Chapter Fifteen - Dynamite

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Y/N sloppily licked the ice cream, it getting ice her face. Ohm bursted out laughing, his hand going straight to his side as he saw her face.

"Oh, no!" She said sarcastically as she wiped her face, blushing a light pink as she started at his covered face. He gave her a lopsided smile, lightly tilting his head. She shrugged a tiny bit, seeing him lightly lick the edge of the cone, raising an eyebrow up seductively.

Y/N slowly began to laugh as she looked at him, raising an eyebrow as well, copying his facial features and head gestures. He stuck her tongue out at her, with Y/N tapping the wooden table that they were sitting a lightly.

She snickered as she kicked his foot under the table, covering her mouth, and setting her ice cream down so she could do so. He did the same, mocking her laugh, and kicked her as well.

"Hey! I call child abuse!" She said, crossing her arms and turning her head away from him. She even turned her chair around all of the way.

"It's not child abuse, because I'm still a teenager, and so are you. It's more like friend abuse, except in a loving way." He said as he looked at her with a large smile entering his face.

"And this is you trying to manipulate me and sugar coat it." She retorted as she turned back around, licking the ice cream, for it was beginning to melt again.

"Hey, you were the one to kick me first!" He responded as he took a bite of his ice cream, Y/N wincing as she saw him shudder a tiny bit.

"That wasn't smart." He said with a mouth full of ice cream, making a squeaking sound. She began to chuckle, holding her ice cream tightly, and watched him go over tot he garbage to spit it out.

"Too many impulsive deductions with you, Ohm." She told him, standing next to him and quickly finished her ice cream. He threw his away with a frown on his face.

"That was cold." He sadly exclaimed, turning around some could glance at her. She had finished her ice cream, and now was straightening her ponytail that she had recently put in her hair.

"Where to next?" She asked him, smiling as she glanced at his lips, which were being wiped off with his sleeve.

"To the mall!" He said as he pointed his finger in the direction of the mall, and dragged her with him, smiling back at her.

Hey, why don't we skip to Luke's house? Sounds like a good idea!

"So, elaborate on this plan." Delirious said as he lifted his mask so he could take a bite of his sandwich, still sitting on the edge of the couch. They had all gotten food, and now we're prepared to listen to Brock's plan.

"Okay, so you see this, it's a kiss. It's a perfect opportunity for one of us to swoop in, take Connor's place, and kiss her." Brock told them as he saw Evan frame his face with his thumb and forefinger.

"There may be a flaw in your plan." Craig pointed out as he leaned in from his sitting position, which had him where his legs were spread out. He propped his head up as he placed his elbows on his knees.

"Explain?" Brock plainly questioned as he looked at Craig in confusion.

"Well, only one of us would get to kiss her. Yeah, only one of us would get to 'proclaim our love', or whatever you want to call it." Craig inputted, leaning back again and lifting an eyebrow.

"That is a problem." Marcel stated the obvious, glancing between Craig and Brock, who were both thinking deeply.

"And how do we know we can trust Brian?" David asked as he stood up, looking at all of them, who were surprisingly quiet.

"I trust him, and I haven't even met him." Luke said as he nervously tapped his foot, looking at the form of Bryce, who was running his neck.

"We can trust Brian to be a total douche. I mean, I obviously trust him, but before we explain our plan to him, we need him to trust you guys." Bryce explained, getting up to get a refill of water.

"Shit..." Evan mumbled as he glanced down at his phone, seeing a text from Ohm, which showed a picture of Y/N and him eating ice cream.

"We better hurry up if we are making these plans." Evan said quickly, nodding for Bryce to call Brian.

Bryce sighed, and flipped open his phone, waiting for the glass to fill up all of the way. "Hey, Brian, I have a question." Bryce told Brian through the phone.

"What is it, Bryce?" Brian questioned groggily as he let out a loud yawn, sitting up in his bed.

"We need you here, quick. Emergency, and it requires you. How fast can you be here?" Bryce asked as he walked back into the living room, everyone quiet.

"In like, two days. I already have a few bags packed, just in case...." Brian told them as he jumped out of his bed in excitement.

"Good, thanks." Bruce said abruptly as he hung up on Brian, and gave them a thumbs up.

"We have a problem...." Del said as he looked at Evan's phone, which he stole out of Evan's hands.

"What?" Brock asked, Tyler looking up from his blush to glance up at them. Yeah, that son of a ANGEL was still blushing.

Delirious showed them the picture as he gulped, Y/N looking happy as she glanced at the camera, some mild wind making her H/C wisps go into her face.

Evan clicked his tongue as Luke glanced at him, and took the phone from Delirious, letting out a happy sigh as he looked at Y/N.

Tyler began to fume, his hand wrapping into a ball of fury, also known as a fist.

"No." Brock whispered in his ear, his teeth gritted.

"Brian needs to get here fast." Bryce muttered, wiping his forehead.

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