Chapter 14

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Aiden's POV

well this has been an interesting day.

I only came over to see Beth, Phee and the boys and there's so much drama that's been going on like whoa.

Beth and I have been getting on really well and things are going great we still haven't confirmed it or made it official yet but I think today or maybe tomorrow will be a good time to ask her but I think I should ask her in front of everyone but I'll ask Phee about it later as she's not exactly in a fit state of mind after her fight with Lillian literally it was crazy I would never of thought Lillian would of hit Phee I mean I knew Phee would hit someone if they pissed her off but whoa I never saw that coming between them both, but oh well that's happened now anyways Lillian has gone home because of the tension and now everyone is off doing their own thing.

Phee and Michael have just come out of his room laughing and giggling together, they are adorable, you can tell she's been crying as her eyes are even more red and bloodshot, but at least she's okay now sort of. Mike heads for the kitchen and Phee grabs Despicable Me 1 & 2,

"Hey flower" I always call her flower ever since I've known her and it's stuck ever since then haha " is it alright if I speak to you tomorrow morning please it's really important but I don't want to ruin your night with your little minion" I give her a wink at the end as a joke and she giggles and knows what I'm talking about.

"Of you can petal, and good because I'm watching Despicable Me 1&2 with my little minion" she giggles as Mike walks back into the room,

"oi you I heard my nickname mentioned" mike came in with all their food and gave her a hug from behind.

I replied for her

"she was telling me that she's watching those" I point to the DVD's in her hand "with you mate, and aren't you both going to get really fat with that lot" I then point to the food in his hands or arms should I say they both laugh and walk back towards his bedroom after saying goodnight to Beth and I, I mean they're going to get fat seriously the amount of crap they had, Michael was carrying 2 packets of smarties cookies, a massive 3 litre bottle of Vimto and Pink Lemonade because they're Phee's favourites a full bag of monster munch, pop tarts everything you can think of they've probably got it.

Ben and Mel said they are both going to sleep in his room and Dan's in his so that leaves Beth and I either with the spare bedroom or the living,

"Babe..?" I ask her as I think she's fallen asleep on me.

"mmhmm" she just about mumbles

"do you want to sleep on the floor in here with the mattress or in the spare bedroom?"

"what room has got the biggest TV in it babe?" she's awake now and I laugh because I know what's coming after I answer this,

"the TV in the living room is the biggest one babe"

I see her look at me with puppy dog eyes and say

"can we pwease sleep in the living room and... can we pwease watch frozen"

she giggles at the end of this and I jus nod in agreement so Beth get of her beautiful lazy arse and puts frozen on.

*5 mins later*

so we're 5 minutes into the film and she hasn't stopped talking,

"oh oh oh oh this is the bit where she starts singing!" she says,

uh oh here comes the singing

"Babe please don..." before I can finish shes away,

"Elsa *knock knock knock knock knock* do you wanna build a snow man come on lets go and play I never see you anymore come out the door it like you've gone awaaayyyyy"

I have no in getting her to stop anytime soon

"we use to be best buddies and now we're not I wish you would tell me why... do you wanna build a snowman? it doesn't have to be a snowman *GO AWAY ANNA* okay byee"

and she continues to sing oh gosh here we go again

"do you wanna build a snowman? or ride our bikes around the hall? I think some company in over due I've started talking to the pictures on the way HANG IN THERE JOAN it gets a little lonely all these empty rooms just watching the hours tick byyyy *tick tock tick tock*"

"FINALLY the singing has stopped" I say laugh and she giggles and says

"NOPE, aha!" the she looks sad and says "omg no this bit is so sad like look their parents are now dead because of the waves and now omg the sad part of the song..."

and now the singing AGAIN!!

"*knock knock* Elsa please, I know you're in there, people are asking where you've been, they say of courage and I'm trying to I'm right out here for you just let me iiinnnn, we only have each other its just you and me what are we gonna do? do you wanna build a snowman"

I cant take anymore of this singing so I do the only thing I can to shut her up.

I lean over to her a kiss her to shut her up she immediately stops singing and giggles I pull away from our kiss and say whilst laughing,

"are you going to shut up now or am I going to have to kiss you again?"

she looks at me with an evil smirk on her face and laughs then says,

"hey Aiden guess what, DO YOU WANNA BUILD A SNOWMAN?" I knew she was only saying this to get me to kiss her again but I didn't care, I kissed her anyways and she kissed me back and we stayed like this for a while now and then I pulled away and said.

"now will you shut up and watch the film?"

she nodded and we continued to watch the film.

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