Long time, no see

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Should I start doing Pov's again or just leave it how it is, coomment plz!

Lucy's Pov

Now that Natsu knows about Lazagna, yes I'm calling Lisanna Lazagna, he's been acting weird lately. But I'll just shake it off and forget what happened.

And Speaking of Lazagna, I can tell she's trying to get on my man, bitch better know what's good for her or else she don't whats coming and it ain't pretty.

*few hours later*

"Natsu, I'm going on a walk, I'll be back in a few minutes. "Want me and Happy to come with you, it's dangerous. "No, I'm fine Ima have my 'me time', and I'll be taking my keys so you don't have to worry. "Oh ok but plz be safe and I love you. "Love you too.

*during the walk*

I wonder why the assasins sre after our guild. Who knows maybe it's for......honestly have no clue. As I keep walking, I see 3 guys dressed in black. It was pitch dark so I couldn't see their faces. As I got closer, I got a real look at their faces. I recognize their faces.

"Long time, no see Lucy Heartfilia". I recognized that voice too but what does he want from me. "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME, STING! "What?, I can't come by and tell the woman I love, that I love her", he smirks devilishly. "You never loved me you, YOU ONLY USED ME FOR STUFF!

"But that's in the past, remember that old saying, don't be holding in to the past but be ready for the future. "Don't you dare lay a finger on me", I was ready to take out one of my keys to help me until. "You wouldn't want me to hurt your precious guild, now wouldn't you? My eyes widened. "Don't you dare touch any of them, I growl.

"Well well, you DO love them". "Of coarse I love them, they're my only family, after you took my real one. "Yeah, and I'll be willing to kill Fairy Tail or should I say your ONLY family. My eyes widened even more.

"Don't you dare think about hurting Fairy Tail or else, Sting. "Now maybe there is a way to give you a deal for me to not kill Fairy Tail. "What is it Sting, I'll do anything to keep Fairy Tail safe.

"You have to be my little slave for as long as I want, and you have to do anything I tell you to and you can't disobey me. "NEVER, STING, KILL ME BUT DON'T HURT NATSU OR HAPPY OR ANYONE I CARE ABOUT! "Oh well, I guess I should re-think my plan to, Attack On Fairy Tail. "NO, plz Sting.

"Only if you be my slave. I don't want to be his slave, but I have no choice, if I reject his offer than he'll come after Fairy Tail and I don't want everyone hurt especially Natsu. "F-fine,......I accept. "Now that's a good girl, come here.

He pulls me in for a hug but tears came down my eyes. I can't believe I'm betraying Fairy Tail like this but it's the only way to protect them. "Meet me here st the same time and place tomorrow, remember if you don't appear. He moves his finger side to side his neck, making a click sound. "I'll be here, I promise I got to go. I run off to the direction of my house, sobbing.

*going back to Lucy's house*

"Hey Lucy are you okay you're pale, and your eyes are red with tears. "Huh?, oh yeah I'm ok its just that there was dirt and yeah". "You sure? "Yes I just need a hot relaxing bath. But the bath didn't relax me at all, I just kept sobbing.

Natsu's Pov

I hear Lucy crying in her bath. I want to come in there and hug her but I did that last time and well we all know how that came out. But If I ask her, she won't tell me. I'll have to spy on her tomorrow on her walk to see what's up.

Hello people, today is my birthday. I know its late but I was busy with birthday stuff and I wanted to post today so here it is.

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