Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

She was in a coma. We went to see Georgia later on, after we had managed to calm Ryvre down. The nurse told us that she was in a coma and they couldn’t tell how bad her injuries are until she wakes up.

I felt bad about going on my date with Sam the next day but Ryvre demanded me to follow through on the plan. That way I could come to the hospital afterwards and tell Georgia and her all about it. I felt a little better that Ace was with her.

Settling for my strappy, golden-yellowy dress which revealed my chest to a graceful small degree, I decided to curl my hair slightly. Normally Sam sees my hair naturally straight so I chose to curl it – not for ringlets or perfect curls... just to give it volume really. I put on my makeup and was ready to go.

‘Wow,’ Taran said as I walked downstairs, ‘either the cows have come home or Electra actually looks... sort of... nice.’

‘Shut up, Taran,’ I tried to not get embarrassed. I looked at the others who were hanging around waiting for the news from the hospital. ‘Do I look ok?’

Rosita spoke first, ‘you look stunning.’ She smiled and rubbed her bump. I couldn’t tell if it was me or the bump that had caused her to smile.

‘Reminds me of when we were teenagers,’ Ryan said to Rosita, who giggled at his remark.

‘Where are you going?’ Aura asked, excitedly.

‘I don’t yet; it’s a surprise.’ I half-smiled and shrugged. ‘Ash... hello... Earth to Ashling, come in?’

‘Huh, oh sorry, you look lovely.’ Ashling blushed and Hugh punched his shoulder.

Hugh was frowning at me as he looked me up and down. ‘What? I look ridiculous, don’t I?’

‘No, you don’t. It’s just... this guy better be worth it.’ Hugh said, sticking out his chin. ‘I don’t want to see my baby sister get hurt.’

‘I’m not a baby!’ I protested. ‘Anyway, Sam’s not like that; he won’t hurt me.’

‘That’s what they all think...’ Hugh’s frown grew deeper. ‘Just be careful, ok?’ I nodded.

As I didn’t have a car – can’t afford one since I’m doing up the shop – I had to get on the bus to meet Sam outside the shop. I got a few looks from other people riding the bus. The evil eyes from some girls who looked roughly about my age; a raised eyebrow from a couple of the boys with them; some elderly women thought I look “sweet” and the rest of the elderly women thought I was a tramp.

I got off the bus, outside the shop and saw Sam waiting there for me. His face lit up as I walked towards him, he was checking me out at the same time. Right there in that moment, the only person’s thoughts that actually counted were Sam’s.

‘You look beautiful,’ Sam said without hesitating.

‘You’re mother’s trained you well.’ I laughed at his compliment.

‘I’m being serious: you do look beautiful...’ Sam smiled with his eyes. ‘Anyway... I don’t have a mother. She was taken by some black souls. I’ve never seen her again.’

‘Oh, I’m sorry.’ I looked at my feet. ‘What about your father?’

‘He got killed trying to save her.’ Sam shook the memory from his head and forced his smile to be brighter, ‘we can talk about that some other day if you want to know, but for now... let’s go.’ He offered his arm.

I held on to the crook of his elbow. ‘Where are we going?’

‘For a walk...’ Sam looked at me with warmth in his eyes. How can someone who has witnessed something so cold be so warm?

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