Chapter 7

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Beep beep!

Your alarm clock sounded, it's 10 AM. Without missing a beat, you got up and changed- haha, no, you wish. Actually, you pressed on snooze and kept sleeping till 11 AM, oops.

Your alarm clock beeped again. You set it at 10 AM and 11 AM, because you knew you'd sleep in. Okay, I'll just tell you now, your alarm clock was your phone.

Finally getting up, well, sitting up, you gazed around the room for a daily mind refreshment. The hotel room's walls were beige and white with a nice pattern of flowers. The floor was covered in a comfortable carpet- which was light brown- that snuggled tightly your bare feet. It still smelt like lavender.

You went up to the drawers- kind of like a dresser, but still a table so it could hold up the HD television- to get clothed in a daily outfit. You picked out the pieces of clothing that fit well together so you could look at your best for the concert. You know, not like anyone would walk past you and go "Whoa, top model right there," but it was still nice to be out and about wearing something good.

You had put on a clear white over-sized sweatshirt with two red roses without the stem and complimentary cactus green leaves around them on each sleeve, some light blue jeans ripped on the thigh on the left leg and ripped on the knee and below on the right leg- the jeans stopped above your ankle and you folded them nicely with about an inch of a fold. For the footwear, you had black ankle sneakers with white laces. You also wore a black laced choker and some round sunglasses on your head. (once again, why couldn't I have made such a detailed description in writing for my fifth grade writing evaluation rip) (oh yeah i know its because i was still pure and didn't read fanfics oops)

Looking at yourself in the mirror and staring at different angles, you were ready to go. It was 12:30 PM at the moment and the concert began at 3 PM, so you had some time to explore, or, you know, just chill. But you chose to go explore, so you grabbed your small light salmon colored backpack with a floral design (because flowers are rad) and brushed your teeth before... taking off.


You walked around town calmly taking in your entourage. There were tall business buildings and condominiums, shopping centers, small little cafés and shops here and there, and a hell load of people walking down the sidewalk. They all had excited looks on their faces and you could hear what they were talking about; the Bangtan Sonyeondan concert. They were mostly girls, and only a couple of guys- that you have encountered. The guys didn't seem so interested in the teenage girls' conversations of the seven boys, so you assumed they were boyfriends that were dragged along to hear about their girlfriends complaining about how they'll never meet the members and they'll die alone and unhappy... even though their mates were right there. It was kind of stupid too- there are over a million more fangirls to hear about the other fangirls' rants.

You shopped around for a little while, about an hour, but only to kill time, because you thought you wouldn't have time to go walk back to the hotel to drag the bags there. You didn't want to show up to the concert with heavy bags of clothing.

There was going to be a fan meet, so you thought about what to bring for them to sign. You didn't bring anything from your home, so you had decided to buy something. Your first object would be a new white blank phone case that they'll sign. Second, you'd buy an album you liked. Third, you had no idea. Poster, maybe? Yeah, a poster.

You noticed a couple of ARMYs here and there, it was cool, knowing you weren't the only one forgetting something. Soon came the time the doors of the stadium opened, 2:30 PM (half an hour before the concert). You got to the stadium, entered, and sat down at your seat. You were at the sixth row, not too bad.


The band members came on stage and sang some songs. Some of them were Fire- Blood, Sweat, and Tears- and Run. At a certain point when they sang Blood, Sweat, and Tears, Jungkook's part came on and his eyes floated along the crowd, looking at every truthful ARMY standing there, with encouraging voices. His gaze brushed the crowd of fans in your area. You surprisingly caught his pupils staring into yours for a small second.

Girls around you started squealing because they thought they were of special meaning because they assumed he stared at them. It hurt your ears.

- (i'm doing a lot of time skips ok just bare with me here)

Now was time for the fansign meets. You had yourself a pass (ekowkejraljruuywe shut up ok) for it and you were a little slower than the fucking 'dasi run run run' fans dashing through the halls to the fansign meet room (???) to get the first spot so they could meet their precious idols first.

You walked slowly, casually, not bothering to be first. They had to go through everyone, and you could bare a little wait, so what's the rush? You weren't one of those secret sasaeng fans, or just minor obsessive ones, so it didn't matter to you if you missed it. Well, that's partially a lie. For this time only, you really wanted to meet them. Hell, you had a dream about them which seemed real as fuck, and Jungkook glared- no, full-on stared you on during the performance. Explanation? That's what you're aiming for.

It was soon your turn and the first member there was Hoseok (your hope). He smiled brightly in which the smile's light would be equivalent to the light the sun emits. You smiled back and handed him the phone case, "Hello! Would you be kind enough to sign this phone case? Thanks!" you said enthusiastically.

Hobi was still smiling, "Of course! That shouldn't even be a question!" you laughed a bit and handed him the case. He signed with a black Sharpie while you took every other object you wanted to have signed out of your small backpack. You handed them one by one and he signed happily.

The rest went on as you reached Jungkook, the last member on the... on the thing. Yeah.

"Hello!" you said smiling, not wanting to give him less... enthusiasm? than the other boys of the band. "Would you please sign this for me! Thank you!" you handed him the phone case.

He was directly staring at you. Snapping out of his trans and realizing what he was doing, he took off the black Sharpie's cap and signed. You took out the other items one after the object and strategically held them smoothly in your left hand. After Jungkook had them all signed, you two had a simple conversation. Pretty much you asking basic questions and him answering, and him asking you questions. He thought you looked like the same girl he bumped into, which indeed was you, when you were sobbing downtown.

"Hey, uh," he rested his chin on his had with his elbow leaning on the table with a cute smile, "H-Have I met you before..?" he asked because of the dream and because of the encounter in real life you both had when you were crying, but then you didn't know it was him.

Your eyes widened, you tilted your head, a bit confused, "H-Huh? What d-do you m-mean?"

"Oh, um, never mind," he nervously chuckled.

"Hey, um, I don't think you remember, or if it was even me, but... why did you stare at me when you sang? Did I do something?" you said. (youch this is cringy just hold on)

"U-Um, n-no, you didn't do anything, it's just uh..." he stuttered, "You look like someone I know, t-that's all." he awkwardly smiled, "A-Anyways, thank you for supporting us, (Y/N)," he put up his two hands, elbows resting on the table (you get the picture... right? Like a double high-five), wanting you to hold them.

You smiled, though not really being convinced with his response, and held his hands, then he took an awkward pause, still holding. He glared deeply into your eyes, "I hope we meet again."

You shivered but kept a smile, then swung your floral backpack on your shoulder and left. What the fuck. you thought.


You got back to the hotel and laid down on the fluffy king sized bed. You took out your laptop and surfed the internet. You went through your night routine then swiftly dozed off asleep.

What is up with him? He doesn't normally act like this. Did he have the same dream? No, that'd be stupid, (Y/N). But why, though? Weird.

Teasing Maknae [Jungkook x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now