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Seorin's POV

I Went home without seeing Jungkook. Not trying to be over confident but a couple of guys asked me for my number but I didn't gave them my number.

I'm now in the car , with my driver and Jin.

" Heard you were looking for someone , did you managed to find him ? " I shook my head. My eyes widened , " How Di- " He smiled , " I overheard you talking to yourself while applying your make up. "

" Why aren't you being the over protective you , scold me ? " He chuckled , " Would it even make any difference ? " I shook my head and he laughed.

" You guys are the weirdest siblings ever. " My chauffeur whom I called , Uncle Jungseok said while chuckling.

" You guys are rich , but why don't you guys show it ? I mean there's so many people out there that wants to be rich. " I smiled , " Uncle Jungseok , didn't you teach us when we were younger , to not look down on others' ? " He nods.

" We didn't want to make others felt as if we look down on them so we just want to be ordinary people. Plus being rich doesn't mean your different from others. " He nods with a proud smile on his face.

" I'm so glad i've taught you guys well. " He suddenly got a call , " Your parents are at home right now. " My eyes widened , I don't even know if I should feel happy that they are back or shocked that they even remember us.

" Be respectful to them alright ? they are still your parents after all. Without them , you guys wouldn't be here and you wouldn't meet me. " I pout , " But I felt so awkward around them. "

He sighed , " Maybe it's because of lack of communication but just try to start a conversation with them. You know how unexpressive your parents are right ? " Both Jin and I nodded.

" Jin-ah , " He smiled , " Please be respectful to your parents and control your little sister. They truly love you and if they don't , they wouldn't hire me to drive you guys around. "

Jin nods , " Aren't you coming in ? " Hs shook his head , " I have to leave , my wife is calling me home right now. " He chuckled.

He dropped us off at the gate and we waved goodbye to him before walking into the house.

We walked in to see an empty house. Not a single soul is in the house. Uncle Jungseok definitely wouldn't lie to us , so where are they ?

I walked to the couch to find a piece of note.

" Seokjin and Seorin-ah ,
We found out that we still have some business that we need to complete in our Seoul branch by today. We will try to come back today alright ? "

I crushed the note and threw it in to the trash can. Jin frowned , " What was that ? " He opened the trash can and took out the crushed note that I threw and read it.

A sigh escaped his mouth , " You know how b- " I rolled my eyes , " How many times have you been repeating the same thing ? How many year have it been ? aren't you tired of all the times that they say that they would come back ? where are they then ? "

I heard something dropped and I turned around to see my parents , holding a present in their hand. But the cake got smashed and fell to the ground.

" M-Mom , D-Dad , " Jin called out , but my mom just walked out of the house without saying anything and my dad chased after her.

I sighed and ruffled my hair.

My life is as messed up as my hair.

I walked to the couch and laid back. Why does it seemed as if i'm always the bad guy ?

Jin ran out of the house , trying to find my parents since I made them upset again. I scrolled through my contact list. Na Nami is sleeping , Jinwoo is having classes and Jungkook ...

I'm not even sure.

I decided to call Jungkook since i'm in a bad mood so maybe he might help ? I don't know. I feel like if he would just answer , My mood would become better within seconds.

Just then , someone answered.

S - Jungkook ?
J - Sorry , Who are you ?
S - S-Seorin ?
J - I'm sorry but didn't Jungkook tell you ?
S - Tell me what ?
J - That his leaving Seoul to go to Canada to further his studies there.

My heart sank , I dropped my phone.

Is that why he was mean to me ?

Because his leaving ?

So all of that dream wasn't fake ?

Tears rolled down my cheeks like rainfall , Why didn't I realised it earlier ? Maybe I can ch-

What time is his flight ?

I asked the person on the phone but sadly , My life doesn't have a happy ending.

Jungkook left a few hours ago , which is the reason why he didn't go for the ball.

I was trying ways to find him but he deleted all of his social media , not even one is left. He even deleted his Kakao talk and Line.

Is he really ready to break all ties with me ?

Because I'm not.

Even after days , months or even years , I would still be waiting in this same old house for Jungkook to return to Seoul. I believe one day he would.

My parents came home with a frown on their faces. Upset with what I said. My mom walked to me and slapped me on my cheek , What could make my day even worse ? I don't know , A slap.

Jin's eyes widened , Along with my dad's.

" Don't you know how much me and your dad work just to give you a good life ? While your here complaining , we are outside working so hard just so you and Jin will have a bright future ! " My frown lines deepened.

" We don't need to have money. Even if we have all the money , We don't truly experience love. I would rather sacrifice all the money just so you and dad could stay with us and just spend time with us ! Money can't give us bright future if we are not even happy with doing business ! I want to pursue music and that's final ! "

My parents eyes widened , " How dare you say that you want to pursue music ?! Do you think you can make a living out of it ?! " I smirked , " At least I know that I truly enjoy it. At least I wouldn't be doing it and earning money without actually liking what i'm doing. "

I walked away leaving them behind.

Sometimes I wonder , Is it wrong to actually have a dream ?

I sat on my bed , Thinking about how I should face Uncle Jungseok tomorrow since Jin would exposed me.

I stayed in my room , while wearing my dress. I changed out of it first , before staring at the mirror I have in my bathroom.

" Kim Seorin , your doing music and that's final. "

20th April 2017

Double updates !! This is to make up for your loss.

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