Spying on Lucy

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Lucy's Pov

Me and Natsu are walking to the guild. He keeps staring at me and I don't know why.

Eventually it bugged me so much, so I decided to talk to him.

"Hey Natsu,.....are you feeling OK? "Huh, oh yeah just thinking. That was awkward but wonder what he's thinking about. Wait a minute. He's Natsu, Natsu doesn't think. OK there is definitely something wrong with him.

Natsu's Pov

Wonder what Lucy was so upset about yesterday, but tonight I'll spy on her tonight.

*7 hours later*

"Natsu I'm going on my walk". "Can I come?". "NO!, I mean I'm OK really I just wanna have my me-time, ok". "Oh OK.

Too bad Lucy but I'm going anyways. As she left the apartment building. I immediately left the building following her as quietly. Which ain't simple since I'm a loud person. She then stopped in her tracks and turned around. Which meant I was done for. Well almost, I pretended to be a mannequin. Luckily it was dark and my body figure DID look like a mannequin from those stores so she walked away. That was close. Then she stopped and looked around like if she were looking for someone. Just as I expected, a man came and they started talking. Luckily I can hear thanks to my sensitive ears.

"So Lucy, you haven't done anything that I've told you". "Sting please I can't do it, I love them you can't make me-.


"YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO WHATEVER I WANT YOU TO WHETHER YOU LIKE ME OR NOT". "I-I'm sorry, I'll do whatever you say". "Good girl, but since you didn't complete what I told you to do, you need a punishment".

Then that's when I see him pushing her against the wall, with lust in his eyes. That's when I had enough of her being tortured and decided to put an end to this.

"You need to learn how to do things the right way". "Sting, please just let me go, I'll do whatever you want me to-".

Then he smashed his lips against hers. Lucy trying her hardest to pull back.

"STING, LET HER GO, OR ELSE"! "Wait is That-"?

"STING, LET HER GO, OR ELSE"! "Wait is That-"?

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"Long time no see Dragneel". "Sting,...... if you ever lay one FINGER on Lucy ever again, you'll pay for it. "Well that'll depends, if she doesn't obey to my tasks for the guild.

"Tasks?, what tasks is he talking about Luce?". "She needs to do certain things and keep some things a secret but now that you came along and ruined everything, I might have to hurt you.

"Hurt me......fine whatever big deal, hurt the guild....my family you're dead, hurt Lucy my one and only love, you're so fucking dead".

"Well I should be going now, Lucy care to tell him all the details". "What details, Luce what is he talking abou-". I'll tell you later, Kay?, and Sting get out of my sight". "Alright, for now...I'll be back.

*Back at the apartment*

"Lucy, what was Sting talking about". "Its a long complicated story, are you sure you wanna know all the details.

"Yes, so I can help you.

Hey guys, been a week I know but lately I've been depressed like really depressed. I even cut my wrist cuz of it and tried to commit suicide, but I'll stay strong cuz I know there are people who want and need me here, later~

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