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Seorin's POV

After Jungkook send me home , I laid on my bed thinking about the kiss. It wasn't the most dramatic kiss , neither is it the most magical kiss but it's the kiss that made it into one part of both Jungkook  and I's memory and that's what made it unique.

I sat up after Jin entered my room.

" Have you taken your dinner ? " I shook my head , signs of worry was shown on his face. " Are you hungry ? Why didn't you e- " I cut him off.

" Chill , I ate a little but trust me , i'm not hungry. " He sighed , " Fine , But at least eat a little. " I nod and cling onto his arm.

" Oppa , trust me. I'm an independent woman. " He chuckled and ruffled my hair , " I know your an independent woman but your still a child in my eyes no matter how old you are. "

I knew how worried Jin is for me , since i'm a girl and he loves me a lot but I felt the need to let him know that I'm old enough.

I lived like i have no parents since i'm a child , Jin is like my parents. My actual parents are busy 24/7 and they only returned home when it's holidays but the sad part is that , not all the time.

They lived in Canada and didn't even bother contacting us. I wonder are we even their biological children.

" Oppa , Is mom and dad coming home this Chuseok ? " He sighed , " Im not really sure but Seorin-ah , you do know that Dad and Mom are b- " I sighed , " I know , I know. Dad and Mom are busy and I have to understand. "

" It has always been like that for the past 11 years , what can i do ? Dad and Mom are just simply busy and stuff. I just have to understand. " I rolled my eyes , " Seorin-ah , " I sighed , " Oppa , I need some time alone. "

He wanted to say something but he nods and walked out.

I rolled into a ball and looked at my family picture that I placed on my desk. I missed the good old times when Dad and mom would come home everyday and hugged us , reading us bedtime stories and having outings every weekends.

But now , I don't even see them during the holidays.

Chuseok is around the corner and I can't wait to see my parents but they might not even be coming home to visit us.

Because of work.

Hey work is more important than your own children , even if they are alive or not , work is more important.

I walked to my desk , " mianhe mianhe hajima , nega chorahaejijanha , palgan yeppun isseodo - "
I was singing halfway when Jin came into my room.

" Seorin-ah , do you want to pursue music ? " My eyes widened , " Music ? " He nods. He sat on my bed and I went to sit on my bed.

" I know mom and dad wouldn't agree with it but I will help you , since mom and dad didn't even act as our parents and i'm like both your mom and dad for the past 11 years , " He chuckled , " So I agree in letting you pursue music since I didn't want you to regret not doing whatever you love. "

I hugged him , " Oppa , Is it true ? Are you really letting me pursue music ? " He nods. My eyes widened and I hugged him even tighter.

He smiled and points to my bed , " It's getting late , you should go to bed soon. " I nod and waited for him to exit my room before changing into my pyjamas.

I washed up and climbed into my bed and tucked myself to bed.

I felt as if today is the best day of my life.

" Seorin-ah , " I felt someone tapping me and I moved around in my spot and opened my eyes to see Jin in his Mario Apron. " Time to get up. "

I stretched a little and went to wash up.

I changed into my uniform and went down to get some breakfast. I grabbed a Korean breakfast burrito  made with love by Mr Kim Seokjin and walked out of the door with Jin screaming from the kitchen.

I got on the bus and plugged my earpiece into my ears , And waited until I reached the school.

I looked out of the window and realised I reached the school. I walked into the school and I spotted Jungkook , my heart raced just by seeing him.

Did I actually fell in love with him ?

I walked to Jungkook and tapped him on the shoulder but his stare isn't like how he normally looked at me.

Instead of it being sweet and nice , it's literally cold and just urgh , it became the same old glare that he shot me at our first meeting.

" Go away Annoying. " He pushed me aside and walked away. I stared at his figure as it slowly disappeared into the crowd of students.

What happened to him ? did the kiss mean nothing to him ?

The bell rang and I went to class. A random kid sat beside me and I simply shot him a weird look , He realised I was staring at him.

" Jungkook asked me to change seats with him. " I nod and continued with my work. Does he really just want to play with my feelings and then ditched me ?

Does he really hate me that much ?

I stared at Jungkook and he finally stared back after a long time , Suddenly he raised his hand. He points at me , " Can you shift her seat ? She kept staring at me and it's very distracting. "

My heart sank. Did he just asked the teacher to shift my seat ?

The class burst into laughter , obviously , seeing Two students who used to be close as heck , and now became like enemies.

" Please change seats with Dohyun. " I nodded and shifted all my things to Dohyun's table. But lucky for me , Dohyun is Nami's Seatmate which means that I'm now Nami's seatmate.

" Are You and Jungkook okay ? " I shrugged , " You guys seemed kind of odd today. " I shrugged. She stared at me , " Are you okay ? " I nod.

" You seemed sa- " I smiled and shook my head , " I am alright , do I look sad to you ? I'm perfectly fine. " I chuckled. Something about her tells me that she doesn't believe me. I mean , I don't even trust myself.

From the corner of my eyes , I saw Jungkook staring at me.

From today onwards , I tell myself to not be distracted by Jungkook at all. In another words , to ignore his existence.

16th April 2017

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