Chapter 16

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  Amelia's POV:
After talking to Brandon, I walked out and went to the park to see if Lily was out there at all, and sure enough she was. "Lily are you okay?" I asked sitting down beside her comforting her. "Yeah I'm fine, I was just thinking about when my mom was still alive and how we were a real family, but now that she's gone nothing is the same." she said looking up at me wiping her eyes. "You want to go to five guys? They have the best burgers and fries in town. I'm buying and it's only a few blocks away from here." I said, hoping it would cheer her up. "Sure that sounds good" she said smiling at me. I knew she has not ate anything all day today and we were still dressed from bowling.
We were walking to five guys and we were talking and she mentioned Brandon and I thought about what he had said to me. I wonder if he really meant what he said or not. Its so hard to tell with him, especially with the way he's acting now. Maybe he did mean it, but should I tell Lily what he said? "Amel, are you okay?" she asked causing me to snap out of my thoughts. "Well, Lily, Brandon said something to me that has been making me re-think things." I said, I can't keep anything from my best friend what makes me think now I can? "What did he say?" Lily asked me looking confused. "He said, He has been thinking about us being together every single day. And that those girls mean nothing to him and that he couldn't imagine his life without me in it." I said biting me lip trying to hold back a smile from that thought. "Well do you believe him?" she said looking at with curiosity. "Should I?" I asked her. "I'm not sure I would have to say you should wait to at least see if he can prove it." she said
We finally reached five guys and ordered two bacon cheese burger, two sides of curly fries, and two coc0a colas. We sat down at a middle table this time and we were talking, when two emo guys came up to us and sat down and started having a conversation with us. They were really cool so we invited them to stay and we ended up exchanging numbers with them. We had fun and it took our minds off of things and those guys where really nice. As Lily and I were walking back to my house, we got a text from the guys, they said they had a good time and asked us if we wanted to go to the beach next Saturday and we texted them back saying sure sounds like fun.
We finally got back to my house to find Lily's dad's car in my drive way, he was waiting in the car, Lily and I walked pasted him ignoring him. He followed us in the house, when he entered my house he couldn't stand straight and was slurring his words. That is when I knew he was drunk, "Can you please leave?" I asked him politely. "N-no n-no-t without my daugh-ter and s-on" he said slurring his words. "They don't want to go home with you because you are drunk and you abuse them when you are dunk." I said making Lily go up to my room. Before she even started up the stairs "Lily if you go up those stairs I will beat you ass." he said looking at her meanly. "Excuse me but you are in my house and if you do that I will have you arrested" I said jumping in front of Lily. He pushed me down to the ground causing a vase to fall on my head and broke and a piece stabbed into my arm and leg, causing blood to pour out. "Lily run up to my room and lock my door" I said, not knowing where Ryan or Brandon was, I was hoping that they were in my room. I watched Lily's dad stumble up the stairs and walking to every room until he reached mine and he was banging on the door and I heard it open and I heard someone trying to talk to him, but he wouldn't listen.
I then heard someone fall and rushing down the stairs to find Brandon by my side. "What happened?Is Lily okay?" I asked. "Yeah she's fine. Ryan just knocked out my dad though and Lily told me what happened to you, so I rushed down to see how bad it was, Do you wan to go to the hospital?" he asked me. "No. I'm fine." I said getting up trying to walk when Ryan rushed down the stairs "No, you stay right there sis, don't you move." he said. "I'm fine Ryan trust me." I said as I got up and blood started to pour down my leg. I went to the bathroom and pulled the glass out and wrapped my arm and leg while Brandon was outside talking to the cops I hid in my room with Lily. Until Brandon came and got me and said he needed to talk to me. "Yes?" I asked. "Will you please go get checked out for me, I will drive you myself and it will be just us." he pleaded with me. "Will that make you feel better ?" I asked "Yes, it would" he replied. "Fine only because you asked me to and its not that bad." I said.
We were on the way to the hospital when we stopped in the middle of some parking lot. Just as I was about why did we stop he leaned in and kissed me. I was shocked to find that he actually kissed me and he still was. Then he pulled away and said "I truly am sorry about everything. I really like you Amel and what my dad did was unforgivable I hope he stays in jail." I looked at him and seen he was truly upset and sorry for what he had done. "It's okay and Brandon, but if you ever do it again you will never have another chance with me at all" I said. He smiled at me and we headed to the hospital when we got there the doctor came and seen me after 5 minutes of waiting turns out that I needed stitches. After getting the stitches Brandon took me to the beach to get some alone time with me.  

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