Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Luke and Talia took me to their so called “boss”. Not to mention the boss’ wife. Guess who? ‘Seth...Scotia? What are you doing here?’

‘Oh, you mean: why are we not in jail?’ Scotia laughed like ice. ‘You see our boss managed to get us free. How’s Ryvre doing?’

‘Like you actually care,’ I spat at her, ‘what’s the point of bringing me here – wherever we are?’

‘When your family attacked us last time, we needed to relocate and rebuild. We need you to fix the electricity side of things for us.’ Seth spoke up.

‘What makes you think I’m going to do that?’ I asked as I threw my hands on to my hips.

‘You’d do it for your beloved Reid, of course.’ Seth said and signalled Luke to open a door that I hadn’t noticed.

I looked at Reid, who was smiling as he stood with his arm around Daphne’s waist. ‘Do what you want with him; I couldn’t care less about him.’

Seth nodded at Daphne and said to me, ‘oh, is that so? You see, someone that has not found their twin-soul is an easier person for Daphne to use her powers on.’

‘And her powers are?’ I said, getting bored and fed-up with their games.

‘Daphne is empathetic,’ more like pathetic, I thought to myself, as Seth continued, ‘she has the ability to read or sense the emotions and can control the emotions or feelings of others.’

‘What’s that got to do with me?’ I asked and then a second later, I felt an electric shock; I wasn’t sure if my blocks would hold.

Suddenly it all made sense. ‘She makes you feel like you love Reid. And she can make you feel like you hate your family.’ Scotia explained.

‘Reid,’ I looked at him and he walked over to hug me, ‘what should I do?’ I asked, all wide-eyed.

‘Help us; help the black-soul dynasty. For me.’ He said as he held me by the waist.

‘Okay; anything for you.’ I smiled at him sweetly. Then I heard my ringtone playing. ‘My phone, I think I left it somewhere.’ I couldn’t remember where.

‘No, you dropped it, so we picked it up for you.’ Daphne handed me my phone. ‘Go on answer it.’

So I did as I was told. ‘Hello?’

‘Electra, thank God!’ Ashling’s voice shouted at me through the speaker, ‘everyone’s going crazy. Arella can see you in a room but it’s a bit murky, she can’t see who else you’re with. I saw you get taken; are you okay? Has it happened?’

‘Ashling,’ I laughed bitterly, ‘what makes you think I don’t want to be here?

‘What’s gotten into you? Don’t worry we’re coming to get you.’ Ashling hung up on me.

‘They’re on their way,’ I told everyone else, ‘don’t let them come and get me. I don’t want to leave.’

‘It’s okay, Electra,’ Reid said as he rubbed my shoulder, ‘I’m not letting anyone take you away.’

‘Why don’t you show her to all the electric supplies?’ Seth suggested with a smug look.

I was made to wear a blindfold so I could not memorise the way back to that room or be able to find an emergency exit. When I was allowed to take the blindfold off, I needed a second for my eyes to adjust. In front of me was a table with wires and electrical cables dripping over it. Some leads had leaked out on to the floor and stretched across the room. Underneath all the cables and wires were controls for different functions, such as lighting and video cameras and computer systems. I mean, I didn’t understand how to use any of that stuff. But I could quite easily fix it with my powers. It just needed to... be tidied up a little first. So I started to untangle all the leads by following them round.

‘What are you doing?’ Reid asked me.

‘Just tidying things up;’ I said, innocently, ‘can’t work if it’s all messy, can I?’

‘Okay; you do whatever you’ve got to do.’ Reid said, not bothering to tell me otherwise. ‘It’s just cool to have your power; I don’t see why you’d want to stall using it.’

‘What’s your power, Reid?’ I asked without looking up from the tangled mess.

‘Oh, I have superhuman senses,’ he said as if he was some kind of superhero, ‘I can smell; taste; feel and hear much better than a normal human.’

‘Ah, cool. I can hear better as a side effect to my power.’ I smiled at him. ‘What made you join the black-soul dynasty?’

‘Daphne did,’ Reid admitted, ‘but that’s all in the past, baby. It’s you and me now.’

‘Better be,’ I warned him, ‘I don’t want anyone else. I didn’t let you do that to me in the car because I thought you had a thing with Daphne and Sam was in the shop and I didn’t want to hear it from him.’

‘Yeah, he’s such a tool,’ Reid frowned at the thought of Sam, ‘when this is all over; I’ll take you somewhere far away and we can some fun of our own for a while.’

‘That sounds great,’ I beamed at him, ‘you see, living with angels that belong to the white-soul dynasty can be very difficult. They all have someone and I didn’t – until I met you. They’re not as great as they think they are.’

‘Well, now you don’t have to worry about anything like that.’ Reid smiled, ‘I can show you a fun time.’ He winked at me.

‘I bet I can show you a better time than you can show me,’ I smirked at him.

‘Hmm... The good girl is going bad; sounds like a film. You know what I think?’ Reid asked and continued, ‘I think that you were born bad deep down anyway – right from the start.’

‘I think you’re right.’ He was so close to kissing me but I teased him by turning away from him. ‘Can I ask you something, Reid?’


‘Why me,’ he looked confused so I elaborated, ‘why do you like me? I’m not pretty like Daphne and I’m really nothing special. What’s so good about me?’

He thought about it for a long time, ‘you’re not as pretty as Daphne but you’re still hot. I’m more attracted to your powers – manipulating electricity. I bet being a good girl and holding up all your power inside is frustrating and when I give you that chance to release everything you have and have some fun-’ he winked again – ‘then you’re going to enjoy very much and so will I.’

I giggled, ‘you’re just too sweet!’ I nudged him in a playful way but he just smiled at me.

Reid suddenly perked up like a deer caught in a car’s headlights. ‘I can hear a car pulling up outside!’ Reid said, alarmed. ‘That means you’re family has arrived. I’m going to see if the others need me. Electra, you stay here.’

‘Reid?’ He turned to face me as I pulled on his arm, ‘please be careful. I don’t want you to get hurt.’ I could read his mind: “Daphne’s power doesn’t normally work for this long or this well on her. Why is it still working?” So I said to settle his doubts, ‘Reid...’ I pulled on his arm again but this time a little harder to gain his full attention, ‘...I love you.’

He didn’t say it back. Instead my words just made him snap out of his thoughts and then pull me towards him. Then he lowered his lips on to mine. ‘I’ll be back.’ I couldn’t help but giggle because he sounded like The Terminator.

He forgot about trying to hide my surroundings so I don’t find a way so he didn’t mind that I followed him to the door and watched him run off to help his colleagues. As soon as he was out of sight – and hoped that he was too distracted to use his powers – and down the stairs, I spun round to face Sam who had found a different entrance, by the other set of stairs, to where I was in the building. He stood a couple feet away from me, looking relieved, proud and worried.

I threw my hand on my hip and said, ‘so,’ I tried to suppress a smile but it wasn’t quite working, ‘do I get an Oscar for that acting or what?’

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