Taking Hostage

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Hello Dragneel, Im pretty sure you know who I am, enough of me I have one of your friends hostage I think her name was Lazagna Straws? I dont know but I have her and I'm coming after Fairy Tail now so you better come or they're all dead especially little Lady Lucy Heartfilia,

Sincerely Sting.

Sting. I hate that name so much. I wish he were dead. First, he hurt Lucy before and touched her, he's holding Lisanna hostage, and now he's coming after Fairy Tail. Well I don't think so, not on my watch ya don't.

Sting's Pov

Good, he's going back now to capture Lucy and the rest of The Fairy Tail guild.

"Straws, do you have the Lacrima Bomb". "Yes I do and stop calling me Straws, its Strauss". "Whatever we need to put them around the guild before fire breath comes".

Lucy's Pov

Ugh, where did Natsu and Lazagna go now. Oh well I might as well go back to the guild since I cant find them. When I took one step I felt a strong arm wrap around me and another arm on my mouth. The arm in my mouth also had some sort of washcloth. But before i had a moment to realize, it was drugged and the last words I heard were "you're finally in my arms once again".

*back at the guild*

"Hey Mira, we need more refills", calls out Macao. "Coming right up", says the cheerful mage.
Everything was so peaceful until...


A loud explosion came from outside the guild and was forming all around the guild causing a comotion.

"What on earth!?"

"Everyone please remain calm, I'll go check whats causing this", says the Master. Everyone nods. "Be careful Master".

As he walks out of the guild hall, he sees some sort of magic forming around the guild walls.(Lol it rhymed).
"This can't be, a lacrima bomb?". "Who would do such a thing?". Before he could answer his questions, he turned around and Sting attacked him.

"Hello and goodbye Master Makarov". With those last words, Makarov blacked out. "Straws take Makarov to the hideout, we'll get more fairy flys after".

"Okay and MY NAME ISN'T STRAWS!" "Would you prefer Sticks?" "...". "Yeah exactly so quite your whining and take Makarov".

Natsu's Pov

Finally me and Happy arrived at Fairy Tail, but theres some weird stuff around it. I see Erza I should ask her. "Hey Erza whats going on whats that thing around the guild and where is Gramps".

"I dont know where the Master is at he came out here to see what was going on but now he's missing". "WHAT?!".

"But whats worse is that the guild is being surrounded by a Lacrima Bomb and there's 15 minutes left till it blows up the guild". "I have a feeling of who has done this ". "Who Natsu we need answers".

*he gives her the note*

Erza crumples the note. "Sting that jerk how dare he do this to Fairy Tail", she says while tears streaming down their face. "

"Dont worry I'll take care of him". "You cant face Sting alone Nats-".

Before she could finish her sentence a speaker came up.
"Listen up you Fairy Freaks I have three of your precious members, first one is Lisanna Strauss.

MiraJane gasps covering, a tear coming down her face. While Elfman was furious with rage he wanted to let out.

"Next one is your guild Master, Makarov". The whole guild was shocked and angry.

"And finally, oh man i cant to see your reaction Dragneel, I have your precious little princess Lucy". Natsu's eyes widened with anger while a dark fiery aura went around him.


"That was a real good reaction, but heres the fun part, I can have my ways with her if you don't hurry-".


"Not so fast I wasn't done talking yet, that Lacrima Bomb I put around the guild will go blow in 15 err 13 minutes as we speak, I made sure that the only person who can stop it is you, but if you try to stop it now I'll have my ways with Lucy, but then again if you come over here the guild hall will be destroyed, so you gotta pick your choice time is ticking".

"Grrraahhhhhh I SWEAR WHEN I FOUND YOU I'LL-".

"Natsu". Natsu's eyes widened. That voice. Oh how much he missed it.

"Natsu, don't come after me please the guild needs to be saved I'm not worth it".

"Oh Luce of coarse you are, I don't want Stingy-Piggy to get his hands on you because I love you".

What Natsu forgot was that he was in front of the whole guild and they never knew ABOUT them.



"Well obviously you all need to stop wasting your time so I'll let you be to let you decide, remember the clock is ticking".

And with that the speaker came off. But now there's a new problem. The whole guild found about NaLu. What will Natsu choose? Will Sting have his way with Lucy? Will the Lacrima Bomb blow up the guild? What will the guild say now knowing the truth? Stay tunes for more. Sorry I wasnt updating lately i got no inspiration since i had no anime for a week so had to watch a few Nalu to get inspiration. And another thing this book is about to come to an end but dont worry i might write another. But until next time

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