His Worst

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OK I know some of you are wondering why is it the same as last chapter welllllll........when I published it didnt get all of the 1578 words and what was supposed to happen so please mind the minor mistake

Lucy's Pov

"Lucy, tell me more about Sting pleasseeeee". "Will you stop whining if I tell you?". "Yea".

"OK well then, if you though what he did during the dinner was bad he did more worse things.


No ones Pov


"Please Lucy, for your own good we think this is the best option, he's not right for you, pleaded Layla. "Well I dont care if you dont like him, I love him and I'll still be with him whether you like it or not". "THATS IT YOUNG LADY YOUR GROUNDED"! "FINE".

Lucy then stormed into her room, and closed the door shut. "Ggrrrahhhhh, why do my parents have to be complete a pain in the ass, I wish I could just run away", she says pulling her hair.

"Well that's a great idea but would you be up for it", a voice out the window asks. "Wait, S-Sting is that you"? "Yup, I just climbed this tree so I can see how you're doing". "Not doing fine, my parents hate you and they grounded me for "talking back".

"Wellll, that can all go away if you come with me and we'll both run away". "But Sting my pa-". "Uh-uh-uh, no buts just come with me, you're parents dont care about you either way so come on". "Hmm OK let's do it".

*some time later after Lucy left with Sting*

"Lucy, its your father, may I come in"? *No Response*. "Lucy, you can't stay mad forever, come on sweetie open up". *No Response again*. "We didn't mean to upset you, its just that me and your mother are just trying to tell what's best for you". *No Response*

"Okay then since you won't let me in I'll have to go in myself and show you". *Door Opens*
"Lucy? *He looks around the room searching for her*. "Lucy, honey where are you dont be playing hide n seek". *He finally realizes that his daughter went missing*.

"LUCYYYYYYY HEARTFILIAAAAAAA"! "Honey what's wrong". "Lucy,.......SHE'S BEEN KIDNAPPED BY STING". "*gasp* my poor baby". "Layla call the police immediately".

"Sting, where are we going"? "First we're gonna go to the town to get some supplies than we'll be headin out of Magnolia". "Sounds like a good idea, *gasp* ANIME STORE, STING CAN I GO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEAAAASE", she begs him. "Oh alright go ahead. "Aodjfuevjajah ANIME STORE, HERE I COME!

Sting starts walking to the liquor store to get some things until the TV caught his attention.

News Reporter: We have issued a kidnapper on the loose, he appears to be an ex boyfriend of the daughter of the Heartfilia Family, Lucy Heartfilia and it appears that he had kidnapped her, so please if you find him apprehend him and the Heartfilia will pay you beautifully. That is all folks, have a safe night. *TV turned off*

Sting's Pov

DAMN IT, FUCK JUDE AND LAYLA HEARTFILIA. They think they can have Lucy back well they better be prepared for the hot surprise of their life and when I mean hot I mean hot as in fire. But I need to get rid of Lucy so she won't see. Oh ik, I'll just give her money to go to the, Amine, Animeh, whatever I dont have time to think about it and she'll spend her time at the store while I burn the Heartfilia Mansion. Sting you are one evil genius.

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