Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

‘I can’t go to Fine Dine!’ I gasped, assuming the whole date was going to be ruined and cancelled. ‘It’s too expensive. And I don’t have much money as it is...’ ...thanks to the shop being redone.

‘Before you say no, I am paying for you; always planned on it.’ Reid smirked, ‘I’m more than just a pretty face.’ His face wasn’t as pretty as Sam’s.

I felt so bad that he had decided to go to work when the shop’s supposed to be closed and I was here on a date with Reid. God, I am a horrible person and deserve to burn in hell.

‘Fine, but I’m ordering the cheapest meal.’ I huffed at him.

‘No, you’re not. You’re ordering whatever you want to eat – regardless of the price.’ Reid said so confidently it made me question just how much money he had.

Fine Dine is the most expensive restaurant in town. It is twenty pounds for just one person just for a roast dinner. It’s where all the rich and famous (well up-and-coming famous people) eat. So I was guessing that Reid had a rich grandparent that left him all their inheritance – which was a lot of money. Who knows? Maybe not; maybe he just had some good money stashed away and wanted to spoil a girl?

A waiter led us to our table that was next to a window with a view of their well-preserved garden. There was a small candle in the middle of the table and the cutlery was all set out before hand. As I went to sit down, Reid pushed me in. Which I guess he thought was nice but I am more than capable of sitting myself in a chair and pulling it closer to the table. The waiter handed us some menus and hurried away.

‘What will the princess is having tonight, then?’ Reid asked with a wicked smile.

‘Don’t call me that.’

‘But tonight you are dining like royalty,’ why did he say that cliché? ‘Anyways... what do you want to drink?’

‘Oh, um, I’ll just have water for now, please.’ I don’t really drink alcohol unless it’s a really special occasion like...Christmas. But I couldn’t exactly drink Coca-cola or Tango in a place like this.

‘Suit yourself, Princess Dull-and-boring;’ Reid laughed bitterly, ‘I think I might try their new wine.’

The waiter rushed back and took down our drink orders and then he swapped the drinks menu for the food menu. I didn’t fancy that much, so I ordered the chicken and pasta. Reid ordered some foreign dish that I had never heard of before.

‘So,’ Reid said as clasped his hands together, ‘tell me something about you.’

I didn’t have to tell Sam about myself. He just... knew who I was – who I am. ‘Well... err, what do you want to know?’

‘Everything,’ Reid shrugged.

Everything? I repeated in my head. ‘Ok, where do you want me to start?’

‘From the beginning,’ Reid said as the waiter came back and gave us our drinks.

When the waiter had left, I said, ‘well, I was born – pretty painful and to be honest I don’t remember it much.’ It made him laugh slightly. If I had said that to Sam, he would have been laughing a lot more.

‘Tell me a secret,’ Reid caught me off guard, ‘one that no one else knows.’

‘I don’t have any secrets,’ I told him. Well. Not one that no one else knows, anyway. ‘What about you?’ I guessed that he liked talking about himself. ‘Do you have any, you know, “secrets” that no one else knows?’

He just laughed. ‘Slow down, girl. I don’t know you that well.’ That was surprising and a little bit hypocritical. ‘If you want to see what’s in these jeans, you got to work for it.’

I blushed. ‘Um, excuse me?’

‘Look, you’re a nice girl and everything. But I don’t just go around willy-nilly and giving it to strangers.’ Reid said in a tone that implied that I’m a promiscuous girl.

‘Actually, I don’t want to see what’s in your jeans.’ I told him sharply, ‘I’d prefer leave Wally’s whereabouts unknown.’ God! I can’t believe boys! All they can think about is sex.

‘Playing hard to get, I see,’ Reid said. I didn’t bother replying, there was just no point; he was going to think what he wants.

Twenty minutes later, the waiter came back with our meals. I ate it as quickly as I could. I really wanted to get away from Reid. The meal came to fifty-five pounds. Reid laid the exact amount on the bill tray.

‘What about a tip?’

‘What tip?’ Reid asked, ‘I can give you many.’ He winked and I felt sick and embarrassed.

‘I mean, for the waiter-’

‘Hey, I don’t swing that way.’

‘No,’ I said, getting frustrated, ‘are you going to tip the waiter with money for serving us?’

‘Why?’ Reid got up and put on his coat. ‘He’s already being paid for doing his job. He doesn’t need extra.’ Reid walked away.

I pulled out the ten pound I had brought with me, thinking we’d have a cheaper meal. There was nothing I could break it with so I just decided to give him the whole ten pounds as a tip. Looking at the customers in this place, they probably didn’t tip him either.

I managed to catch up with Reid. As much as I wanted to get away from him, I needed a lift to the shop. I spent another half hour listening to Reid’s terrible music taste until he pulled up outside the shop.

‘Thanks for dinner,’ I said as I unplugged my seatbelt.

‘Electra, wait,’ he said as he unplugged his, ‘I think you earned it.’

I didn’t understand what he was talking about until he leaned over and backed me into the car door and was about to grope my chest. I slapped his face away and bolted out of the car. By the time I was on the pavement, Reid had gotten out his side. He grabbed my arm and spun me to face him.

‘I can’t believe you!’ I screamed at him.

‘Baby, I’m sorry-’ He began but shook his hand off my arm; burst through the shop door and slammed it in his face. After locking the door, I could hear him get back in his car and drive away. I leant against the door and lost control of the tears.

‘Electra,’ Sam came out from the back room, ‘is that you?’ I didn’t answer him. ‘Oh, what’s wrong?’ He ran over to me and placed his hands on my shoulder.

Just his touch snapped me away from my thoughts. ‘Sam, I did something so stupid!’

‘What did you...?’ He trailed off, looking at me. It was clear I was dressed up for a date. I didn’t make as much effort for Reid like had done for Sam, but you could still tell. ‘You went on a date, didn’t you?’


‘Who did you go out with?’

‘Reid; Sam, I’m so sorry! He kept pestering me for a date and he said he wouldn’t leave me alone until I went on one date with him. I’m sorry.’ I didn’t know what I could say to make this better.

‘Why didn’t you just tell me that he was pestering you?’ Sam said, trying to control his anger.

‘I thought it wasn’t your problem.’ I admitted. ‘Something made me say yes. I am so sorry.’

‘I think,’ Sam said as he reached for the door, ‘you need to decide who you want to be with: me... or him.’ Then he left.

I was left alone, again, heartbroken and left to get the bus home without Sam to walk me to the stop. I know exactly who I would choose in my heart. So why doesn’t my head?

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