Chapter 24 - Fight Song

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"What happened to you?" Brian asked Craig as they both sat down in their History class, Brian waving a hand in front of Craig's face. Craig sighed, the smile still on his face.

Delirious, who was sitting on the other side of Craig, looked into his face. "I don't know what happened to him. It looks like he had just seen an angel." Delirious exclaimed, with Craig giggling.

"An angel, she is. She kissed me. On the cheek." Craig mumbled, eyes half-lidded, and staring at a blank wall.

Delirious's ears turned bright red as he heard him say that. "Don't tell me that Y/N...." He started, Craig putting a finger to his lips.

"You are going to ruin the magic." Craig whispered to Delirious, Delirious hiding his face in his jacket. Brian began to giggle, but then realized what Delirious said.

"Y/N.... kissed CRAIG?!" Brian yelled out as Y/N walked in, a bright blush on her face. She sat in front of them, putting her head down.

"Yes, I did kiss Craig. It was in the heat of the moment." Y/N told them, turning around in her chair to face them. She looked at Craig, blushing immediately.

"Well, gee, Craig. I'm kind of sorry. I meant it as a friend..... right?" She asked herself quietly, Craig looking down at her with a bright smile. "Hey, Y/N." He said airily, holding up his face with his hands.

Delirious stood up, threw his textbook on the ground, and walked out of the room, Y/N tilting her head. He flipped his hood up.

"I'm pretty sure he hates me now. Brian, buddy, are you okay?" She asked Brian, who was shaking his head. She looked at him in concern.

"Hi, Y/N." Craig said again, giggling. He was acting like he was drunk. She laughed at Craig, with Brian just staring at her.

"Brian, we aren't a thing. I promise." She told him, Brian letting out a breath of relief. He gave her a gorgeous smile. "Good, because I don't approve." He responded.

"We are a thing in my eyes." Craig responded, smiling at her softly. She pushed him out of the way.

"In your dreams, nerd." She replied. "Yeah, Craig. Get out of Pyro-Land." Brian also responded, making one of the best references of all time.

Y/N bursted out laughing as soon as she heard that. "Wow, Brian, I didn't peg you to be the type to play TF2." She told him, raising an eyebrow.

"I didn't peg you as the type of lady who was easy." He retorted, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow as well. She scoffed.

"Okay, Brian, I am not easy. I already told you that it was in the heat of the moment." She said, crossing her arms.

"Sure, sure. Want to give me a kiss? I'm hot, and we are in a moment." Brian told her, leaning in.

"Yeah, sure. I would totally give you a kiss. At least Craig is a sweetheart. You are just a cocky jockey." She replied, pushing him out of her face by his nose.

He blushed, then chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "I guess you are right. But all the ladies love me, so I can't complain." He responded, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Psh, you wish." She exclaimed, blushing and turning around. He giggled.

The bell soon rang for lunch, and Y/N took a deep breath. Brian and Craig walked with her, them still not seeing Delirious.

"I don't know if I'm going to eat." She mumbled to them, sitting on the white, plastic benches they had for the students.

"You should eat. You've always been as skinny as a stick." Brian told her, poking her side as she gasped. She giggled, trying to scoot away from him.

"Hey, kids." David said, ruffling their hair and sitting on the other side of Y/N. Craig was sitting across from Y/N, and there was a spot next to him for Delirious, if he showed up.

"So, Craig already knows the scoop, you guys want to hear it?" Y/N questioned them, handing her sandwich over to Brian, who ate it graciously.

"Yes, please!" David yelled, shoveling a fork with salad on it into his mouth, smile at her with a mouth full of salad.

"Okay, Dopey, we've been challenged to a fight after school by Avery. Or, I have. But I really don't want to go alone." Y/N filled them in, moving her hair back with her fingers.

"I will do it for your honor, Lady Y/N, no matter what!" Craig yelled, and stood up, bowing. Brian and David sarcastically clapped, and Ohm appeared out of nowhere, sitting next to Craig.

"Hello, losers. And princess." He said, winking at Y/N. David scoffed, chewing his salad with full mouth open, looking at Ohm. Y/N blushed, then giggled. Brian stuck his tongue out, and Craig looked down him, smirking. He sat back down.

"Why is that look on his face?" Ohm asked Y/N, his mouth curved in a smile. She opened her eyes wide.

"NOTHING!" She squeaked out, and hid her face in her arm, not looking at Ohm. Craig turned to Ohm, smiling even more.

"Okay, I totally don't believe you. I won't be angry, I promise, sweetheart." He told her, grabbing her fingers and holding them.

"And you wonder why they call me a whore, Ohm. I kissed Craig. On the cheek, not on the lips. AS A FRIEND." She told him, Ohm looking over at Craig who began to laugh.

"We also have a fight after school." Brian explained, trying to get Y/N off of the hook. Ohm let go of her hands, and lifted her face up, a tear streaming down her cheek.

"I'm sorry, Ohm. I swear, I didn't mean to." She responded, Ohm leaning over the table and hugging her. She hugged back tightly.

"I trust you. You are smart, and beautiful, and independent. I believe what you say, because I am a good friend. If it was in 'the heat of the moment', I believe you." Ohm replied, pulling away and looking at her face, wiping the tears. "It's not good for such a pretty girl to cry."

She blushed a deep red, sitting back down and putting her head in her hands. "I'm just so stressed."

"Cough. Cough, cough." David said, pulling Y/N close into a side hug. Brian moved to hug as well. She took a deep breath, and relaxed into both of them, leaning on Brian's shoulder. Craig was asleep on the table.

"Don't worry, Y/N. We will protect you." She heard a male voice say, and she turned around to see Delirious there, wearing a coat, and his arms stretched out wide.

She jumped into his arms, and hugged him tightly, stuffing her face into his chest. "I love you." He mumbled, quiet enough for her not to hear.

But Ohm, Brian, David, and Craig sure did.

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