Chapter 18

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You stared back at Jungkook, mentally telling him that you didn't know what to order. Thankfully, he simply ordered for you. "Two vanilla sundaes with caramel and cherries?" the waitress confirmed.

Jungkook hummed and nodded to the lady, which she immediately knew was his response. She nodded and walked away to behind the counter. He turned to you, "I've been waiting for you for like, half an hour."

"Half an hour? Sorry. You must have been struggling to deal with ear-drum killing screaming for so long." you took a strand of your hair and placed it behind your ear, "How did you get people out of here? Did your body-guards just show up like 'Hey, I need you guys to leave this place because there's going to be a superstar arriving here in like thirty seconds, no big deal or anything,'?"

Jungkook put his hand in his hair bangs and brushed them, "I told them yesterday to tell the shop to reserve this place for like about three hours. That might be a short time, though..." he began to bite on his finger nail.

You grabbed his wrist and pulled it towards you, preventing him from biting his finger nails. "Don't do that," you said. "And, uh, three hours? Isn't that a long time to talk in the same place?"

"It might be for you, but not to me." he added.

You sighed.

"So, uh..." Jungkook didn't know what to say, "What are you supposed to talk about on dates?" he blushed.

You then knew he did mean to invite you on a date, so you just rearranged your whole plans. "I don't know, never been on one." you adjusted your round glasses, "I think you just talk about normal things like you'd do on an every day conversation basis, but you just consider it a date. I uh, don't know how it works, sorry."

The boy choked on his water he was sipping on, "You've never been on a date?! How? You're so pretty, no, gorgeously sexy and really great- personality wise! How has no guy, or girl- I don't know what your sexual orientation is- ever asked you out?!" Jungkook was surprised.

You blushed at his compliments, but then proceeded to answer his question, "I guess I was really just really shy back then, people might've been scared to approach me. I mean, for all they know, I could have been a psychopath. And for your other question? I, uh, I think I'm straight. I mean, I've never experienced anything for girls at any point in my life. Have you ever been on a date?"

"Yeah, but they got really boring. I think I went on a date recently," he put a finger to his chin, you choking on air when he pronounced the word recently, "Oh, well, that's a lie. Recently as in a couple years back..." he nervously laughed.

"With who?" you were intrigued.

"It was with one of my friends. Well, she wasn't really my friend, just someone I talk to when I had no-one to have a chat with. Take in note, she's the one who asked me on a date. I didn't know how love worked, I really felt nothing for her. I told her I'd come back to her on that the next day. I went back to my house and talked with my hyungs, and they said it was the time I should start dating." your date inhaled a large breath through nostrils, "So, I came back the next day and said that I would."

Your lips turned into a natural pout in intrigue. You rested your chin on your palms, interested in the story he was telling.

"You want to hear more? Well, she was really happy. I think we went to watch a movie, I don't remember which, though... It was a horror one, I think. She probably wanted me to put my arm around her shoulder, looking back at it now, but I didn't." he continued, "After that, we went to a park and talked about our preferences, you know, getting to now each other. Everything was going great until she bombarded me with questions of my career. She kept telling me how she was an ARMY and that she found me really good looking. I don't know, I just felt a bit uncomfortable when she told me that I looked good. What I found really weird was that, every time I tried to answer, she- she'd answer for me... Like, she'd ask where I lived- which I wasn't planning to reply to because she freaked me out- she, I kid you not, she replied with the exact address. After that I was completely freaked out and scared of her, I, uh-" Jungkook looked away from you, seeming embarrassed, "Walked away from her on the spot while she followed me. I wanted it to seem casual, so I just walked, but she followed me, saying 'Where are you going?'"

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