Chapter 34 - Campfire Song Song

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"Fucking shit." Delirious mumbled, seeing the smug look on Evan's face, Y/N giggling. Delirious lifted the bottom portion of his mask off of his face, crawling towards Evan.

"Come here, kitty, kitty, kitty." Delirious practically purred, Evan crossing his arms. He was shaking in head, Lui bringing out his phone.

"Why the fuck did I agree to do this?" Evan mumbled, then put on a t-shirt, looking at Delirious, who was in his lap.

"Make it quick." Delirious told him, taking a deep breath. Evan leaned in, and kissed his lips, Y/N laughing out loud.

"EW!" Delirious shouted, wiping his mouth off and hopping off of Evan's lap, who looked offended.

"I'm not THAT bad of a kisser." Evan responded to his reaction, Lui laughing.

"Oh. My. God." Lui wheezed, and put his phone away, Y/N moving next to him and laughing with him.

"Well, I think we are done. We got the footage we wanted, Lui." Y/N chimed, wrapping her arm around his shoulder, him wrapping his arm around her waist. Evan looked up at them, glaring.

"Wait, what the fuck?" Delirious questioned, immediately standing up. Evan did the same, furrowing his eyebrows. Lui powered off his phone, slipping it into his back pocket.

"Well, more likely than not, it would have landed on Evan. That would make all the girls shriek. They are paying me to get this video, so I did." Lui exclaimed, Y/N nodding.

"He wanted the monies to get the honies!" Y/N yelled, leaning against Lui. Lui patted the top of her head, and she smiled up at him.

"What, why would you do that? Why?!" Delirious moaned out, collapsing on his bed. Evan stood in a corner, looking at a wall.

"It was revenge for me. Evan dared me to kiss Lui, but I did something way more embarrassing, so, hah!" Y/N bursted out laughing as she said that, sitting on the bed next to Delirious.

"Ugh, fine. What do you guys want to do now?" Evan requested, crossing his arms. Right on cue, Delirious's phone rang. He held up a finger, and took the call outside of his room.

"Well, we could play a board game, eat dinner, go swimming, perhaps even get ready for bed." Lui listed things that they could do off in his squeaker voice, keeping count on his fingers.

"Swimming? Like, skinny dipping? I wouldn't mind that." Evan replied, sitting next to Y/N, who was scoffing.

"Evan, you have a girlfriend, so no way. Besides, I wouldn't go skinny dipping with anyone. Friday the 13th.....?" Y/N referenced, scooting away from Evan.

Evan giggled, putting his hands up to his mouth to cover his mouth. Lui did the same, mocking him with the squeaker voice.

"Shhh...." Evan responded, the went to the door, listening to Delirious's conversation.

"Yes, dad, I'm doing fine. No, I'm not having a party, but I do have a few friends over. Yes, one is a girl. Dad, no. Dad, DAD! Stop it, okay? It's not like that. UGH! Dad, I'm hanging up. NO, DAD, I'm not getting them from your room. Bye." Delirious's voice could be heard, his hand on the door as he opened it, seeing them all sitting there casually.

Y/N had a bright red blush on her face, hiding her face. Lui and Evan just looked at him, their eyes wide. Delirious's ears were red, and no doubt would his cheeks be, too.

"You guys heard, didn't you?" He asked, or mumbled, in a quiet voice, sitting on his computer chair. Y/N nodded her head, Lui and Evan staying quiet.

"I think I'll be staying on your couch tonight." Y/N coughed out, grabbing her stuff and going downstairs, lightly closing the door.

"So, that was awkward." Lui voiced in, Evan mumbling in agreement. Delirious slammed his hand on his desk, placing his head in his hands.

"Did your dad really ask that?" Evan questioned Delirious, raising an eyebrow. Delirious nodded, his ears turning red again. Lui laughed, covering up his mouth.

"FUCKING HELL." Delirious screamed, kicking his door, and his wall, a huge hole in it. Lui sat on the bed next to Evan, not moving.

"Delirious, calm down." Evan raised his voice, standing up and holding his hands out. Delirious looked over at him, sadness filling his eyes.

"Now all she thinks is that I'm trying to get in her pants." Delirious grumbled, slumping back down in his chair. Evan's eyes widened, and he looked over to Lui, who was completely silent.

"You like her as well?" Evan asked him, running the back of his neck. Delirious suddenly got angry, flinging up from his chair.

"What do you mean, you like her? You have a girlfriend!" Delirious shouted, and slapped him, his hand stinging from the hard slap. Evan held his cheek.

"Delirious, we have to come out. To the rest of the guys. Brock and Craig have already told me their observations. I have probably mentioned this many times, but we all like Y/N. So, stop reaction like a child, and deal with it." Lui went up to Delirious, and whispered in his ear, walking out as well.

"We have fucking messed up." Evan mumbled, looking out of Delirious's window.

"Nah, I have messed up. You are perfectly fine." Delirious reassured him, patting him lightly on the back. Evan smiled at him, then opened the window, taking in a breath of air.

"Hey, now that we are all friends again, Y/N and Brock are doing the play. We could all go, cheer them on. Opening night is on Friday, so..." Evan offered, giving him a short smile.

"Yeah, that would actually be nice. I would want to do that. No, so you think we should apologize?" Delirious questioned him, looking at the closed door.

"That would be the smartest idea." Evan responded, then walked out the door, closing it and leaving Delirious alone for a second.

"Why the fuck?" He mumbled, stopping abruptly as he got to his door, and walked out, going down the stairs to apologize to Y/N.

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