Chapter 3

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It's the next day, Sunday; they'll tell you if they want you this morning.

You get dressed in some high-waisted light blue ripped jeans (if only I could've put that many adjectives in primary school,, i would have gotten those juicy a's), a red flannel with a light grey t-shirt, some round glasses (because you had contact lenses but who knows where they went) and black converse shoes.

"(Y/N), it's 7:45 AM, hurry up! You need to be there by 8'!" Kyung yelled from the kitchen. You couldn't be late, you might set a bad impression when they might have just wanted to hire you.

"I'm coming, unnie!" you yelled back from your room after putting on some makeup and placing your glasses straight.

You stumbled a bit down the stairs, thanks to the excitement building up inside of you. If you get this job, you would spend your every day next to BTS, and even, whoa nilly, your bias, Jungkook. Of course, he didn't know that.

"Play it cool-" your unnie started to speak but a ring of your phone interrupted her. "Sorry, Kyung unnie, I'll take it and come back, okay?" you smiled and walked to the living room.

"Hello? (Y/N)?" a voice sounded through the portable device. It was Manager-nim. (if you want to know- i dont actually know his name so im calling him manager-nim)

"Yes," you responded.

"Okay, great, I just called to tell you that we think that you'd be a great fit and addition to our staff. We'll need help here and there, so we hope you'll be there to help. Good job, we'll see you at work. Goodbye!" he said and you responded with a quick 'thank you' and 'see you later' and hung up. You jumped up in happiness and almost broke the springs in the couch you were jumping on.

"Kyung unnie! I'm accepted, well, I got the job! Thank you so much, I couldn't have gotten this without you!" you ran to the kitchen and hugged Kyung. She had a bright smile on her face as you came running and gave her hug. You looked so happy. She couldn't be happier for you. "I can't thank you enough! Gwah!" you struggled.

"I'm so happy for you! Now, now, hurry, it's almost eight. I'll drive you," your unnie said and you both descended the building.


You arrived at the BigHit Entertainment building, greeted Yoona, and ran up the stairs. You couldn't wait. No time for the elevator. You got to the fourth floor, panting, and walked oh-so-casually to the dance studio. You pushed the door open slightly and saw everyone talking with each other. I guess they haven't started practice yet. You sighed but smiled and waved to the people who saw you walk in.

"Oh, great, (Y/N)," a co-worker said to you. You turned around and saw him holding a device, "Would you like to be in charge of the music?"

"O-Oh, um, well, I wouldn't mind, but I feel like I'm going to mess up! I'll do it next time, I swear!" you stuttered. Your co-worker chuckled and nodded, understanding you weren't ready for a big task like that. I mean, it isn't that big of a request nor job, but if you got the song wrong, everyone would look at you confused, and you'd be embarrassed even with all of the judging eyes surrounding you. No, no, out of the question.


You sat down with your hands on your knees and back straight, alert. Someone came up behind you and you turned around, sensing presence. Manager-nim was there, and he asked; "You're good in makeup, right? I heard from your friend that you practice a lot. Would you like to try?"

You furrowed your eyebrows, perplexed, "Try? What do you mean?"

Manager-nim pulled you by the wrist and went to where they did makeup, but again, you were confused, "Makeup? But this is just practice, why do they need makeup?"

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