Lucy and Sting, and this picture would be perfect for the moment, so let's all use our imagination and say thats Lucy)

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(I know its Yukino but I couldn't find one of Lucy and Sting, and this picture would be perfect for the moment, so let's all use our imagination and say thats Lucy)

"Sting how are you able to do that". "I'm a Light Dragon Slayer, remember". "Oh yeah". "Shall we go". "Yes we shall". She giggles.

*Lucy's house*

"Mom dad, this is Sting Eucliffe my boyfriend". "Hey, Mr and Mrs. H", he says in a.......well not so formal manner.

"Uhh, hello Mister Eucliffe, I am Jude Heartfilia, and this is my wife Layla Heartfilia, he formally explains. "Nice to finally meet you, Sting, she smiles sweetly.

"Dang, Mrs. H you got ass, now I know where Lucy gets it from", he says checking out Layla's butt. "Sting, can I talk to you, its urgent", Lucy angrily pulls his arm away.

"What's wrong, babe". "Look Sting, I know you're vocabulary is full of cuss words and profanity, but my parents aren't like that so can you try to not say it in front of them". "Ughhhh, fine but can at least touch you just onc-. "And forgot to mention, no touching.

"Oh come on, but I need to, its my jo-. "No its not an please I want my parents to like you, please just for me"?. "*sigh* OK fine but you better owe me Good. "Dont worry I will".

*during dinner*


Sooooo, Sting what do you do for a living, any hobbies or likes and dislikes?". "Well I don't work, since its too much work, never went to college since I dropped out, hobbies hmm dont have many but favorite one is grabbing Lucy's as-".

Before he could say anymore, Lucy elbow bumped him to make him shut his mouth. "I mean hugging Lucy", he nervously smiles. Jude not to pleased, while Layla shaking her head in disappointment. Lucy face palming herself. Sting a little Ashamed.

*after dinner*

"It was nice meeting you, Mr. and Mrs. Heartfilia". "Yeah same to you Mr. Eucliffe". "Please Mr. Heartfilia, call me son and I call. you father". "How about I dont call you and you dont call me or my daughter ever again".

"Wait wut?". "You heard me I never want to see you near my daughter ever again". "Bu-". "GET OUT OR ELSE I'LL HAVE TO BRING THE POLICE, NOW GET OUT"!

*end of flashback*

"Wow, can't believe Sting did that". "Yeah but there's more to it, but for now I just want to take a nap".

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