Chapter Two - Hey, I Did a Good Job Finding A Title for the Last Chapter!

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Y/N walked into her home room, a sigh releasing from her mouth as she sat down. She pulled her hood off, and ran her fingers through her hair, bringing out her laptop, and her binder as she wrote the date down in her notebook. She was the last one to class, and as always, late for the agenda writing.

She usually sat alone, as I have told you before, but today was different. A boy sat next to you, looking at her. He had curly brown hair, and brown eyes, and he smiled slightly when she looked back. "Hello, I'm Craig, but everyone calls me Mini Ladd, or Mini!" He said in a slight British accent, sticking his hand out.

"Y/N L/N." She replied, gripping his hand daintily, shaking it slightly. He gives her a big smile, and looks back at the teacher, writing stuff down as he did.

She smiled slightly to herself, putting her hand back down, and grabbing her pen, continuing to write. He glances at her a couple of times, a smirk on his face as he looks at her outfit. A tiny smile is played on her face, barely visible. Y/N can see him out of the corner of her E/C eye.

Very soon, the bell rang, and Y/N was released into the wild hallways, stampeding teenagers everywhere, scrambling.


Y/N was tired, and it was only halfway through the day, but that meant something good; lunch. Most people loved lunch, worshipped it, cherished it. No work, just food. You could chat with friends, read, do almost anything.

Y/N sat at a corner table, her hood up, taking a bite of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She also had a Capri-Sun. She took a small sip, looking around happily.

She noticed a fairly large amount of people, of couple of them walking towards her. It was the boys from the locker, and..... Craig? They sat down next to you, a couple you didn't know.

"This is the boy we were walking about. We call him dog." The owl man said to a dude in an Adventure Time t-shirt and another Irish baby. Craig sat right next to her, holding in laughter. Y/N glared at him, elbowing him in the stomach.

The masked man came up behind her, and stole her sandwich. "Hey....!" She said quietly, standing up quickly only to be tripped by pig shirt dude. He started laughing, while Craig helped her up.

"Guys, what the fuck?" He asked, taking the sandwich out of the masked man's hands. He was about to take a big bite. "Craig, why? He doesn't matter, I was going to eat it!" The hockey mask man said, punching him lightly in the arm.

"He is a she, named Y/N, and she is very nice!" Craig said, picking her up, and gently rocking her back and forth, with her blushing the whole time.

"He can eat my sandwich. I wasn't that hungry anyways." She muttered, and the other Irish man squealed. "She is adorable!" He yelled, picking her up as well, and nuzzling her nose with his nose. The masked man ear's were bright red, so you could tell that he was blushing. "Hello, little jelly bean! Most people call me Nogla!" He said as he put her back down on the ground, poking her nose and taking off her hood.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry!" The pig-shirt-man-dude said as he hugged her. He had an accent, almost like a New-Yorker, but she wasn't sure. "It's cool." Y/N mumbled, slowly pushing him away. "People call me Wildcat. I don't know why, especially because I love pigs." He told her, shrugging slightly.

The next person, the monkey dude, pushed him out of the way with a smirk on his face, pushing the hair out of his eyes before he talked to her. "This is pretty awkward. Uh, I'm Lui, yeah. I'm sorry about earlier." He told her, patting her back awkwardly, before getting pushed by the other new person.

"I am Basically, I know we haven't met, but I would like to be friends!" He said with a chuckle, giving her a tiny hug. They all were super tall compared to her, and they could pick her up.

The masked man came up, and picked her up. "I am very sorry. I stole your sandwich. I like sandwiches. And teddy bears. They call me Delirious!" He said, doing a high-pitched laugh and hugging her tightly. She struggled to get out, but he wouldn't let her. "C'mon guys, knock it off." Another person said, who was wearing shorts, a sunset shirt, and sandals. He took her away from him.

"You are okay now. The weirdo has died." He said, stroking her hair softly before setting her down. "My nickname is Moo Snuckel, but of course, they just call me Moo!" He said with a big smile portrayed on his face as he patted her head. "I didn't die!" Delirious yelled, tackling Moo as Y/N sidestepped, walking next to Craig.

"I swear I am the only smart one here....." He muttered, looking down at her with a big giggle escaping his mouth. She looked up at him, a snicker leaving her mouth. "I'm pretty smart, I guess." She said in her normal quiet voice, a piece of hair falling down her face and covering an eye.

"I know. But they aren't." He said, sustaining another giggle. He patted her on the back, and ruffled up her hair, leaving it a staticky mess. "Hey!" She said, trying to make her hair go down.

Of course, being the bi- jerk that Mini is, he bursted out laughing, catching the attention of the rest of the crew.
"That's pretty cool."
"Her hair is too perfect!"
Y/N crossed her arms, scowling slightly and a pout on her face as they began to touch her hair. However, she was saved by the bell, and probably witnessed a blond man running by her with his group of friends. She threw away the rest of her lunch, and waved 'Good Bye' to them, some of them looking upset.

"I like her. She's nice." Delirious said, earning looks from the other 'Squad' members.

This was going to be a long school year.

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