Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Seth must have gotten control of Sam’s mind. I guess I was just foolish enough to think that Sam had a strong head. I couldn’t help wondering that if I had told him about being his twin-soul, he would remember who I am.

It was up to me. Hugh was busy with the two thugs and Ashling was wrestling with Reid. Ryvre was stood with Seth and Scotia, watching the others argue with each other. Sam lost his memory; I was the only person left that could do anything. But I didn’t know who to stop. Daphne, Talia and Luke, or do I go straight for the big fishes (Scotia and Seth)?

I managed to think quickly on my feet. The buildings around me were full of electricity. I needed to find a way to get as many buildings as I could in my range. I needed to get to the building behind Scotia, Seth and Ryvre without them noticing.

‘What did you do to Sam?’ I shouted at Seth as I took a step towards them. And thankfully they took one to the side.

‘I have no idea what you are talking about,’ Seth smirked, ‘that young man seems perfectly happy and healthy to me.’ They took a step towards Sam, providing me with the opportunity to move nearer to the building but I was still facing them. ‘Excuse me, young man?’

‘Sir, do you know where I am?’ Sam asked politely. He must have lost his memory, there’s no way he would treat them with respect.

‘Do you feel well?’ Seth asked in a friendly voice.

‘Yes sir; why is everyone arguing? What’s going on? I don’t understand? Could you tell me why I’m here?’ Sam kept firing questions at them. I kept walking backwards slowly until my hands touched the edge of the wall in front of the building. ‘Please, sir, I need to get out of this town. I’m running late.’

I climbed up on to the wall and knelt down to make it look like I was standing. I tried to gather all my strength so I could use every ounce of power I had in my body. Just as I started to reel in the electricity from the buildings, a dark grey cloud hovered over and lightning began to strike the sky. From the look on Sonny’s face, he must have been controlling the weather and this is the result from his anger.

I could feel the electricity running through my body. I had to be careful; too much could kill me, let alone the others. I was soaking in enough electricity to stun Daphne, Talia and Luke. It was going to be very dangerous as I don’t want to use up the electricity my body needed for nerves and impulses – but I had to do something.

I closed my eyes, trying to maintain my strength and when I opened them again and stood up, I let all my power go. I aimed it directly at Daphne, Talia and Luke. A bright flash appeared out of nowhere and faded again as the three of them were thrown up in the air and separated as they landed. They seemed stunned and unsure whether they should move or not.

The arguing stopped the second they had gotten struck. Lightning flashed in the sky as Sonny realised that they had been under the influence of Daphne’s power. Scotia and Seth realised I had caused them to be magically thrown up in to the air. Everyone seemed to be looking at me as if they were waiting for me to do something. But I couldn’t do much more; my body felt weak and tired. I really needed to sleep. That gave the black-souls the advantage.

I could feel Scotia taking control of my body. It felt like I was being pushed out of my skin as she crawled in. It was suffocating, yet, relaxing. She wanted me to kneel down on the wall again; she was making me steal the electricity in the sky. Sonny needed to stop creating lightning in the sky otherwise the results could be deadly. I was too weak to fight Scotia out of my body and she was preventing me from talking to anyone.

‘Electra, what are you doing?’ Hugh asked as he released the two thugs from his power – they were still in aching pain afterwards though. ‘Just take Sam and get out of here.’

Ashling took a break from beating up Reid to say, ‘she’s going to use the lightning to kill everyone!’

‘Sonny,’ Randy called, ‘you’ve gotta stop the lightning! Give us some sunshine... or we’ll all die!’

‘I can’t help it anymore.’ Sonny cried, ‘that black-soul made me so angry that I can no longer control this weather. I don’t have the strength.’

‘Electra,’ Arella seemed to be the only person remaining calm in this situation, ‘try to find yourself. I know it’s difficult without a twin-soul but... please try for us.’

Scotia made me say what I had thought a little, ‘you don’t care about me. I’ve always been alone – I’m not just talking about twin-souls. Every one of you lot have someone – a friend, someone to talk to, anyone. I don’t have anyone.’ I was using the small amount of strength I had left and was in control of, to hide the fact that Sam was my twin-soul.

‘Electra... Please!’ They all started talking at me at once. Lightning flashed again. I could feel my power building up. This wasn’t only going to kill my family. It was also going to kill me.

Just as everything was looking so... deadly, I came up with a plan. I was going to trick Scotia and the other black-souls. But I could still end up dead.

As much as I hated Seth and Scotia, I didn’t want them dead. Mainly because it was too easy for them – they had to pay for the things they’ve done - also, because a little part of me would punish myself for killing them.

I had to time this right down to the exact second.

Taking a chance, I called out to Sam telepathically. Sam, I love you! I hoped it reached him through everyone else’s thoughts surrounding us. He must have, and he must have sensed the goodbye as he looked up and “knew” who I was. Had he been acting too?

When Scotia demanded my body to release my power, I threw everything I had at the stormy sky which crackled and flashed with lightning, taking away a small amount of electricity so it wouldn’t kill them, and aimed it at all the black-souls that were threatening my family. They all screamed and collapsed to the floor – I’m guessing it was very painful.

Daphne, Reid, Talia, Luke, Bill, Hank, Scotia and Seth were curled up in balls on the floor. I collapsed off the wall and hit the floor hard, but I didn’t feel the impact as my body felt so numb and tired. I could see everyone running in different directions and they looked like they were shouting but I couldn’t hear them. I saw Sam running straight for me but I closed my eyes before he even reached me.

I felt my body shaking; being rocked and moved somewhere but I didn’t know where and at that point in time I couldn’t have cared less. I was just waiting to die. I was so exhausted – I really didn’t know what being tired was until now. Assuming that the tiny bit of consciousness I had left was just the lowest voltage of electricity running through my body that was dying out, I thought to myself: at least I can die happy, knowing that Sam knows I love him.

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