Chapter One - Its the First Chapter, How Will I Make This Without Being Obvious?

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A/N - My lil' warriors, I bring this fanfic to you as I listen to death metal, so some mixed signals will fly. I, uh, may not know all of their names, because I'm obviously not that big of a fan. I am a super fan, and these people have brought me so much happiness when my life was in a rut. Please read this. I mean, if you got this far, you are already reading this. I mean for this fanfic to go in the most respectable way. We may have a poll at the end to see who you are going to be with. I know, I know. "SC, that sounds like a stupid idea!""SC, give up!" I am never going to give you up, never going to let you down, never going to drag you around, then desert you. I don't know! At this point, I am just spitting flames, like the fiery ginger I am. If you read the description, I don't mean to copy anyone, all though that idea might come off as I am, because there is many fanfics where the BBS is in school with the reader. Okay, my lil' warriors, I just hit 200 words, meaning it's too long. Bye!

Y/N slammed the alarm button that kept on ringing off. It was placed on her dresser, in the small room that she had to herself. Y/N lived in a pretty small house, with just her mother. She usually didn't see her mom, only because her mom usually worked. That should've given her a lot of freedom, and it did. But she didn't abuse her freedom. She would come home right after school, and do her chores, like laundry.

Anyways, Y/N figuratively fell out of bed. Yes, she had fallen and she couldn't get up. That was sarcasm. She didn't actually fall out of bed, but she was tired enough so it felt like she did.

She started brushing her hair, happy when it was in the right place. "All good!" She said, laughing slightly as she gave a tiny twirl. She honestly disliked school, and the teachers were horrible. But being the sixteen - year - old she was, she had to deal with it. She was a loner at her school, but that was because she didn't have any friends. I know, regular teenage sob story. But really, I am technically saying that you don't have any friends, and I am sorry that I said that. Her friends had betrayed her for a chance to become popular. Period, point, blank.

She took off her pj's, regretting doing her hair before. But hey, it's only because the stupid author decided to write that before, and is too lazy to actually fix it. She pulled on a white tank top, and jeans. Looking at herself before she finished it off with a dark green hoodie, and rubber boots. She never wore makeup, which is probably a lie for some of you, but who fucking cares. Not me. I don't give any fucks or shits. She smiled weakly at herself as she grabbed her backpack, putting her hood up. She usually left her hair down, because like me, doesn't have any fucks to give.

She grabbed her laptop, phone and headphones, taking her backpack off to put her laptop in it, because it is another case of SC being lazy. She started playing music on her phone, placing the headphones on top of her head. She smiled at herself as she walked down her small hallway, which was littered with pictures of the walls. She lightly touched a picture, a smile on her face as her music blared.

She brought out the butter as she wandered in the kitchen, pulling her backpack off one more time and placing it on the counter, placing her bread in the toaster. She got out a butter knife, and actual butter. She smiled to herself as her song came on.

Her mom was gone, and as the toast was toasting to its glorified perfection, she read the note:

Dear Y/N,
I will be at work all of today. I know, we are used to this, but I have dinner makings in the fridge. Have fun at school!
Love, Mom.

She sighed happily, buttering her toast. She looked at her phone, kind of happy to see a black screen. She rarely got text messages or calls, so she just downloaded a lot of music on it. She got her keys out, and walked out of the house, phone in back pocket, headphones and hood on head, and finally, backpack on shoulders.

The walk to school was a short one, for many reasons. One, her mom just wanted her to be close. It was easier when her daughter was closer. Two, they obviously lived super fucking close.

She looked at the big stone school, with what looked like green plastic for the roofing. Her school was Cedar Heights, home of the timberwolves. A big highway was right next to it, and some kids were already filing in. Being around halfway through the school year, many people were used to this. The school it's self had three stories, and minimal trees surrounded the edge.

She walked on the sidewalks that led to the school, and gave a small wave to the security guard. Her names was Dorris, all though many people didn't know that. She wasn't  a teacher's pet or anything, you just liked chatting with her. She was very nice.

Y/N walked into the school, her boots squishing against the carpet of the school, which was multi-colored. Usually, you would have linoleum floors, but this school was very old, so no linoleum floors. They also didn't have the budget to actually fix up the school and make it better.

Y/N dragged her hands against the wall as she lightly bopped her head to some music. She was very shy, and pretty quiet, so yeah. I thought that would be important information for this story. A couple of the passing students glared at her, holding their backpacks, and turning their heads slightly. She always pretended not to notice.

She went up to her green locker, number 207. The green was the same green as the roof, and some of them were rusted and dented. Hers had writing on it, but she didn't care. She put up papers to cover up the writing with tape. She sighed, and turned off her music, placing her phone and headphones in her locker. She never put her backpack in her locker, because it was one of her most prized possessions.

She closed her door, only to be face to face with a mask. "Uh....." She said quietly, seeing bright blue eyes through the holes of the hockey mask. She had her laptop in her hands, so she hid her mouth with her laptop, her backpack on her shoulders. She could tell that the person in the mask was a dude, and he was wearing a white shirt, very dark blue jeans, and a light blue hoodie with a zipper. "Hello....." He said in a higher-pitched voice then she expected. Y/N pulled a piece of her H/C hair behind her hair, backing up slightly, and running into another person.

She quickly spun around, seeing and Asian with an owl on his shirt look into her E/C eyes. He was smirking, and grabbed her laptop.

"I need that....." She mumbled, reaching up to get it as he held it over his head. She had never seen these people around before, and they weren't that nice.

"What is something like you doing carrying around a laptop like this?" The Asian asked, looking at what brand it was. "I got it for my birthday....." She mumbled, glad that her hood was on. "Well, BRO, I think I may keep it." He said, walking to his locker, which was next to hers. He thought that she was a dude. Y/N growled, and another person came up, this time a man with a monkey on his shirt. "Calm down, dog. He was just joking." The boy said in a squeaky voice, using her shoulder as an armrest.

Y/N angrily took back the laptop, walking away when the hockey masked man pulled on her hood slightly. She slipped, and fell down, the boys laughed. The bell rang, and they were left, leaving her scrambling to her first period.

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