Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I was up, washed, dressed and out the house before everyone was up. Hopping on the bus, my mind was suddenly shouting “today’s your first day as the owner – make it count!” It took only twenty minutes to get to the shop. After unlocking the door and pulling up the blinds, I found Richard’s old key on the shop counter with a note underneath it. Written in a curly handwriting were the words: “your happiness it in front of you – not behind you. Cherish it. Good luck.” I assumed the note was from Richard since it was under his key. No one had signed the note.

After unlocking everywhere, I started to list my plans and draw – poorly – anything that I couldn’t describe by writing it down. By noon I had a couple drawings and many lists. Hugh and Ashling decided to stop by.

‘How’s it going?’ Hugh asked as he looked around the shop.

‘I’m thinking paint job,’ I answered, glancing at the walls, ‘Ashling?’

‘I’m thinking... black.’ Ashling said with a knowing smile. ‘It’s a lot better than what it sounds.’

‘I have a lot of ideas and plans but I don’t know how I’m going to be able to do it all myself.’ I sighed, ‘everyone has school or work, or they’re pregnant.’

‘Why not hire extra help?’ Hugh suggested as the shop door opened with the little bell tinkling, alerting me that someone was entering the shop. ‘Create an ad; interview people.’

‘Okay... that sounds reasonable,’ I thought about it and glanced at the boy who was looking through the CD section.

‘Expect more visits from the rest of the flock,’ Ashling laughed softly, ‘they’ll be coming when they’ve finished work and school.’

I guessed he was using his future-seeing power. ‘Great,’ I rolled my eyes, ‘so how long are you guys staying?’

‘Only for ten minutes, we-’ Hugh started saying but was cut off by Ashling.

‘Electra, be nice.’ Before I could ask what he meant, Ashling mouthed and counted down on his fingers three... two... one-

‘Excuse me do you have any boy-band music?’ The boy asked scanning the CDs.

‘Duh, this is a music shop.’ I pointed out – a little ruder than I should have done. ‘Look over at the stack that says “Boy Groups”.’

Oh, sorry. I didn’t know it was my fault that it’s so poorly organised. The boy thought; being an angel gave us the power to read people’s minds.

‘It’s not my fault either.’ I muttered and the boy looked at me strangely, so I glared at him.

‘Electra,’ Hugh shook his head, ‘he’s a customer. You’re supposed to treat them well.’

‘He may have never been in here before,’ Ashling pointed out, ‘and the shop has been left in a bad state.’

‘But I’m going to sort that out, aren’t I?’ I raised my eyebrows defensively. ‘I’m just stressed, a little.’

Ashling’s face went blank for a moment, and then he straightened up and said to Hugh, ‘we should be going.’ He had a sly smile on his face.

‘Okay,’ Hugh nodded catching on to something I didn’t understand, ‘we’ll stop by some other time this week.’ They both left as quick and as politely as they could.

Pausing to take in what had just happened, I looked at the boy; he was about my age with spiky hair that had a bright blonde layer on top of a dirty blonde layer. His hair was long but didn’t go past his ears – kind of like a guitar player. Then I noticed what CDs he had in his hands...

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