Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

I smiled at him as I crouched down in front of him and then I gave him my answer: ‘no.’

Disappointment and embarrassment engulfed his face – and possibly his heart. The lyrics to Love Story came into my head, all that’s left to do is run.

And that’s exactly what I did.

I ran.

The audience gasped as I ran off the stage and when my feet hit the soft sand, I could hear Sam shouting and running after me. ‘Electra, wait! Please wait!’

It was hard to run in a long dress and sand without it tripping you up. I ran along the shore line to avoid anyone walking towards the concert. The tears that threatened me at dinner struck back at my eyes, harder than ever. I just let them fall down as fast as I was running. I could hear Sam catching up with me.

Electra, he used telepathy, I run on the beach. I can easily catch up with you. Please wait.

No, Sam, it was hard to think with sparks flying in your head, that just proves my point: we barely even know each other.

I don’t care. I want to marry you because I love you. I know your personality; I can learn what you do. Sam argued.

Half way down the beach, I stumbled over my legs that caught on my dress but I managed to balance myself and stop myself from hitting the ground. That drawback allowed Sam to catch up with me and grab my arm to spin me around to face him.

‘Electra,’ he said whilst panting, ‘I forgive you for lying to me about being an angel and, more importantly, being my twin-soul.’ He was being sincere.

‘I gave you a chance, Sam.’ I said as tears continued to stain my face, ‘I told you to be at the cinema at three. But you didn’t show up. You left me there all alone and hopeful. My heart broke when I saw you walking by after the film.’

‘But that’s the thing!’ Sam bursted out through frustration, ‘I really was late. I went shopping for an engagement ring for you. It took ages to pick the shape, the diamond, the cut, the make, the size.’

My heart suddenly burst back into life as it softened towards him, ‘really?’

He nodded, ‘and then I saw you outside the cinema and I tried to tell you I was late and I tried to think of an excuse because I wanted it to be a surprise. I really do love you, Electra – despite being twin-souls. Just because I don’t know some childhood memories, doesn’t mean I don’t know you. Even if we just got engaged now and married in a few years...’

I smiled at him out of happiness. ‘I love you too, Sam.’ He smiled back at me but a little sadly. After a few seconds of silence, I sighed and said, ‘go on then.’

‘“Go on then” what?’ He was confused by the sudden change of topic.

‘Go on then; ask me again. Properly. Without any fancy staging or lighting or a song,’ I brushed my hair out of my face, ‘you could have just done a simple proposal.’ I rolled my eyes as I let out a tiny laugh.

Sam got down on one knee with a bright smile on his face, held out the ring and said, ‘Electra Hunter... Will you do me the most craziest and wonderful-est honour of being by my side as my twin-soul and my wife? Electra... will you marry me?’

I smiled at him, and said through happy tears, ‘yes.’

‘Now,’ Sam said as he held the ring just above my finger, ‘are you sure?’

‘Of course I’m damn sure,’ I rolled my eyes again, ‘do I have to put it on myself or what?’

‘Just checking,’ he said as he pushed the ring on to my finger. He then pulled me close to him as the sea air whipped at our bodies, the smell of him was over whelming as I was looking at how the ring fitted perfectly on my finger.

Then Sam caught me off guard and picked me up and spun me around a few times. I looked into his smiling eyes and kissed him with everything I had, when I had landed.

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