Chapter 19

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The both of you were walking, hand in hand, to his parked car. "What about mine? It's just gonna stay there." you said, remembering the both of you coming separately.

"Oh, uh, give one of the body-guards your keys and they'll drive it back to your place." Jungkook said.

"Do they know where I live?"

"Yeah. I told them, but to be honest- almost everyone knows where you live now. You're pretty much famous at this point. Y'know, dating an idol n' stuff." he added.

"One- I'm going to have to move out, I don't want to be assassinated. Two- I already told you once, I am not in a relationship with you, Jungkook."

"Who?" he smirked.

You sighed, "Jungkook oppa." you corrected yourself. The said boy smiled and nodded, mumbling a "Good~" while he started to pick up his pace as he spotted his vehicle.


"Oppa?" you asked. You were sat in his car in the passenger seat, him driving in the driver's seat, of course.

"Yes, (Y/N)?" he answered, eyes still on the road.

"You've been spending a lot of full days with me lately." you sighed, "Shouldn't you be practicing with the boys for your tour?"

You were staring at Jungkook intently as he just sat there and shrugged. "I, uh," he paused, "I've been skipping practice."

Your eyes widened and you slammed your hands down beside you on the seat, "Jeon Jungkook! You are an idol and you need to be ready for your tour! Forget me, I can't bring you any success, unlike your career." you looked down, fiddling with your fingers, "I don't want to be the person who stole you from the world!"

Jungkook sighed, "I'm sorry. But I can't help it! You're just so irresistible, I can't leave you for even a day! I mean, I am the golden maknae, you could say I've already got the choreography of the concerts for the tour down."

You cringed, "Ew, stop it. I'm highly resistible."

There was a long pause, an uncomfortable one. You shifted in your seat, waiting for him to reply.

"(Y/N), do you love me?" he suddenly questioned. What the hell? Where did this shit come from?

All you did was sit there, still. You didn't have anything to say. You saw a frown form on Jungkook's lips. "Okay. I get it." he pulled over, which conveniently, was a road that connection to your apartment building. "You only see me as a friend, right?"

Silence took over, you were idol, just there, on the seat. You tilted your head, "Y-Your special place is my home?" you disappointedly said, ignoring his question.

"No, I just saw it in the distance and decided to ask if you actually liked me. If you did, I'd continue on with the date, but since you don't..." he stared off into the distance. "It's no point."

"You can't be serious, right?" you nervously and quietly chuckled.

He turned his head to face you. All he did was stare. You could see the despair in his eyes, you could feel the heartbroken- the sorrowful- aroma he emitted.

You felt a wave of sadness wash over you. Do you love him? Of course I do! But, do you really? Why are you questioning me like this? Obviously I do! Then why didn't you tell him? Why is it so hard to confess one's love for another? Why is it so hard just to stare him in the eyes and tell him you loved him?

You were speechless. Feeling defeated by silence, you opened the car door and stumbled out. Next thing you knew, Jungkook was driving away, leaving you to stand there, alone. Just me and myself to get home.

While Jungkook drove away, he cried. He cried and cried, sensing you didn't feel the same. Did those times together never mean anything to you? Did my presence even matter to you? Why don't you love me? I adore you so much, it hurts. I want to spend the rest of my living days on Earth with you, living happily ever after. I'd do anything, I'd protect you from dangers, I'd fall in love with you over and over again after every fight we'll ever have, which I would make sure would be a very minimal amount. You are my love, the one I'd sacrifice everything for. I don't care if people don't like us together, I love you, but it was all a waste, apparently.

He sobbed and sniffled whilst driving back to his dorm, eventually getting there and flopping down on his bed to cry the night away. Who knew he'd break so easily. Well, after all, you would be the one he would cry for. (this went 0 to 100 and i'm not sorry)


You were curled up on your bed, simply lying there. No phone, no music, just... there. Not sleeping, not weeping, you were thinking. It's so stupid, why was he so dramatic? Jumping to conclusions much? Frustrating, dumb, whatever word fits the situation. How could this happen? We were inseparable, how could it just break like that? Thoughts flashed your mind, running side to side of your brain.

"Get your shit together, (Y/N)-ssi." Kyung said while she pushed open your bedroom door, holding a cup of water. "This is bull, this is the second time you've been like this."

You pushed up your bedsheets, uncovering your morning face. You looked at Kyung, standing there with a hand on her hip, one hundred percent done with your shit.

"It's heartbreaking to see you like this! Ever since that playboy has entered your life, your down points have gotten worse."

"But I have been extremely joyful, too." you defended.

"True. But, I don't want him to make you feel this way. I'm supportive in any way, but just know, I'll fuck him up if he breaks your heart." she put up her protective-unnie side.

"Well, you're late."

Her eyes widened, "What?! When? Where is this little shit?" she had an angry figure, a defensive aura surrounding her.

"Calm down," you said, getting up from your bed. "It happened just a few days ago."

"What happened?" she held your hands in hers, staring into your eyes.

"We were on a date," her eyes widened once more at the mention of date, "It all happened in a flash. He asked me if I loved him and I was so overwhelmed, I couldn't reply. He took that as a denial and, things lead to another." you stare down to your feet, quite sad.

"What a dickhead." Kyung scoffed, "He can't jump to conclusions like that," she began to stroke your hair, which did indeed tend to console and calm you. "But, do you love him?"

"What the hell do you think?!" you got irritated, but soon calmed down. "Look, I appreciate you trying to be here for me, but I'll get over it-"

"That's a lie." she interrupted.

You sighed, annoyed. "Just leave me alone."

She let go of your hands and lifted her right hand up, flicking her wrist. She turned to the door, "Fine, princess." she sighed. But, just as she reached the door frame, she paused. "I'm always here for you, don't forget that. If you choose to run after him, I don't mind, but please be cautious, I hate seeing you like this."

Kyung then walked out. You let your building up tears to fall gracefully down your cheeks. She called you princess, which triggered your memory of one of his many nicknames for you, princess.

Teasing Maknae [Jungkook x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now