Chapter 10

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Donnie p.o.v

     It all started after we came back to earth. Different things started to happen. After we got settled down I started to head up top more often. There was one thing I miss over all the stress and fighting. I missed the stars and how I could actually learn new things. I sighed looking at the stars. That was the night, the night I met him..

     " There we go." I said finishing a painting of the sky." Next I'll do the places we went, if only I can get an image."

     " Look what we got here boys." I heard a voice that was familiar. I looked over the ledge of the rooftop. It was hun and his monkeys picking on a teenage guy." What's a little lamb like you doing out here so late."

      " That's none of your business." The teenage boy spat in his face." Looks like we need to break his spirit boys." With those word said they begin to beat the boy trying to give him bruises and make him bleed. I jumped down and defensed the boy by making Hun and his goons unconscious. With my back turn towards to him." Are you ok sir?"

      " I-I'm not s-sure." I looked at the boy to see him clearly, expect he was a she. Her brown short hair had shorts layers showing the frame of her face. Her blue eyes were filled with fear, but also empty ness." I'm sorry I called you a sir." She looked at me." It's ok I'm transgender." I nod understanding. I kneeled down, and looked at her- His face." I can take you home."

      " My parents threw me out today, so I don't really have anywhere to go..."

      " 1 second." I pulled out my t-phone and called April." Hey Donnie, what's up?"

      " There's this guy who just got beat up and doesn't have place to stay at right now, could you maybe let him stay there untill I help get him a place?"

      " Sure Donnie, bring him my window will be open." With that she hung up." Can you walk?" He shook his head. I picked him up due to his respond. Then we head to April's house. Once we got there April bandaged him up." Your the new kid who just moved here right." He nod." I'm Cody, I'm transgender girl to boy."

       April give him a warm welcome smile." I'm April, We'll be good friends." I smiled at them both." While I gotta get going."

       " Alright Donnie I'll see you tomorrow." With that I left back to my home in the sewers...

  To be continue..

A/N: hey guys this part 1 of Donnie's story hope u enjoy it so far. Bye!~HJ

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