Chapter 7

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Phee POV

I can't believe I've just met MyLitttleMinion aahhhh I honestly cried so much, and I can't believe he saw my wrists.


I thought he was going to be like we that's gross emo.

He wasn't he was so cute about it he told me to stop because I'm to beautiful to be hurting myself and I couldn't help but notice the way he looked at me with such concern in his eyes as if he really knew me. Aahhh I love him so much like urgh why isn't he mine already!

Anyways I'm now standing with mr Dan Lewis I've just been to Ab and he is so cute he gave me a hug and said I looked beautiful he also liked the fact I made him a bracelet with his name on which I made him put on. Beth talking with their manager George while waiting for is she was also takin some selfies with him.

I looked up at Dan and said hello he said hi back but I noticed he looked at me and then straight at Lillian who was behind me with Ab. I couldn't help but stare at him for a while but then I got bored of waiting so I sighed and said;

"She's beautiful isn't she?"

He looked back at me realising I saw him staring and said;

"Oh I-I ermm what?"

I giggled to myself because I've just thrown him totally off guard;

"I said she's beautiful isn't she aha her name is Lillian she's my best-friend and room mate when she comes over act confident don't be shy I've seen the way you're looking at her" I winked at the end of that sentence and he laughed and replied

"Okay thanks for the advice for that you get to take selfies with me" after that we took about 12 selfies together and a video of us singing his 'Yolo Swag' and he kissed me cheek at the end looked into the camera and said ,

"And as always.... Oh wait Phee I've forgot help me out here"

I laughed and at the same time we both looked at each other then back into the camera and said


He gave me a hug and waved me goodbye.

I think I had the biggest smile on my face when I walked over to Beth we spoke to George I gave him his presents and said thank you for being such an awesome manager then he said thank you for being such awesome fans and took my phone and said

"I haven't just taken your phone for no reason I want selfies with my favourite MADone"

The smile in my face grew even bigger as we snapped some photog she kissed my forehead as Lillian came over and we had to go but as I went to walk away I felt a soft hand grip my arm and spin me around I was happily greeted by a beautiful face.

It was Michael he looked at me for a while.

About five minutes actually.

We were just staring into each others eyes.

His eyes were so dreamy I could of looked into them all day.

We were both snapped out of our dreaming by Dan coughing extremely loudly that it made us both jump then Michael spoke,

"Hi, again erm I just wanted to know if you are erm coming to the VIP room after the show"

I was a little taken back by why he was asking me that but I replies nervously

"Erm yeah I am "

Once I said yes the smile that started appearing on his face was beautiful he tried to hide it but it failed he then spoke

"Okay well looks like I'll see you there then beautiful" with that he hugged me an after he hugged me he walked back to the table and winked at me followed by blowing me a kiss.

Omg am I dreaming did Michael freaking Sutthakorn seriously just wink at me.

I'm dead.

I need to breathe.


Mel's POV

Woah the show was amazing, I can't believe how good they we're live ahh.

I'm now queuing for the VIP room where I saw Phee standing with her friends.

I thought to myself fuck it let's go up there. You are I'm a bit shy around new people but as I was about to walk over she caught me and came down to me and took me with her back to her friends;

"Okay guys this is Mel she is amazing and one of my fave don't be mean horrible or nasty to here or I will have to personally rip your eyeballs out with a blunt fork" she laughed at the end of that sentence which made me giggle a little her friends laughed too.

Typical Phoebe always making people laugh, I've been talking to her for over a month now and she is lovely she is so kind and funny oh I do love her ahaa and her rant when she is angry oh dear lord help us haha.

Her friends introduce themselves as Lilliann and Beth they seem like lovely girls Beth and Phee are so alike it's unreal and they're not even related haha.

Lillian is... Strange she doesn't seem to like me very much she keeps looking at me funny and it's making me a bit uncomfortable. I'll have to talk to Phoebe about it later for now I'm more interested in finally being able to meet Phee and to be meeting the boys and hanging out with them all together.

George has just welcomed us into the massive room there are about 10 of us in the VIP lounge, where the boys are all sitting Lillian, Beth and I all walked in but then I realised Phee wasn't with us I looked around for her and noticed Michael looking around too whilst hugging everyone. Once he got to hugging me he looked at me and said

"Have you seen a girl called Phoebe. Brown hair dip dyed blonde/ginger, about my height with beautiful blue eyes wearing skinny jeans a black we are the MADones hoodie and diamanté trainer oh and a top that says Michael'sMyMinion on it" he said the last bit with a smile and as I was about to respond she walked I to the lounge looking gorgeous as ever and Michaels eyes lit up.

I have a feeling tonight is going to be a good night for them haha. I walked over to Ab and gave him a hug he said I looked beautiful and called me princess ahah i felt like melting then I walked over to Dan as I walked over I saw Lillian heading for Ab she looked at me with a mischievous smirk on her face.

Oh god what's she up too?

So just thought I'd do a quick update seen as our boys made the Top40 again!!

That's right you heard me 32 in the charts baby wooo!!

Would just like to say FUCK YOU to everyone who ever doubted my boys because this is the second time they've been in the Top40 so HA in up face bitches;)

Rant over haha I hope you're enjoying the book I know it's taking a while to get into I apologise haha.

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Thank you all for reading.

I love you all.


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