Chapter 11

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Michael's POV

So Phee has invited Aiden over as a surprise to us all and honestly I'm so glad to see him, I've missed him so much.

Well Phee has decided we are all going to have a movie day with pizza for lunch and popcorn literally everything you'd get at a cinema she's brought here for us.

Oh i do love her so much.

Well everyone's sat in there spaces, Phee and I are laying across the three seat sofa her head resting on my chest and on of my arms wrapped around her waist and the other holding her hand playing with her pinkie, because I know she finds that cute.

Then there's Lillian and Ab sitting on the two seater together, Mel and Dan are sat in the arm chair Mel sitting in Dan's lap leaning against him and there's the latest addition to our group Aiden and Beth. They are so cute together they already hit it of well and you can tell the Aiden really likes her and everyone knows that Beth loves him like literally would go around the world and back for that boy just like I would for Phee, anyways the have sat on the floor together leanings against the sofa me and Phee are sitting in, Beth laying in between Aidens legs resting her head on his chest, he slowly moves a strand of hair from her face and then kisses her on the forehead.

After a few moments of everyone arguing over Phee's choices of DVDs, she got Despicable Me 1&2, that's my girl we both love that film especially the minions and seen as she nicknamed me her little minion ahah but the decision was made and it looks like we was watching Frozen as that is what most people picked apart from Me Phee, Beth and Aiden we all wanted Despicable Me, Phee put the DVD in and came back to me on the sofa pouting like a child saying;

"You're all meanies you know how much I love my minions!!"

She then smiled looked at me and said,

"Especially this little minion"

I just laughed pulled her onto my lap tickled her a little and while she was giggling I stopped her by crashing my lips onto hers without any warning, she immediately kissed me back while intwining her tiny little hands into mine and stopped kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear;

" you can watch your minions later with me baby just watch his for now, oh and guess what?"

She looked at me with a smile and said;

"Yay I get to watch my minions with my minion and what?"

I just laughed pushed her hair out of her face and said

"I love you Princess"

As I said that the film started and she laid herself across my chest again wiggling herself comfortable as she pulled my quilt she brought in from my room over us snuggling herself into me, I couldn't help but wrap my arms around her. I let out a sigh and looked over at Beth and Aiden noticing that they were cuddled up next to each other wrapped in a pizza blanket Beth bought with her.

Ahh this is perfect I thought to myself.


Aidens POV

So I'm sat here on the floor with the girl of my dreams.

I can't believe Phee didn't tell any of them I was coming over, cheeky bitch.

So we are sat on the floor, Beth sitting between my legs with her head laying on my chest, I don't think is could be anymore perfect.

I just keep looking down at her because she's so beautiful and I wouldn't change this moment for the world.

As we are sitting here watching Frozen she looks up at me slowly and I can't help but want to kiss her.

She looks up at me for a while so I take the opportunity and passionately crash my lips onto hers she's sort of shocked by my actions and gasps a little she then pulls away from me smiles and whispers


I'm a bit worried by the tone of her voice but I still answer her,

"Yeah babe"

She then bites her bottom lip looks me in the eyes with a smile on her face and whispers in my ear,

"I love you Aiden Hancock"

I just smile and say,

"I love you so much more Beth Lewis"

She then returns the kiss I gave her only moments ago and then we continue to watch Frozen.


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