Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I ran bare footed from the beach to Sam’s car outside the shop. There was no way I could sit still. I was about to see a newborn baby that was going to grow up with a magical gift and be brought up as an angel. Sam drove as quickly as he could – respecting the speed limit. When Sam was looking for a parking spot, I put my shoes back on and when he was actually parked I bolted out of the door. We checked the maps of the hospital and found the maternity ward. We startled nurses, midwives and doctors and we skidded to a halt at reception.

‘Hello, my friend was just brought in. She’s gone into labour.’ I said all in a rush, not thinking straight.

‘Ok, calm down sweetie,’ the receptionist said, ‘what’s her name?’ She was already looking at the recent people that had gone into labour within the hour.

‘Rosita Shaw,’ I answered, ‘went into labour about half hour ago? Probably came with what seems like all the family?’

‘Oh, yes. She’s in room two-eighteen. I recommend that you wait outside. It can get a little crowded with the whole family being in the room.’ The receptionist told us.

‘Yeah, uh-huh, wasn’t planning to.’ I bolted down the hall and found the room not by the numbers by the amount of family members sitting outside, waiting to see the new baby. ‘Where’s Arella?’ I asked Sonny.

‘She’s inside helping Rosita.’ Sonny answered. ‘Ryvre and Ace will be here soon, they just went to visit Georgia.’

‘How is she?’ I asked, feeling slightly guilty.

‘Still in a coma, but she’s recovering well.’ Ryvre said from behind me. Ace was standing next to her.

Aura and Taran were playing a game called slaps where you hit each other’s hands – there are no winners in the end but its fun enough to pass the time. Ashling and Hugh were playing a card game and Sonia and Randy decided to go buy something from the hospital shop.

‘Hi, Sam, how’s it going?’ Ace shook his hand.

‘Good, thanks.’

I introduced Sam to everyone.

Are some of these people angels? Sam asked me and sparks went flying in my head again.

I didn’t answer him. Sonny did, however. ‘Yes we are angels, Master Hackerman.’ I widened my eyes towards him. ‘Electra is not.’ Thankfully Sonny caught on.

‘That doesn’t make her any less special,’ Sam told him, ‘angel or not, Electra is an amazing person that has many gifts that aren’t there from birth but from hard work and dedication.’ I couldn’t help but glow bright red in my cheeks.

Hugh lifted up his head, ‘what is your gift... Sam, is it?’ He was deliberately trying to act nonchalant – but failing miserably.

‘Sam, yes; I can manipulate technology.’ Sam smiled at my big brother. ‘And I only use my gift for good reasons.’

There was silence for a couple minutes as Hugh grew slightly more comfortable with Sam’s presence. Everyone rose to their feet when the door opened. A nurse came out and said that the baby is a healthy girl and that they were allowing a couple of visitors at a time.

Sam offered to take pictures for everyone so they could be in the moment rather than just reliving the memory through a photo. Sonny went in first so he could join his wife. After five minutes Arella and Sonny came out into the hall and Ryvre and Ace went in; then it was Ashling and Hugh; then Aura and Taran; then Randy and Sonia. Then finally it was my turn.

There were flowers and balloons from everyone else that had gone in before me. Sam was using his gift to film the visits on Ryan’s camcorder and take pictures on Rosita’s camera as well as some on their phones.

‘Wow, your gift is really helpful.’ I complimented Sam as I walked past him and towards the hospital bed. Ryan was sitting on the bed with his arm around Rosita, who was holding the new tiny little person in her arms. ‘What’s her name?’

‘Her name is Robin Eliza Shaw.’ Rosita introduced her. ‘We thought it’d be cute if the names began with “R”. You know, Ryan; Rosita and Robin. What do you think?’

‘That is cute.’ I leaned over to look at the tiny baby, fast asleep and making funny noises.

‘Do you want to hold her?’ Ryan asked.

‘I don’t know how to. I’m scared I’ll break her.’ I back away from the bed a couple of steps.

‘Here, I’ll show you.’ Ryan walked around the bed and picked up the tiny baby from Rosita’s arms. ‘Just cradle her and make sure you support her head.’ He passed her over to me.

‘She’s not as heavy as I thought she’d be.’ I admitted as I adjusted her in my arms.

‘Wait for it,’ Rosita laughed, ‘you’ll get a dead arm within ten minutes. She’ll be heavier in a couple of months.’

‘She’s so tiny,’ I cooed over her. I felt like my heart was melting from her cuteness.

‘You can babysit her when she’s a little older.’ Ryan suggested. ‘I mean, Rosie and I are going to need a little alone time and we’d need someone to look after Robin.’

‘Really... You want me to look after her?’ I was surprised; nobody ever trusted me to do something responsible.

‘Yes, of course.’ Rosita smiled.

After ten minutes of holding baby Robin, my arm was dead so I passed her over to her parents and decided I should visit Georgia. Sam offered to come with me but I told him that I should do it alone. I walked him down to the entrance of the hospital.

‘Thank you for asking me out tonight,’ I said to the floor, ‘and thank you for coming to the hospital with me, and thank you for helping out with the cameras and stuff, and thank-’

He cut me off by kissing me. ‘It’s my pleasure, Electra. Are you alright getting a lift home or do you want me to wait?’

‘I can get a lift, thanks.’

‘I’ll see you at work tomorrow then.’ He kissed my cheek, squeezed my hand and walked off to the car park.

As I floated back into the hallways of the hospital, I bumped into Reid. I decided to cancel my date with him; my heart belonged to Sam. Spotting me, Reid walked to the side, out of everyone else’s way.

‘Reid, I need to talk to you.’ I managed to snap him from “not seeing me and walking on” act.

‘Oh, man. That’s never a good thing to hear.’ He pretended to be dispirited by it. ‘What’s up?’

‘I can’t go on a date with you tomorrow.’ I said straight to the point. ‘I’m sorry but I just can’t.’


‘I went on a date with someone else earlier this evening. We planned the date before we planned ours. And now...I think I am– I have fallen for him.’

‘But are you actually dating this boy? Have you planned another date?’ Reid asked with an annoyed undertone.

‘Well, no-’

‘Then you are free to do what you wish. You are not boyfriend and girlfriend; you promised me you would go on a date with me-’

‘No, I never promised you.’

‘-Just go on one date with me – tomorrow. And then you can choose. Who do you want to be with: me or him?’ Reid argued. I felt an electric shock run through my body.

‘Ok, fine but no funny business.’ I smiled at him. No, I thought, that’s not what I want. My heart was telling me to cancel it but my head told me to take the chance.

‘I swear: no funny business.’ I raised my eyebrows at him so he added, ‘Cross my heart and hope to die.’

Rolling my eyes, I left him to go visit Georgia.

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