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Seorin's POV

Every Single God damn period , Jungkook has something to do that will annoy me till the point that I burst into flames.

It's currently Lunch period , excited to see what he have in store for me.

" Hey everyone , I want everyone of you to experience this. " My eyes widened as I saw Jungkook standing on a chair beside me with a bottle of coke.

" Since Ms Kim Seorin here is always so mean , I am going to be kind and provide her with some sweetness and offer her some coke. " He smiled at me.

" It's okay , Keep it for yourself puppy. " I said loudly on purpose and everyone heard it. He glared at me , " Everyone look here ! " But no one focused on him. He glared at me and poured the whole body of coke all over me.

Everyone finally stared at him but they divert their attention to me instead.

They laughed at the sticky situation I am in right now. I glared at Jungkook , he smirked and me. An Idea came to my mind.

" Jungkook , " He turned around , " My parents taught me that Sharing is Caring and people Love hugs. So I'm going to share it with you. " I hugged him and tried to get as much coke as I could on him.

He tried hard to escape from my hug , He finally escaped from it but his covered with coke as well. He was furious , I could literally see smoke coming out of his ears.

He Glared at me and walked away.

I smirked at my own achievement but I have to change out of this Coke smelling Uniform. I have another set of clean uniform in my locker , so I took the clean set and changed it in the washroom.

After changing , I tied my hair while looking at my own reflection. I applied a little make up and smiled at the reflection of the masterpiece in the mirror.

I realised Lesson is starting soon so I quickly got out of the washroom and head to my next lesson.

I sat down in the class , looking around and realised I don't recognise anyone here. Just as I wanted to check my timetable , A Middle aged man walked into class with a stern expression.

He eyed me , " You are ? " I introduced myself , A frown appeared on his face. " Your just a freshman and you had the cheeks to enter a senior class ?! " I looked around and realised the students here did look a lot older than I am.

" Sorry. " I said before leaving , I heard laughing noises coming from behind me. I turned around and see a laughing puppy , " You did all of these didn't you ? "

He nods and smiled to show his pearly white straight  pair of teeth.

" Your proud of it aren't you ? " He nods , " Sure , The game is on Jeon Jungkook and I'm never going to back down. " He smirked.

Both of us reached the class late so we were punished. We have to stand straight with our arms straight up.

I glared at Jungkook since he gave me the fake timetable. If he didn't , I would still be in the class , listening attentively to the teacher talking.

" Your ugly. " I said and he seemed shocked , " Your uglier. " I chuckled , " Have you seen your own reflection ? I bet you haven't because you define my face as ' uglier than a puppy '. "

He glared at me , " Your face is indeed worse than a dog's. " I smiled , " How is my face worse than yours ? Mine looks like an artwork while yours doesn't. "

" I bet that artwork is a failed one. " I glared at him , hard.

Shortly after , we were called in to the class and gave a speech about why are we late.

" I was late because of Mr Rude White Tee Jerk. He slipped a fake timetable into my actual timetable and caused me to enter a senior class and got scolded badly by a teacher. " I glared at him and he smiled as we exchanged position.

" I was late because I was waiting for Ms Kim Seoew. I realised I gave her the wrong timetable so I waited outside for her and I was shocked by her horrendous appearance. " I glared at him.

" If my appearance is horrendous , yours must be a thousand times worse than mine. " I smiled at him with a creepy fake smile.

" I'm not those type of person to be afraid of creepy things but i'm sorry , your face is creeping me out so much. " The class burst out into laughter and the teachers scolded us.

" I told you guys to make up here , not to argue ! " she glared at both of us , " Detention ! " I glared at Jungkook and he glared at me.

Because of him , I'm now sitting at one of the seat in the detention classroom. Not sure if this school is so obedient or something but there's only Jungkook and I in the detention room.

" Is there usually no one ? " He shook his head , " I told them not to come. " I looked at him weirdly ,
" Why would you do that ? "

He turned around and smirked , " So that I could spend time with you , alone. " I laughed , " Me , You , Alone ? That would cause World War Three. "

Shockingly , He burst into laughter too.

Jungkook's POV

" I can't believe you actually laugh at one of my jokes. " Seorin said , " I didn't and how is that a joke ? Your joke is really lame. "

" You haven't heard my brother's one before , it's a million times worse than mine. " I chuckled , " Tell me those jokes. "

" What colour is a burger ? " What colour is a burger ? Orange ? Green ? Yellow ? Red ?

" Yellow ? " She shook her head , " Burgundy. " We stared at each other in awkward silence.

" I can see why both of you are siblings. " She glared at me , " I'm not that lame. " I chuckled , " You don't know. "

" I do know that I'm not lame. " I laughed , " Your actually not lame , your extremely lame. " She rolled her eyes , " What makes you think whatever you just said isn't lame. "

" I didn't say anything. " She rolled her eyes.

" I told you guys to stay here for detention and to reflect on your own actions and not date ! " I stared at Seorin in disgust.

" I don't have such bad taste. " I smiled , " I'm apparently too good for Jungkook. " I smiled at Seorin , " Seorin can't get me no matter how much effort she puts in because i'm too good for her instead of her being too good for me. "

" It didn't make any sense. " Seorin said , " I have to agree with Seorin for this. " The teacher said , Seorin smiled as if she won a lottery.

" I'm still better than you. " She sticked out her tongue , " Lying is bad. "

The teacher laughed after seeing us , " Kids , All I can say is that fate is unpredictable and fate made unpredictable match. "

14th April 2017

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