Chapter 15

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You were lying down on your bed- back faced to the sheets. Jungkook's arms were caging your body, his hands were on both sides of your head. His body was towering over your own. No, you weren't kissing, you both were playing some shitty game I don't want to take part in. It's, I, I just don't know. You're like just playing around some tag or something and he ended up caging you in. You were rolling around under him, trying to break free. Finally, you managed to push him away from you.

Jungkook stumbled back, falling on his ass, finishing by awkwardly sitting on your bed- surprised about his action as well. "Oh, oops. Sorry, didn't know it was getting so intimate~" he smirked.

You stared in his eyes for a very long time. "Oppa,"

Jungkook suddenly deeply inhaled and exhaled, probably calming himself. Don't know why, ask him. "Yes, sunshine?"

"I think you should go home now. It's getting pretty late." you said.

This time, he was the one to pull away. "Aw, fine. I was having so much fun, though~" he replied, whining. "I'll just go steal some sweatpants and a shirt from noona, I hope she won't mind. When she comes back, tell her." he said oh-so-casually, saying his last sentences like nothing even happened, and got up off the bed you both were sitting on.

Blushing, you sat immobile. You watched as he walked across the hallway and entered Kyung's room, exiting shortly after with some large light grey sweats and a large white tee. You got up and peaked through your doorway and watched as he went into the bathroom, presumably to change.

You were still standing by your door when he exited. You stood there, silent. He turned his head to face you, "I'll come back another time. We can hang out again! This was fun!" he flashed his bunny smile.


You woke up the next morning, grumpy as ever. You completely forgot that, last night, you didn't eat dinner. That was almost more than fifteen hours without eating, which would drive you absolutely crazy if you were awake the whole time.

A grumble escaped your lips and you waddled down the stairs, heading towards the kitchen.

You made yourself some cereal and began to eat your breakfast while sitting on the kitchen island's stool. Even though you were very hungry, you were feeling weak. A cereal was the only thing you could manage to put together with your loss of energy.

As you began to sip up the milk from your bowl from the silver spoon, you started to think. Whoa, who would have ever thought that you could ever think! The times you preferred to take a nice a relaxing pause in life and think about things were: in the shower, when you eat alone, and also in your bed- just before you fall asleep.

You sighed, "Why did we do that?" you asked yourself aloud, remembering the weird Catch Me game, or whatever it was.

"Do what?" a sudden voice asked. You looked up and saw a sleepy and bed haired Kyung come wobbling down the staircase.

Surprised, you answered, "Oh, nothing."

"You're a terrible liar." she said, not convinced, "Did something happen last night?" Kyung tauntingly smirked and wiggled her eyebrows.

"No, nothing." you replied, trying to be believable. Your roommate wasn't a gullible person, unfortunately, so your attempt failed. "Spill." she demanded, brushing her hair with her fingers.

"I saw his abs-? Is that enough information to get you away from me and stop asking questions?" you added.

"Whoa! How were they?!" she began to squeal, but you popped her bubble immediately.

Teasing Maknae [Jungkook x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now