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I just added the song cuz I like it so much  :)

"So Natsu what's this with you and Lucy being a thing", says MiraJane twitching with a dark aura surrounding her while Elfman besides her furious.

"Uhhhh Yeah we are and we love each other so much", he says not knowing what to say.

" know Lisanna loves you", she says showing Natsu a glare having a deeper voice.

"Yeah I know but I dont love her, I dont want to be with someone I dont love she doesn't make me feel like I'm special but with Lucy  I love her and she makes me feel special, and you know what I DONT CARE WHAT YOU GUYS SAY OR THINK I'LL STILL BE WITH THE ONE I LOVE NO MATTER WHAT!"

"Natsu that was beautiful, but I wanted to say something".

"Oh yeah what is it".

"I actually ship you and Lucy, not Lisanna and you".

"WHAT but wait i thought you shipped me and Lisanna?".

"No heres the thing Natsu, I told Lisanna how cute you and Lucy are but thats when I found out she still liked you and told me to stop shipping you two and start shippng you and her I told her no but she used the puppy eyes against me".

"That goes for me too, I WASNT BEING MANLY ENOUGH TO RESIST THE PUPPY EYES", yells Elfman ashamed.

"But then what about the guild, they think Lisanna and I are a cute couple"?

"Actually, Lisanna paid me to say that you were a cute couple but I think Lucy and you are #1", says Macao. "Same for me too", says other guild members.

"But the people who think me and Lucy are a good idea, didn't Lisanna pay you too"?

"Yeah she paid me but I just took the money I dont actually see that pipsqueak with the pyro so thats why I said you and bunny girl", says Gajeel grinning, holding the money while Pantherlily face palming himself.

"Well unlike Gajeel", Erza says glaring at Gajeel, "I see you two together, I didnt accept the money because I didnt want to go against the ship".

"Same for me Natsu-San but when I refused she gave me a weird glare but I just shook it off", says Wendy.

"Aww you guys".

"We dont have time to be talking, we have to save Lucy", exclaims Carla.

"Right, Natsu you stay here trying to fuse the bomb while me, Gray, Juvia, Gajeel, Levy and Wendy go after Sting", explains Erza.

"No way I'm going after Sting he took my one and only and like I said its a fight between me to him", Natsu angrily claims.

"Natsu please you heard what Sting said, you're the only one who can fuse the bomb, me and the others can handle Sting and bring back Lucy, just please".

"No I'm not, I'm going after Sting the rest of you stay and try to fuse the bomb its between me an him and I promise I'll bring Lucy, Gramps, and Lisanna back safe and sound".

"Well you won't stay put so ok but be back soon Gray, Gajeel, Pantherlily go with Natsu, Wendy stay here and try to use your healing magic to try to fuse the bomb", commands Erza.

*With Sting and the others*

"Uggghhhhhh Sting I'm bored, can't I hurt her at least a little bit", complains Lisanna pointing at Lucy with a toy baseball bat.

"No you mustn't hurt the princess around here".

"Im the princess not her", Lisanna pouts.

"Oh my fucking god, can you stop complaining for once its getting annoying I might as well tie you up and put tape over you're mouth as well".

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