Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

‘Congratulations, honey,’ Mum hugged me so tightly it nearly cut off my circulation, ‘we should celebrate – get everyone over for a meal.’

‘Mum, don’t you think you’re going just a bit overboard?’ I asked, feeling embarrassed and childish.

‘Electra, don’t be silly. It’s not every day that you find out the owner of your work is going to retire and give the shop to you.’ Mum said as she grabbed the phone.

‘I can only have it if I pay him thirty percent of the money the shop makes.’ I pointed out. ‘I have big plans for that shop.’

‘Hi, Arella, I was just wondering if you could come over to-’ pause, ‘oh right, he did, did he?’ Pause, ‘I know, it’s brilliant news,’ pause, ‘alright, see you later,’ pause, ‘yep. Goodbye.’


‘Ashling already foresaw it and told everyone; they’ll be coming over later.’ Mum smiled as she started to get out pots and pans.

‘Is Ryvre and Aura coming over?’ I asked, excitedly.

‘Yes, they both are.’ Mum rolled her eyes. ‘I know they’re your best friends but three can be a crowd.

‘Mum, I do have other friends: my colleagues at work. And there’s Ryvre’s friend Georgia but she’s on holiday at the moment.’ I scowled at mum for thinking I had no other friends.

‘Okay, okay,’ Mum raised her hands in surrender, ‘I’m just saying – God, teenagers...’ Mum mumbled on as I went upstairs to get ready for later.

I wondered what Ryvre and Aura would wear. A year and a half ago, my family, the Storm family and I brought down some black-soul angels that had kidnapped Ryvre – although she pretty much saved herself – and they had done some horrific things that I don’t want to get into. Now Ryvre, and her sister, Aura, and I are extremely close friends. Aura’s a year older than me, she’s nineteen and I’ll be eighteen soon. When I turn eighteen I will become an official white-soul angel; at the moment I am a broken angel.

Ryvre and my brother, Ace, are twin-souls – which is rare for full angels let alone broken angels. They are now white-soul angels but they were both broken when they met. Rosita – Ryvre’s older sister – and her twin-soul and husband, Ryan, are expecting a baby angel on the way. I am still looking for my twin-soul, but I hear that when you find them it’s you finally fly after you have been falling forever.

I decided to settle for my purple knee-length dress and my ballet flats. Looking at the mirror I was deciding to not dye my hair again – originally it was sunny blonde but now it’s a dark, almost black, colour with red highlights.

Within an hour everyone was over: Ryvre and Ace, Aura and Hugh, Arella and Sonny, Ashling; Rosita and Ryan (and the unborn baby). Sonny and Arella helped mum and dad prepare dinner as Aura and Taran sat playing on the playstation. Ryan kept getting things for Rosita who was sitting at the island in the kitchen next to Hugh.

‘It’s great news about the shop.’ Ryvre smiled as she sat on Ace’s lap.

‘Any ideas on what you’re going to do to it?’ Ashling asked – who was sitting next to me.

‘Um... sort of – but I don’t know if it’ll work.’ I chewed my bottom lip.

‘Of course they will, Electra.’ Ace rolled his eyes. ‘And even if they don’t, I’m sure you’ll think of some new ones.’

‘Thanks but I’m just happy to finally have a challenge.’

‘So, Ash, what do you reckon,’ Ryvre whispered, ‘is Zita’s baby going to be a boy or a girl?’

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