Chapter 1

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Leo p.o.v

"What is it that you wanted tell us my son?" Father said as we sat in the dojo."Well, father, I think you mean daughter." I closed my eyes tightly. Waiting for them to reject me. "What do you mean?" I took a gulp and reopen my eyes."Well, father...I'm transgender." I fumble with my hands and fingers. "What's transgender bro?" " W-well, i-it's.. um." I stuttered.

"It's an fantasy where boys think they can be girls, and where girls think they can be boys." I froze, as I hear the hateful venom in that answer. "Hey shut ya mouth Donnie!" I looked down as I knew something like this was going to happen. I can't have something go right for once. The dark thoughts started to cloud my mind. "Leonardo is this true?" I snapped out once I heard father's voice.

I nodded. "Yes father, I'm sorry I disappointed you." I was on the verge of tears. I stood there with my head down, facing the floor. And then, surprisingly, a pair of comforting, and warm arms wrapped around me. "You haven't disappoint me.. My Daughter." I looked up to father. He wiped the tears that was on my face. I sniffled and looked at the others.

I first looked at Donnie remembering his words. Then I looked at Mikey. "So that means we have a sister?"

"Yes, my son you have a sister." Mikey face broke from the confused look he had on his face to a big wide smile. That made me smile. He came running towards me and hugged me tightly. I chuckled and hugged back. I then looked at Raph. He had his arms crossed. He was pissed, I could tell.

"What about you Raph?" He looked at me with a serious face. "Ya ain't no girl. Ya know that right?" I frown. He then grin and came over. "Your a young woman." He hugged me. "I love ya, you better know that..sis." I smiled and hugged him back. "I love ya too bro." The only one left was Donnie. I looked at him. He had his arms crossed, looking away from me.

"What about ya Don?" I looked at Raph, who had asked the question that I had on my mind. "About what? How Leo thinks he's a girl." I frown. "What's ya problem!?"

"My problem is this whole fantasy Leo is trying to live in, and him trying to bring you guys in it."

"There's nothing wrong with being transgender." Mikey said trying to stick up. "Oh but there is Mikey. You just don't get it fully."

"What do you mean?"

"Leo is not biologically a girl! That's what you don't understand!"

"Your not?" My heart was racing. "Well biologically I'm not, but-"

"But what Leo? Are you going to make yourself into a girl? Cause both of us know that can't happen." My heart broke. "Donatello!" Donnie straighten up. "Your sister has always made sure you guys have been protected and well."

"I guess not because this is making me sick..."

"THAT'S IT!" Raph tackled Donnie to the ground. "Hey stop it you two!" I pulled Raph off of Donnie and held him back. "Donatello that's enough. Go to your room your grounded for a week!" We watch as Donnie went to his room. Hearing a loud slam of the door. I sighed and looked down.

"Don't ya listen to him. Do ya hear me?" I looked at Raph, who had complete angry in his eyes. I nodded and was pulled into a hug by him. I'm disgusting...

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