Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

‘So, Georgia,’ I cleared my throat as I sat beside her bed, ‘I went on my date with Sam. It was brilliant; the best date ever.’ I glanced around her hospital room. ‘It was at Music Fleet. He had hired out the stage. I got to play there and we had a picnic and campfire; looked up at the stars and everything.’

I was extremely tempted to have a look at what was going through Georgia’s mind. But that would violate her rights to privacy... wouldn’t it? But what if helps her? I could find out what she saw or what made her walk out of the shop and follow Daphne and Reid. It’s better to have good intentions than to not help at all, right?

Scooting the chair closer to her bed, I braced myself by taking a deep breath and placed my hand on her forehead. Everyone stores thoughts and stuff differently. Georgia keeps hers in bubbles. In one bubble I could see her dreaming of what it would be like to be an angel like us. In another bubble, surrounded by many other bubbles, was a boy that Ace talks to. What was his name? I thought to myself and suddenly, as if Georgia had heard me and answered, I knew the boy was called Stephen. There was a lot of affection sent his way.

As quick as a bubble could burst, trouble floated in her mind. In a cloudy grey bubble were Daphne and Reid. We were back in the shop: Ryvre, Ace, Georgia, Daphne, Reid and me. I was talking to Reid and as they were leaving – when Ryvre and Ace started arguing with me – Georgia suddenly straightened up like she had been tickled or shocked by something and walked out in a trance. She was fighting herself – like her heart knew something her head didn’t. Georgia stopped in the road, looking around for Reid and Daphne, but she didn’t see them. When she turned back around she was hit by a black Mercedes Benz.

It was horrible to see what she went through. Another bubble that was a light green colour bounced next to the grey one. Ace had healed her so she had no broken bones just bruises; he numbed the pain until Hugh had stopped by. Hugh can manipulate your mind and cause or take away pain.

There was a sudden bubble attack diffusing in her mind. It was nightmare. I decided to leave her mind so I could comfort her and being suffocated by the grey and dark bubbles didn’t seem like fun.

Back in reality, I pushed back Georgia’s hair from her face and hushed her. She kept fidgeting and flinching; I repeated “its ok” and “it’s just a nightmare” and “it’s over now” but it didn’t help. There was a knock on the door, it opened a jar and Hugh popped his head round.

‘Hugh make the nightmare go away,’ I ordered desperately, ‘manipulate her mind.’

Hugh silently walked towards Georgia’s head and placed his hand on her head. His gift works at its best if he can touch the person. After a few seconds Georgia seemed to calm down and it looked like she was sleeping, instead of being in a coma

‘I took her thoughts of Stephen and made her dream about him,’ he shook his head. He didn’t like the idea of violating her privacy but it was better than letting her suffer. ‘I can’t stop the nightmare until she wakes up or overcomes it herself – depends on how bad the trauma is.’

‘Thanks,’ I said quietly, ‘I took a look in her mind.’

‘You did what?’ Hugh asked even though he had heard me correctly. ‘How would you like it-?’

‘I wouldn’t, I know. But I wanted to know why she followed Reid and Daphne and why she got knocked down.’ I explained to him. ‘I didn’t find out why but-’

‘See? You didn’t achieve anything.’ Hugh complained. ‘You did more harm than you did help.’

‘Actually, I found out that it was a black Mercedes Benz that had done the hit and run.’ I pointed out. ‘The police told me themselves that the accident had turned into a crime.’

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