Chapter Twelve - I Write Sins Not Tragedies

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*a few weeks later*

Theatre. We all remember where we left off at our last theatre seen, right? Connor Freeman, Evan, Brock, and Y/N in a romantic play? Get it? Great! Back to the story!

"I can't believe I have to wear this." She complained to Brock, who was wearing a powdered wig, and a Victorian-style suit, pulling on fancy boots. He turned to look at her, his cheeks flushed bright red.

She was wearing a maroon dress with a black and maroon corset, high-heeled boots. She had a matching fan, her hair down in curls.

"If I can't be in the play, I can make you look fabulous." Evan said as he sprayed her hair with hairspray, giggling.

Brock stood there, almost speechless. He dropped what he was holding, eyeing her up and down. Y/N looked at him emotionlessly, taking a deep breath.

Evan noticed Brock's state, and glared at Brock, becoming jealous. "Why does Brock look like a drag queen?" Y/N asked Evan monotonously as she saw the make up on Brock's face.

Brock snapped out of it as he started to nervously laugh, rubbing the back of his neck as he turned around.

"F*ck...." He cursed as he began to walk away, blushing like a maniac.

"Brock looked like that because I wanted to draw the attention away from Connor, who, of course, got the most attention grabbing suit." He said as he pointed at Connor, who had a bright smile on his face, winking at Y/N.

She began to blush as well. "He just, uh, winked at me...." She told Evan, giggling nervously as glancing away.

"You don't have a thing for that idiot, do you?" Evan asked her, glaring at Connor.

"N-No! Of course not! It's just I've never been winked at from a hot dude before." She said sheepishly as she glanced at him.

Evan took this to his advantage, and gave her a short wink, giggling as she began to fan her face.

"Har, har." She said as she mocked him, sticking her tongue out. Her blush had become noticeably bigger.

"And I can dress you in anything I want." Evan whispered in her ear, and her eyes going wide. She lifted her hand in the air as she twirled around, smacking his cheek.

"Hey! If you are going to smack my cheek, smack the ones lower, not above!" He said as he held a hand to his cheek, grinning at her.

Her ears had become red as she tried to avoid eye contact with him. "N-No, pervert!" She yelled at him, flustered, and starting to walk back to the ladies dressing room.

She sighed as she started to take off the dress that she was wearing. Evan had just flirted with her. Sure, they had been friends for a few weeks, but why? And why him?

She heard the door open, and her eyes went wide as she hid in one of the lockers that stored clothes, hiding behind a fancy dress.

"I can't believe I didn't get the part of the leading actress. I mean, I am obviously more capable than that shy little bitch!" Avery said as she walked in with Diane and Stacy, who were carrying clipboards.

"I mean, you are one of the more outgoing ones." Diane pointed out with a smile, nodding her head.

"And I've been trying to be friends with those boys for many years, and she jut hops in, being friends with them in under a week? What did I do wrong?" She said haughtily as she began to look through the clothes.

"They would've seen how beautiful I was in the dress, but NO! It had to be her! It is so unfair!" She complained to them, Stacy wandering off a tiny bit.

"It will all be fine. We just need to get her away from them." Stacy said to her with a cute giggle.

"Elaborate." Avery told her as she turned around, looking into Stacy's blue eyes.

"Well, we can all of a sudden be nice to them. You know, act how Y/N acts. Maybe they will like you just the same as Y/N!" Stacy told her with a huge smile on her face, spinning around in a circle as she threw her hands in the air.

"Stacy, you brilliant bitch!" Avery squealed as Y/N let out a breath, tears coming to her eyes.

Avery began to walk out, a smile on her face as she snapped her fingers, Stacy and Diane following her.

Y/N practically fell out of the locker as soon as she heard the door shut, tears spilling out of her eyes as she finished pulling her sweatshirt on.

She stormed out of the dressing room, pushing past Evan and Avery, and walking to a corner, sitting down for a second, holding her lines to her face as she squinted.

"Love is something that I haven't come close to for a while, until I met you, Jeremiah." She read the lines quietly.

"Violeta, we may be different, but I can feel that our burning love is the same." She replied in a man's voice, holding her finger under her nose for a mustache.

"This is so fucking cheesy." She said with a giggle in her normal voice, glancing at the clock before she began to pack up.

She walked over to her backpack, placing the script in her binder, then taking her time to glare at Avery.

Brock looked at Y/N as he pranced out of the dressing room, the make-up washed off his face. He felt his heart skip a beat a tiny bit as he saw her hair covering her eyes, and her dainty fingers packing up her stuff. His cheeks went bright red as he smacked his forehead, and walked out of the theatre.

Evan looked at Y/N with a smirk on his face, his eyes squinted slightly. "Damn." He said in a hushed tone.

"Just.... damn."

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