Chapter Three - I am Thinking About Naming This Chapter 'Class'!

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Y/N quickly trudged to class, her backpack that she picked up from her locker was in her hand. She was pretty upset. Well, that is an understatement. She was very upset.

They called her a dog.

Stole her lunch.

Started fighting for no apparent reason.

And treated her differently because she was a girl.

And the last one was what stung her the most. They treated her almost nicely when they found out that she was a girl. What even ticked her off more was that they could tell that she was a girl! I mean, she may not have been the showiest about her, uh, things, and she may not have spoken clearly, but she definitely was a girl from first glance. Right?

Apparently not. Apparently she looked nothing like a girl. Her awkwardness was OBVIOUSLY something everyone had. Note my sarcasm.

Anyways, she walked into class, fuming as she slammed her books down. "Calm down, princess." Wildcat, or Tyler said as he sat down next to her, looking at her.

"I am not your princess." She spat out, putting her head down as the warning bell rang. He bursted out laughing, looking at the teacher as they walked in. "Geez Louise, Y/N, you have got that sass!" He said, holding his head and banging his fist on the desk. He was receiving glares from many people around him, and a bunch of "Shut up!"'s. "They don't like you, do they?" She asked Wildcat, looking at him.

"They absolutely LOVE me." He said with a huge smirk on his face as Y/N raised her face to look at him. He lightly tapped her nose, and smiled. She scowled, and turned away from him. He chuckled quietly, and started to write something down.

Before long, the class started. No chaos. Nothing wrong. Hints of whispering could be heard around the edges, and she didn't really mind. Y/N just read her book, sometimes getting poked by Tyler as she tried to read. She wasn't that ticklish, so it only annoyed her.

He was giggling slightly, and she closed her book, sitting properly in the plastic chair they gave you. He looked at her, blushing slightly. "Please stop poking me." She asked him quietly, her mouth in a frown. He nodded. "Sorry...." He mumbled.

She sighed, and nodded her head, the bell ringing it's loud ring. She sighed, and waved to Tyler, gathering her stuff and walking to 5th period. Tyler was still blushing slightly, and ran to his class.

Y/N's next class was Drama. Fabulous. It was the class she had with Brock, she found out, and Evan. Moo and Vanoss. Ugh. She didn't know why they took drama. She took it because it seemed like an easy grade, a class where she could relax.

But no.

Life is never like that.

In this class, she find out she had stage fright. She also needed her headset to be turned on extra loud with her quiet voice. Most of the time she was a backup character, or a member of the crew. She honestly hated the stage all together. And it was all because of one day.


Nah. Just kidding. She was frightened of the pressure, the lights that shone down on her, taunting her to stumble, mocking her slightly. She was frightened of the crowd, who might laugh and jeer at a horrible performance. She was horrified of failure, the thought of letting someone she loved, as a friend of course, or a teacher down. This fear has nothing to do with the past whatsoever.

Stop making theories about how I'm lying. This is literally just a concept I came up with. Romance! Foreshadowing for the future!

Moo waved her over to Vanoss and him, Vanoss brandishing a warm smile. "Hey, N/N!" Vanoss said with a smile. They were acting really nice. Is it the author trying to speed up the plot? Maybe!

"H-Hi, guys." Y/N replied, a light pink dusting her cheeks as she heard the nickname. "It's really weird, that until now, we haven't noticed each other at all!" Moo told them, thinking.

Moo and Vanoss bursted out laughing, patting each others backs. She looked at them confused, looking at her boots, placing a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"Okay, pupils! Take a seat!" The Drama teacher, Mr. Willis, said to them, picking up a clipboard.

"Evan, Brock, sit with us!" A popular girl by the name of Avery giggled. Avery was a black-haired girl, duh, with pale skin, and green eyes. She was good at everything, and all of the other people loved her. Except, she was a major bully. Yep. Cliche, I know. Cliche is my name. Spartan Cliche Coffee.

"Y/N, want to join?" Brock offered, pulling Evan to be beside him. "No, I'm f-fine." She replied with a frown as Avery glared daggers at you. Brock frowned, and walked to the table, Evan following with practical hearts in his eyes as he stared at Avery.

Y/N walked to a table in the corner, with no one at it.

"Okay, class! For our next project, we will be putting on a play! Yes, I can see you all practically jumping in your seats. Well, there is a twist. The people who normally participate will be the stage hands, while the other people who don't participate will be in the play!" He said with a sarcastic enthusiasm, earning a bunch of groans.

"Okay, so the stage hands will be....." He started, looking at his list. "Avery Abbott, Evan Fong, Michael Keller, Diane Smith, Mary Fitzgerald, Kristi O'Connell, Jackson McCormick, Stacy Woodard, and Libby Fleur." He said with a smirk, watching many of the people put their hands down in frustration. You see, many boys actually were in Drama. Not that many girls, so don't be surprised about this next list.

"Okay, the people who are participating are....." He said, flipping the page. "Ethan Thomas, Mr. Brock, Y/N L/N, Connor Freeman, George Foreman, Leon Beckett, Harold Robshaw, Louis Leyte, and Hershel Thomas." He said with a smirk. Y/N started to sweat, fanning her face. No. Way. She was in a play with all boys. The only female. The lead female. Oh no.

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