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Seorin's POV

After Detention ended , I walked to the bus stop to wait for my bus since I didn't like the idea of having a chauffeur bring me to every single places.

In another word , I want to be independent.

I felt someone sitting beside me , he smiled at me and I almost flipped.

" What are you doing here ?! " He smirked , " To make your life even worse. " I moved a few seats away from him but he moved a few seats nearer to me too.

" Get a life dude. " I said , " Get a life dude. " He reenact me.

" You have no jams. " He glared at me , " More than you. " I shook my head , " Stop lying to yourself to make you feel better. "

Just then my bus came and I got on , I looked over at the window and realised Jungkook isn't there anymore.

I turned to look at the person sitting beside me and I was shocked , shocked by his ew-ness.

" Your really so immature. " He smirked , " None of your business , Kim So ew. "

He started texting on his phone with a smile on his face , I looked at the screen and realised it's to a girl named , Shinhee.

" Ew Jeon , Your text to her is so ew. " He smiled at me , " Just like your name , Ms Kim So ew. " I rolled my eyes , " Don't you dare follow me. " I said as I walked nearer to the door of the bus.

He nod while rolling his eyes and I got off.

Jungkook's POV

I'm going to meet Shinhee. I don't really love her but I just dated her since she's really desperate so yeah. I'm being a kind soul for dating her but I think she should know my true feelings today.

I arrived at the mall and I went to the cafe to look for Shinhee. Among everyone , I spotted a girl that has shoulder-length hazelnut hair using her phone.

I walked to her and sat down on the empty chair.

She looked up and smiled as she realised it was me. She held my hands , " Oppa , Look at this. " She showed me a picture of a couple being together till old.

" Do you think we would be like them ? " I felt bad , I didn't know she's so in love with me. I shook my head , she seemed shocked.

" Look , Shinhee. The truth is I've never actually really love you , I just dated you since you were really desperate and I didn't want to hurt you. " Tears flowed down her cheeks.

" B-But I loved you with all my heart. " She grabbed onto my hand , " Don't leave me , Please. " I released her hands and apologised before leaving.

I wanted to use my phone and see if Seorin replied to my message but my phone isn't with me.

I ran back to the cafe and realised Shinhee is looking through my messages and she glared at me. She showed me the message that I send to Seorin , she smirked , " It's because of her right ? "

I shook my head and grabbed my phone , " I broke up with you because I think you deserve a guy that truly loves you. " She shook her head , " I don't need any guy , I need you. "

I walked away , leaving her crying.

Seorin replied me with , ' Get a life dude. ' I rolled my eyes , that's so not in trend anymore.

I got her number through Nami , we were in a group together a few months back so I just asked her for Seorin's number to make her life even worse than she thought.

Seorin's POV

I stared at the message Jungkook sent to me , I glared at it. He called me So ew again.

I replied him with my catchphrase , Get a life dude.

But how did he get my number ? I thought for awhile and realised , Na Nami.

I mentally cursed Nami since it's definitely her that gave my number to Jungkook , no one else knows my number except for her.

I walked over to Nami's house , oh that girl is so dead. I rang the doorbell and she opened the door and smiled at me.

" Na Nami , Your so dead. " I walked into her house and sat at the couch , " You gave my number to the white tee jerk. "

She seemed shocked that I found out but she sat next to me , " I'm helping you , my friend. Girls wants his number but no one got it. " I rolled my eyes , " I don't want his number though. "

She wrapped her arms around my shoulders , " You know , I have a feeling that you and him are Soulmate. " I choked , " Me and White Tee Jerk ?! No way. I'm too Perfect for him. "

I flipped my hair and she laughed , " You ? Perfect ? " I glared at her , " Have you seen me ? " She nods and points at my face , " Staring at you now and my answer ain't changing. "

I smacked her and she laughed nonstop , " Fine , Fine your perfect but I'm more perfect than you. " I glared at her and say straight.

" I don't know what's with White Tee Jerk , his been bugging me since the Cafe incident. " She smirked ,
" Maybe it's fated that his yours and your his. " I glared at her , " An art work dating a puppy ? That's never going to happen. "

" Let's wait , shall we ? " She winked and I nod , " I Trust my own instinct. " I rolled my eyes , " Since when have your instinct happened like what you've predicted ? "

" None but this time it's real. " I nod , " Sure , Sure. " She glared at me , " My dear friend , Soon your going to be Jeon Seorin and hey , it sounds nice. "

" Stop lying to yourself , my friend. " She sighed ,
" You don't trust me do you ? " I nod , " I'll bet with you , 50,000 Won. "

" That's a lot. " She smirked , " You really think Jungkook and You are fated ? " I shook my head ,
" Deal. " She smirked while I glared at her.

I really have no clue why did Nami thinks that Jungkook and I are fated , If both Jungkook and I are the last person living on earth , I wouldn't date him still.

Suddenly , I looked around and stared at Nami.

" Do you perhaps have any food ? "

15th April 2017

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