Chapter 10

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a/n; i just-

Quick recap of last chapter, if it is already lost down there in your brain, one word: shit. You had gotten yourself into trouble as the police came just as you threw a fist at the men. The officer believed you were part of the fight. You didn't have a valid reason for your actions. Saying you were pissed off and had the balls to put the men in their place was... not the best reason.

You were sitting inside of the police station- or more specifically, in mentioned police officer's office- with both men who were previously fighting. The old woman in last chapter was brought to the hospital.

"Sir, she had nothing to do with this." one of the men said.

"Holy shit, you actually have sympathy," you whispered lowly, making sure nobody heard your snarky remark.

"Well, she seemed like it. Please, if you would," the officer turned his head to face you, "Explain what happened and apologize."

You mentally scoffed at the word apologize. You explained that the men had gotten into a serious fight and one of them punched an elder, yada yada, you got mad, yada yada, you didn't actually know what initially happened, so you finished off your explanatory speech with "-but you should ask these fine gentlemen right here, I wasn't there for what caused the fight. Oh yeah, sorry."

The officer nodded approvingly, looked at both men- who were giving each other death stares- for confirmation on what you had stated was true. They nodded, guilty, and then one of them started to speak up and talk. Though, the police officer had to interrupt him, "Sorry to interrupt, but... (Y/N), was it? Please go sit in the corner on that chair right there until I say you can leave. Thank you," he pointed towards a black plastic folding chair installed in the fine corner of the room.

You nodded, picked up your purse from your knees and went to the said chair.

The three men started to discuss things immediately. However, instead of eavesdropping, you picked up your purse that was on the ground and took out your cellphone. Cellphone, cellphone, cellphone, is that everything you do nowadays? You checked your social medias, text messages, though nothing was found new. You texted Kyung.

"I just got myself caught by the police, oops"

After a minute wait, a message popped up, "What?! WHAT THE HELL! How did you get yourself arrested?! Pabo!"

"I didn't get arrested, just got in trouble."

"What did you do, then?"

"I got involved in a fight, though it wasn't that serious."

"How is getting into a fight NOT serious?!"

"I wanted to have a chill convo with you, you know, discuss my wrongs, 'n stuff. You just want to scold me!"

"I wish you could see me face-palm right now. Whatever. If you want a 'chill' conversation, how was your day?"

"Look man, if you wanted to know how my day was, you should have been there."

"You're the definition of stupid."

You chuckled. You liked annoying her, it was a hobby. It wasn't a good hobby, but it was sufficient. (wtf) You stopped texting her and looked around the room, bored.

"Miss (L/N), you can leave now." the officer said from his desk, still discussing with the two men.

You nodded and got your non-regretting ass out of there.


"Yikes," you said to yourself, not thought, but said aloud. "What a day. This definitely wasn't in my daily calendar: Getting caught by a police officer 101 with (Y/N)!" You flopped down on the hotel's bed.

You abruptly received a ding come from your cellular. You picked up the phone and saw that someone was calling you. "Kookie" it read. Why is he calling?

You pressed the answer button and you spoke through, "Hello?"

"(Y-Y/N)! It's J-Jungkook, I just wanted t-to know if you w-wanted to go o-out t-tomorrow!" he stuttered nervously.

You blushed, thankfully he couldn't see through the phone, "U-Uh, like a d-d-date? W-Why w-would you-"

"Y-Yes a d-date! W-Wait, no, n-not a date, u-uh, um, I just want to g-get to know y-you more! And u-uh u-um, hang out!" he said in a small panic.

"O-Oh, uh, s-sure! Whe-" he cut you off again;

"Um I'll come to your h-hotel! Tell me w-what your hotel and room are and I'll be there by 10 AM tomorrow morning!" he replied.

"It's um, (insert address + random hotel name) hotel on floor 6, room 29," you answered.

You heard a small hum on the other side of the line- probably his response, you continued;

"S-See you t-tomorrow?"

"Yeah! B-Bye (Y/N)!" Jungkook said enthusiastically. On his side of the call, he was in his dormitory- or more precisely, his bedroom- smiling like a weirdo. He wanted it to be a date, you know, make his move and stuff, but he just denied the fact when you asked. Oh, who cared, he considered it a date anyways- secretly. This boy moves fast. "I might have just found the one!" Jungkook told himself, followed up by a "How about you slow your roll there, partner." that came from one of his hyungs. It was true, he was acting too fast on you. But that didn't stop him, he felt a connection. Weird, I know, but he knew you were... -oh, how cliché can I get- special? Yeah, different. (cringes x10)

Back to you, you were blushing, though smiling like a dog that finds out it's going on a walk. You set your alarm for 8 AM in the morning and did your night routine: brush teeth, wash face and clean off makeup. You decided to take a shower when you awoke the next morning.

You slept right after. (wow surprising ikr)


I know, I know, this is shorter than usual. Like 500 words less, but I don't want to cut through the date to switch chapter after about 1500 words (because I don't want to overwhelm you guys with a 2000+ word chapter) and I'm just feeling not so inspired (infires) at the moment. Deepest apologies, please forgive me :'(

I'll try to go back to the regular count of words next chapter! About 1500 words, so please look forward to it! Thanks for reading, and-- ...I hope you like the story so far??? Okay I'll just walk myself out,,

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