Chapter 31 - Jimmy Collins' Wake

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"Oh no." Y/N moaned, seeing Brian's car in her driveway. Marcel looked at her, raising an eyebrow. Then he recalled what happened.

"Oh. Don't worry, I'll deal with him. Lets just go inside." Marcel confirmed, Y/N giving him a tiny smile, and nodding her head. She hopped out of his car, and slowly began to walk towards her small house, Marcel walking next to her.

She got her key out from the bottom of her shoe, causing Marcel to smirk. She unlocked the door, and opened it up, taking her shoes off. Marcel did the same, opening his mouth as he glanced around her house.

There was a lot of family mementos, like statues, plates, even an ancient looking umbrella stand. They didn't cost anything, only because they were passed down from family.

Then there was a picture that caught Marcel's eyes. A black-haired man, kissing the cheek of what look-likes Y/N's mom. She had flushed cheeks, and the scene behind them was green with grass, but sun was visible.

"Mom, I'm home!" Y/N yelled through the house, pulling Marcel with her, the panic in her wound dying down. She saw Ohm and Brian talking with M/N, both with bloody noses, Brian having a black eye.

They stared to look at them, Marcel feeling like he was freezing up. He dragged Y/N to her room, putting her in. She nodded, and closed the door, getting what he was doing.

"Hey, Mrs. L/N. I'm here to take these two home." Marcel told her mom with a sugar-sweet voice. Ohm shook his head, Brian turning around to see Marcel.

"It was nice to see you again, Ms. L/N." Brian told her, patting her back. She nodded, and walked into the kitchen. Marcel grabbed both of their ears, and dragged them outside.

"Who the fuck do you think you guys are? I heard what you did, and I'm fucking pissed." Marcel yelled, shoving Ohm into his truck, and Brian into his car.

"Now, go home. On Monday, you are going to apologize to Y/N. Got it?" Marcel hissed, slamming Ohm's door shut, then turning to Brian.

"Yeah, Marcel. Whatever. Talk to Brian, I wasn't the one who kissed her." Ohm exclaimed to Marcel, and drove away to who-knows-where.

"Brian? Why the fuck did you kiss her?" Marcel inquired in a soft voice, starting the car.

"I have.... a fling for Y/N." Brian responded quietly, running the back of his neck, and looking out the window. Marcel looked the other way as well.

"I believe we all do." Marcel replied, looking down at his hands. Brian looked at him, and shamefully looked at his feet.

"I'm scared for Monday, honestly. They are going to hate me, I know it." Brian  stuttered slightly, Marcel beginning to drive.

"Yeah. I believe they will." Marcel said, shaking his head.

Time Skipperon to Funday Monday.

Y/N walked in her homeroom, Craig already sitting at their seat. She waved at him, and saw Lui, a bright smile on his face. She lightly waved at Lui, and he smiled back, waving with both hands. Brock was sitting next to him, moving Avery's chair away from them, and next to someone else, a jock, perhaps.

"Hey, guys!" Y/N said enthusiastically. She has her backpack hanging from one arm, and she sat next to Craig, patting her on the back.

"How is the boo-boo, Y/N?" Lui asked, lightly flicking her head, in a teasing manner. She turned around, then remembered Tyler. Her face turned a dark red.

"It's fine." She stuttered, then quickly glanced away, hiding her face. Craig looked down at her in worry, and rubbed her back, causing her to let out a loud sigh.

"Tyler did something this weekend, I don't want to talk about it, but just letting you know." Y/N mumbled, taking out her homework.

The rest of the day went like that until lunch. She brought out her lunchbox, and opened it up to her usually, just a sandwich.

Delirious was there first, and he sat down next to her, hugging her tightly. "You are lucky I don't whale on them." He told her, referencing Ohm and Brian.

She shook her head, and leaned into him, ripping her sandwich in half, and beginning to eat it. Delirious smiled, until Brian sat down, with Ohm staying his distance. Delirious shook his head, adjusting his mask.

Tyler was next, blushing like a tomato as he sat down on the other side of Delirious, not wanting to see Y/N at that point.

Craig sat across from Tyler, glaring at him. He had his glasses off and on the table, Tyler taking his glasses off as well.

Marcel sat next to Y/N, hugging her as well. She smiled softly, continuing to eat her sandwich.

Luke waved at her, and Lui appeared behind Luke, hopping in the seat next to him. Bryce came, and kissed Y/N's head, ruffling her hair up.

They saw Evan walking her to them, and Y/N waved, making Delirious and Marcel let go of her. She stood up to go hug him, but stopped when she saw Avery walk over to him.

Her eyes went wide when she saw Avery kiss him on the lips. He tried to pull away, but she leaned in more, smearing her red lipstick on his mouth.

Then she knew what was happening. Everything was put together. He was wearing a scarf with his normal outfit, which meant.....

"Evan....?" Y/N asked, surprised that Avery wasn't expelled. He pushed Avery away by the chest, the turned to Y/N, trying to wipe the lipstick off of his mouth. Avery glared at Y/N.

Y/N ripped the scarf off of Evan's neck, only to see a red mark there. She crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow. "So, that's where you were." Y/N had told him.

She had been trying to contact him all weekend, never getting a text back, and the calls going to voicemail. A tear slipped down her cheek.

"Wow, Evan. My best friend ignoring me for this... bitch. Really classy, Evan. Very classy." She said, clapping sarcastically. She then slapped him, stomping out of the lunchroom, Evan looking at her.

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