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Seorin's POV

It has been a few months since I've debuted. What i've learned about being an idol is that , sometimes having fame isn't the only thing that matters. What really matters is having fans that are like your family with you , supporting you in whatever you do.

There's so many things related to the idol world that I can't say , I rarely meet up with Jin because of scandals even though his my brother. I guess we drifted apart.

Hyunjae did became an actor and we are actually dating right now.

He confessed to me on 21st September this year.

No one except the CEO also known as Hyunjae's dad knows about it. He was actually supportive of our relationship because he thinks that as youths , we should experience everything instead of keeping it inside of us just because we are celebrities.

Today , Hyunjae asked me on a date to Everland. It's hard but guess what ? We are actually assigned as partners for We Got Married even before we got into a relationship and it became a huge stepping stone to our relationship.

My stylist told me to wear a pink sweater with a high waisted pants and a light brown coat. It was then paired with a pair of branded shoes that looks really cute and it's sponsored since i'm an idol.

My Manager drove me to Everland for filming or as what Hyunjae and I called it , A date.

" You look so gorgeous today. " He smiled , " Am I not gorgeous the rest of the day ? " He chuckled and shook his head , " Your always pretty in my heart and in my eyes but your extra pretty today. "

I chuckled and he held my hand and pulled me to the first ride.

It's a couple Rollercoaster , Inspired by the theme , Valentine. There were hearts , cupids and roses everywhere. We sat down at the seat , and the I had difficulties buckling it.

Hyunjae buckled up for me and I smiled at him as our hand made contact.

We Got Married is the only platform that we can act as if we are really on an actual date. The sad part is that there's camera noticing all our moves and actions that we can't be that natural.

" Are you scared ? " I shook my head , " It's okay to be scared , Seorin-ah. " He chuckled , " I'll always be here for you. " He held my hand.

This scene seemed so familiar.

The ride ended quickly and I wasn't scared at all. Just that , this ride reminds me of so many memories about him.

The whole day went rather smooth and the shoot ended. He brought me back to my dorm and he smiled at me , " I hope you have fun today even though it wasn't like a real date. " I smiled and nod.

" I had a lot of fun. " He chuckled and ruffled my hair. " I'll leave first , It's getting late. " I nod and he smiled before leaving.

I went into my room to see my roommate sitting on her bed , using her phone.

" Oh , Seorin-ah your back ! " She screamed with a smile on her face as she attacked me by giving me hugs.

I laughed so hard as we fell onto the ground as if both of us are the main character in a drama. This is the scene of what people usually want in a drama.

little did you know | jeon jungkook Where stories live. Discover now