Chapter 29 - Got Your Six

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"Brian, it's not what you think." Ohm tried to persuade him, tapping his fingers on the table. Y/N looked between Brian and Ohm, her eyes widening with anticipation. The tension was practically killing her.

"Not what I think? I'll tell you exactly what I think. I think that you tried to kiss Y/N. Well, predator, let me tell you, she is NOT your prey. So, leave her alone." Brian told him, hugging Y/N protectively. Ohm stood up, and started to walk towards him.

"Are you calling me a predator? Look at what you are doing right now! Not letting her go. Well, let me tell you, she isn't my prey, she is my equal, bitch. So unhand her." Ohm responded, grimacing as he caught the look on Y/N's face.

"I am not letting her go, Ohm. I'm doing the exact opposite." Brian told Ohm, then looked down at Y/N, leaning close to her face at rapid pace, kissing her lips. Her eyes widened, trying to push Brian off her.

Brian made the kiss deeper, pulling her close to him, and she tried to struggle out of his grasp. Ohm harshly pulled him away from her, and punched Brian in the face, Brian still dazed as he fell to the ground.

Y/N dropped her ice cream cone to the ground, rubbing her mouth. She ran outside of the restaurant, and continued to run down the street, not caring about anything. She just had to get away from them. She ran inside a ladies' clothes store in the outlets, and went to the bathroom, her heart pounding.

Tears spilled down her face, Y/N shaking and locking herself in a stall, the pain burning in her side. She needed to call someone. Anyone.

She looked won't though her contacts, and skimmed through, seeing a name she knew that she could trust. She pressed the name, and held it up to her ear, tapping her foot.

"Hey, sexy. What's up?" She heard his voice sound through the phone, causing her to cry again. She heard her take a deep breath.

"Y/N, what's wrong? Do you need help?" He asked her, his voice on the edge with worry. Y/N shook her head, pacing back and forth back in the small stall.

"Please. I need you to p-pick me up. You are the only one I really need to talk to. You are the only one who won't judge me. Please." She repeated we apology, and winced, walking out of the bathroom. She looked down, seeing a red spot appear right where her wound was.

"Where are you? I will be there in five minutes." He told her, hopping in his car. She took a deep breath, walking out of the store and looking at the sign.

"Forest Green Outlets." She read the sign, and said it to him in the phone, sitting down on a nearby bench to take the pressure off of her sore legs.

"Okay, I'm driving now." He said, starting the car. Y/N waited for a couple minutes, until she saw someone's familiar grey pick-up truck pull into the parking lot. She stood up, and slowly walked over, seeing Brian running to her in the distance.

"Oh no." She muttered to herself, and quickly hopped in the pick-up truck, the driver driving away quickly.

"Thanks, Tyler." She said to the man who had just looked like he had woken up, wearing glasses and pajama bottoms.

"Hey, Y/N. What's wrong?" He asked her as he began to drive, going down into an unrecognizable neighborhood.

"I'll tell you once we get to your house." She said, applying pressure to her side, trying to stop the bleeding. Tyler ha a small smile on his face, driving into his driveway.

He quickly turned off his car, hopping out, and helping Y/N down, lightly grabbing her by her waist. She winced, but hugged into him, wrapping her legs around his waist. He hugged her back, and went back to his house.

"Mom, I'm back home!" Tyler yelled through the house, and walked down a stairway into the basement, slamming the door. He set her down on a brown couch, petting a dog that was laying in a dog bed. She glanced around his room, which was pretty big. It had a queen-sized bed with grey sheets, green walls, concrete floors with carpets, and a TV with two different stations on it. His closet door was open, which showed a computer and a boatload of clothes.

There was a white door, which she assumed was the bathroom, and posters of famous video game characters, comic books in one corner.

"So, here we are. The pig cave." He told her, stretching his arms out wide, and spinning in a circle. She chuckled, smiling to herself.

"The hills are alive, with the sound of music." She sang out loudly, to the point where Tyler was blushing. He sat next to her, holding her hands.

"Okay, what's the scoop?" He asked, trying to mimic Craig's white girl voice, making Y/N giggle.

"Only Craig can do that voice correctly. But I thought I would be the only one to tell you this, even though you can explode sometimes." Y/N started, shrugging. Tyler nodded his head.

"Spill, girlfriend. What has got our panties in a twist?" He questioned her, making up a fake giggle.

"Well, Brian kissed me, I kissed Craig, Ohm tried to kiss me." She mumbled quickly, Tyler chuckling.

"Geez Louise, girl. You have dug yourself a hole." He responded, and hugged her. She hugged back, kissing her ear.

"Great, now you kissed me too. Fabulous." She replied to his kiss, throwing her hands in the air as she wiped off his kiss.

"That wasn't a real kiss. I would like to show you what a real kiss is." Tyler told her, smirking as he leaned close. She scoffed.

"No, Tyler. I'm not kissing another man today. I just want to hang out with a friend. Play some vidya games, watch some animu." She exclaimed, pushing his lips away with her finger, and hopping off the couch, running to his TV.

"Fine! But I get to be Player 1!" He yelled, following her. She shook her head, turning on her xBox controller so that is showed that she was Player 1.

"Too bad. I'm your guest." She bragged, sitting on his bed, which was directly across from the TV.

"And I'm the host." He responded, pulling her close to him, so that she was between his legs.

Falling for the BBS(Banana Bus Squad x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now